test kit
vicks inhalers
vicks vapor rub inside a dust mask, swipe under the eyes
mdma+mushrooms = the BEST sex EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was a fun ass night for sure
air plane rides
glow sticks
massagers (vibrating like lady bugs, ect)
LOUD ass music (dubstep, trance (my all time favorite), techno, jungle, drum and bass)
lazer lights
strobe lights (for bikes, ect)
sitting in a sub at a rave/club
nitrous balloons
SHARING WITH OTHER MI PEEPS.........especially me

bumps of K (ketamine/ketaset/ketajet)
good friends
hot tubs (use extreme caution, your body temp WILL rise, and can be risen to dangerous/life threatening levels w/o you knowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
plenty of h2o
i have
alot of piercings, so i put vibrating jewlery in some of them back in the day. still do for the g/f.