things nooobs say that just make you lmfao

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I dont know why all the hate for the OP for this thread. I think it is funny and as a newbie myself I certainly have found my self with questions that if I had posted right away I would have regretted :).

I don't think there is anything wrong with asking for funny comments they have seen asked by new growers, I find it amusing. Reminds me of the TV show "Kids say the darndest things" and that show was not about slamming kids but how amusing naivety can be :)

Lighten up and share some anecdotal tales of "Noobs say the darndest things!", and just hope you done see any quotes from your own post:oops:
what makes me laugh are the people on this forum with the knowledge to help beginners, instead would rather make and comment on such an asinine thread as this,then actually lend a helping hand, along with a kind word to people wanting to learn.

Search my posts. Why make an asinine comment in an asinine thread?
There are many (too many) questions that are stickied and answered 457 times on this site.
When someone asks, "Is this a male or female" or "How much am I going to yield" those are really dumb questions.

People should try google with such dumb questions, or look at the stickies.

its obviously much more fun to stick out your finger and say " nanny nanny boo I know more than you!!" as if you were born with this knowledge. if no one ever helped you or gave a single word of advice carry on. but remember you were once a "noob" as well.

That is not it at all. It is just funny that people ask the same dumb questions without searching first. It points to an attitude of, "I am the most important person in the world, so help me."

I acquired growing knowledge the old fashioned way: I read everything I could get my hands on. Then I asked relevant questions in a respectful manner.
Don't mean to be sinister but Trousers is right. Most are lazy when it comes to research or just plain dumb when it comes to the interpretation of what they read.

When I was in highschool this one chick thought she could cheat off my test. Whilst she was leaning over to cheat off me... I was covering my sheet pretending to nap:sleep: whilst looking at her boobs lol:fire::hump: Someone that doesn't look up the info is a lazy research info cheater.

Knowledge is power peeps. If you have questions I'm sure the lot of us are willing to answer. Just annoying to see the same ones over again when all that had to be done was look.
I saw a good one recently. I have a friend on facebook, and one of her friends died. I was trolling her dead friend's profile because it was public and I was bored.

We live in a non-legal state, and he had a public picture standing next to some 6' outdoor plant in veg in native soil... of course throwing the dueces cuz you know... can't be gangsta without the dueces.

As if this wasn't nooby enough, one of the comments on the photo was... yo dawg dat some mids or dro? I know black people like calling kine/medicinal/dank whatever dro... but it's pretty fuckin silly if you ask me!
I saw a good one recently. I have a friend on facebook, and one of her friends died. I was trolling her dead friend's profile because it was public and I was bored.

We live in a non-legal state, and he had a public picture standing next to some 6' outdoor plant in veg in native soil... of course throwing the dueces cuz you know... can't be gangsta without the dueces.

As if this wasn't nooby enough, one of the comments on the photo was... yo dawg dat some mids or dro? I know black people like calling kine/medicinal/dank whatever dro... but it's pretty fuckin silly if you ask me!
Cuz DAT be some midro bro!! ROTFLMFAO!!!
Im a noob myself but ive been reading alot on this site, the one that makes me chuckle every time is when they spell nutes like nuts and say they just threw some nuts in the dirt. That cracks me up every time :lol:
the best ever was "Herman"...still trying to figure out who the hell he is

....sure don't miss the days of bmeat...the noob from HELL
I acquired growing knowledge the old fashioned way: I read everything I could get my hands on. Then I asked relevant questions in a respectful manner.
For some of us the old fashioned way wasn't reading but actually doing. Helping in the family garden, I think general gardening is making a bit of a comeback thankfully. Its amazing what a little practice of cloning amd topping on say basil and mint can prepare someone for cannabis.
I like when they explain....I am not a newb, I have grown outdoor before this is just my first time in door! Or I am not really a newb, this is my 3rd time growing...then follows up with basic newb question.
For some of us the old fashioned way wasn't reading but actually doing. Helping in the family garden, I think general gardening is making a bit of a comeback thankfully. Its amazing what a little practice of cloning and topping on say basil and mint can prepare someone for cannabis.

Growing pot was just a simple transition for those of us raised with a family farm or back yard garden . I was forced lol and taught to garden at a young age so growing weed is my second nature in a sense .
Are my plants ready?
One week later....
Are my plants ready?
One week later....
Are my plant ready?...

Need advice!
What lights do I need?
What should I grow in?
What should I feed them?
How many hours should the lights be on?
Btw they are 2 weeks into flower.

I hate the people who search out the info after they need it.

And my all time personal fav, My PC fan is good enough to cool my 600W HPS! Right?
For some of us the old fashioned way wasn't reading but actually doing. Helping in the family garden, I think general gardening is making a bit of a comeback thankfully. Its amazing what a little practice of cloning amd topping on say basil and mint can prepare someone for cannabis.
Horticulture outdoors and growing veggies taught me more than all the pot grow books combined...and I have read most pot grow books if not all...whaich leads me to add FUCK ED AND JORGE...they know how to write books. They know squat about growing.

And noobs and " It says in the grow bible"..AARRRGGGGHHH!!!
is this a I need to change my lights to 12/ 23 watts enough many pounds will it yield?


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Im a noob myself but ive been reading alot on this site, the one that makes me chuckle every time is when they spell nutes like nuts and say they just threw some nuts in the dirt. That cracks me up every time :lol:
TBH even though I use it ITS NOT NUTRIENTS!!! ITS FERTILIZERS!! These are not animals.
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