Things to Know About Lighting

Wud a single 27w 'cool white' CFL do to grow a single plant??? just threw the vega/grow stage

Sher, keep the light right down on the plant, 1 to 2 inches away. Get yourself a small white cardboard shipping box, tear it open and re-assemble so the white is on the inside and get some reflection working for you. Put that plant in the box, park the light right on top of it.

You wont set any speed records, but it will work and it will grow just fine. Try it out, let us know.
Yea i've seen them on ebay But i dont like when there is alot of choices:?. I'm newbie and i dont know what to choose!!!!! Want to help me??????:roll:

TOTALLY i would love too, heres my reccomendation bud.

High Tech Garden Supply

go with the digital 600 watter, and upgrade it to the euro hood, its air coolable.

Dont think you need a $100 heat extraction fan, you can gettho rig a $10 walmart fan and some black mylar to do the same thing.

the digi 600 watts are actually more efficient at light output than 1000 watters.

they can be placed closer and therefore achieve same lumens as the 1000's

just not as big as an area BUT at a whole lot less heat.

If you do go with either the 1000 (magnetic, the one I posted in the first message) or 600 (digi, the one link posted in this post) GET THE EURO HOOD upgrade.

And I reccomend using the light purely as a flowering light, dont go switchable ballast.

Also the reason I shot down the one light you showed us, isbecause the ballast was permenant on top of the fixture, you want a remote ballst with a 15' cord set.

All of which are standard at

Also use T8 flourescents from homedepot for VEGGIN, ($8.32 for a two light T8 fixture called the Shoplight you see it (get 5 of these $45), and for $30 the ten pack of 6500k daylight T8 bulbs, just make sure they are t8)

$75 for veg lights
$235.00 for flowering light.

you will make great bud, buddy

Here you have both of your needed light VEG and FLOWER, and can actually get a continuous stream of plants going.
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Ok so. This post is very usefull and informative. So ive got a 250w hps light in a 2.5 x 2.5 ft tent. Will this be enough to use for the whole life of my plants or should i consider getting a different light for the veg state and use my 250w hps for flowering only???? any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks.
Ok so. This post is very usefull and informative. So ive got a 250w hps light in a 2.5 x 2.5 ft tent. Will this be enough to use for the whole life of my plants or should i consider getting a different light for the veg state and use my 250w hps for flowering only???? any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks.
You should be fine with that light in that area for the whole process, if you want to you could use a MH for veg but it isn't a big deal. Keep on growing.
Jimmy spaz said it right there bud, since you have a rather small area it is possible you are very fine with the 250 watter HPS, you could get a MH conversion bulb, or even a new MH light all together, but its really not needed.

The HPS's spectrum isnt ideal for vegging although in fact way off, but it works none the less.
If you have not purchased a bulb yet and want to go with HPS all through veg and flower you should look into an HPS bulb with an extended blue spectrum. The blue spectrum increases the performance during the veg cycle and then bam, you have the hps for flower too. The best of both worlds ;)

If you have not purchased a bulb yet and want to go with HPS all through veg and flower you should look into an HPS bulb with an extended blue spectrum. The blue spectrum increases the performance during the veg cycle and then bam, you have the hps for flower too. The best of both worlds ;)

Yes indeed, I use Sunmaster super deluxe 1000 watt Hps bulbs because they have extended blue spectrums. I'm sure they arew avaiulable in lower watrtages too.
They also have DUAL arc lights, that are essentially two light in one, a MH and HPS.

anyone ever used one of these???
i got a quick question. i acquired a 1500watt /600v mogul, could i splice it to a good extension cord and use a 125w cfl on it?

I used a two foot growlux tube out of a fishtank the last time i grew anything.
I was told that was the best thing to use.
But that was twenty years ago.
Plus i did"nt know what i was doing.

Growlux tubes ??? any info ???
I use a pair of 4' gro-lux tubes for clones. They don't really produce enough lumens for much else though. You could veg with them if you had no other option but I'm sure you couldn't flower without a lot more light.
I use a pair of 4' gro-lux tubes for clones. They don't really produce enough lumens for much else though. You could veg with them if you had no other option but I'm sure you couldn't flower without a lot more light.

Cheers :mrgreen:
Thank you very much this was more then helpful. I just switched to high pressure sodium and I can tell a difference in my crop. This site is very helpful!!!!!!!
could i use 2 70w-high-pressue-sodium in a barral of green or a rubber maid set up to grow 2 or 3 plants?
The highest output LED Siemens list is 1000 lumens for 50 watts which would be 20 lumens per watt. Most will be less between 10 and 15 lumens per watt. I hope this helps.
i want to buy 4, 100watt, LED panels. each has 112, 10mm LED's on a 30x30cm panel.
color is bright red. each one will cost about 120 canadian dollars. any advice?
HPS's are cheaper in the long run, you'll end paying more in total to match lumens of HPS's with LED's. See my last post in this thread for details of lumen output.