Things That Make You Go 'Ewww'


Active Member
Hey everybody,

Just thought I would make a thread that would be based upon things that make you go 'ewwww'!

I just thought this thread could bring up some hilariously disgusting things for anyone that would like to venture into this thread. I know most of us being smokers would have stumbled across some extremely foul things while crawling the deep depths of the interweb :)


Well-Known Member
big fat old nasty woman . tight black pants you can see every layer of fat or her stomach hanging out to her knees or her nasty camel tow ! people that smell like body odor or funk. people that don't wash there hands after using the bathroom. you guys know 1 out of 10 people washes there hands after pissing . I don't shake hands only knock fists together . people that piss all over the toilet seat , because you know they do that at home and sit on there own piss. food all over some ones glasses . food in peoples teeth . or yellow teeth because they don't brush . a beard that does not grow al the way out in younger people so it just looks like total shit because they don't care about personal looks. lazy slobs. NOSE HAIRS stick out of there noses fucking nasty . mustache on a woman . my biggest thing is when I am taking a piss in the restroom at a store , and if you work there and don't wash your hands after doing your business. I tell the manager and insist you get fired or Ill call corporate . there is a big sigh on the door all employees must wash hands , and once I seen a guy come out of a bathroom stall not wash his hands . I got the manager told the manager at homedepot . guy was let go that day. nasty fucks


Well-Known Member
I'm doing spring cleanup on the highways right now, maybe I should take some pics. Road kill removal btw.


Well-Known Member
The other day i made a friend nearly puke with a wiff off the grinder of the exodus kush i have. It smells so pungently disgusting it makes me have pre puking coughs too sometimes, but in a good way like the taste of mdma, tastes like shit but you know whats coming will be pretty tits.


Well-Known Member
Sticky shit like gel on the back of my neck or the top of my ears makes me go eeewwww dont know why

ohh and this [video=youtube;NWptPCY_uOw][/video]


Well-Known Member
Ugg boots
Lima beans
Girls with ugly feet
Girls that smell bad
Throw up
Dog shit
Weed dried too fast
Potato bugs
Anal sex
Public bathrooms