things i have learned from republicans this week

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
you had a "romney 4 president" sig and a major fucking conniption when obama won (in yet another landslide).

don't play dumb, rabbit. you don't need to.
I never voted. You lefties are too easy. Too bad El "Wordz" Tiberon isn't on my side. He's way smarter than you.


Well-Known Member
I learned that UB couldnt tell a conservative from a Republican if they were different colors...


Well-Known Member
I learned that UB couldnt tell a conservative from a Republican if they were different colors...
was it a conservative or a republican who told me that forest fires cause global warming?

was it a conservative or a republican who told me to draw iran's route to the sea?

was it a conservative or a republican who told me the earth was cooling, even though we just got through the hottest two decades on record?

was it a conservative or a republican who told me that we could get domestic oil from alberta?

was it a conservative or a republican who told me that the liberal media was putting out months worth of fake polls?

you tell me, child.


Well-Known Member
What is the point of all this republican righteousness if there is no debate to be had? Here are a bunch of examples of ridiculous notions and all I see is name-calling and a big right handed circle jerk. It seems odd to me that race is such an issue and that politics is a reason to hate one and other. I enjoy talking about issues with anybody with half a brain and isn't just hating. I lean toward the left....does that automatically make me an over-the-top liberal? If we cant have a little respect for the opposite views what is the point of having a country? Why care about it?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Seriously? Isn't he the one that believed the garden of Eden was in Missouri?
I'm about as atheist as you can get. The only difference between me and your normal atheist liberal is I'm an: individualist, and capitalist. I believe government should stay out of 99% of what we do. This country is for the people and by the people. Not so some politicians can spend tax payer money to fuck your 13 year old boys on a vacation. The government has no business taking out dictators because we feel they're treating the people in that country unfairly. Screw them. That country can fix its own damn problems. The government should provide a means to educate, not to indoctrinate and condition children to listen to bells and perform an action, we'er humans not some fucking dog. Religion should stay out of politics, no more 501c garbage. The state is only here to make sure those who practice violence are stopped, not to encourage it and especially not just sit back watching rioters loot, rape and murder. Vices aren't crimes. A crime only happens when you violate another person against their will or coerce them into doing something, if asked, would say, "no, I didn't want to, but I was scared what they would do if I said no."

There's many more convictions I have. So go ahead call me a Republican or whatever else you want. I don't care because it doesn't change who I am no matter what you try to say or attach a label. Got it, Wordz?


Well-Known Member
I think you would have a tough time on your own. 1% of govt services would not allow a quality of life that you take for granted to exist. It is just hot air until you dismiss the democratic system.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I think you would have a tough time on your own. 1% of govt services would not allow a quality of life that you take for granted to exist. It is just hot air until you dismiss the democratic system.
The state does more harm than good. I left my parents 17 years ago. The state ain't my parent nor nanny. The government doesn't provide ONE service. It only steps in as a middleman for private industry and also allows those with the most power complete control over our lives.


Well-Known Member
Guns dont help when your house is set on fire from all four sides and you are inside it. Do they help you when your family is taken instead and executed on the street in front of your house? Eventually you will need food and water. It is a simple waiting game. You would lose 100% of the time no matter the amount of weapons you have. Your weapons did not help you wind Iraq and Afghanistan did they? You got your monkey ass kicked by 2 global south countries and only caused a power vacuum. Your guns dont scare anyone. Do you think your are the only one with them? The people of Bogota were tossing live grenades and shooting police. You cowards would never grow enough ballsack to do something like that. You would roll over and let someone fuck you in the ass first.
The internet tough guy says guns don't work, yet they seem to be pretty effective for everyone else. He spouts his nonsense on the internet, but we're the


Well-Known Member
I will accept that label. I will also dance when we breed you lily white devils off this planet. There is nothing you can do to stop this from happening.
Well, we could just kill you. But we're better than that. Better than you, apparently.


Well-Known Member
The state does more harm than good. I left my parents 17 years ago. The state ain't my parent nor nanny. The government doesn't provide ONE service. It only steps in as a middleman for private industry and also allows those with the most power complete control over our lives.
What is the answer in your view? Free for all? How do we coexist with no central leadership?


Well-Known Member
You are the neanderthal of the modern age. A race that is meant to be bred out. Only the strong survive on this planet and you are slowly disappearing and will soon be gone. It is not your fault that yo are weak. It is genetics and you can not control that. Be a man and accept your fate. Viva La Raza!
I really have to thank you for demonstrating the true colors of La Raza to our libtard friends. You paying attention, Buckhead? So, your definition of being a man is to lie down and die? Or hiding behind the internet and pretending to be a bad ass? Funny, I've known a couple Colombians, and they weren't pussies. I guess you're the exception.


Well-Known Member
The brown man will own this planet by year 2200 and your people will be close to extinction. The Muslims will handle the Jews. The Mexicans will handle the white gringos. Before you are even dead, you will see yourself as a minority in your own country. This will be the beginning of your end. Your politicians will not be able to be elected because Latinos will have their seats. Your attempts to prevent Latino progress will cease and desist and laws will be made that benefit the new majority. We learned these lessons from you white boy and payback is a bitch. Soon your descendants will be mowing the lawns of the brown man. Your women will clean out homes. She will give her pussy away freely in the hopes of a better life and then be home to you. Your children will be beaten every day in school while they are growing up. The ghettos will become filled with the lily white peoples. You will learn what repression is about and how it feels to be persecuted and stepped on for the color of your skin.
Your forgetting the Muslims will "handle" you, too. But thanks again for showing us why we should deport the foreigners instead of welcoming them. Funny how you claim we will "soon" be doing what you are doing now. I've noticed you don't seem to mind taking advantage of those from the barrio yourself.


Well-Known Member
That's an exercise for you. There's plenty information out there. I suggest reading some essays by Lysander Spooner.
I am just curious to how you view the ideal society? I know my views....I just want to see if you have more to say than what doesn't work. Is there a better alternative? It is a fair question and I ask a lot of them and rarely get a response or some lazy reply. I am interested in what people think and why.....what is the point otherwise?


Well-Known Member
Who is this "you" whom you speak of? I don't vote. It's so much funnier watching both your sides get in a pissing match and act like you got some change. I think how we could make this world a better place is by adopting the Columbian money format. Everyone would become 100.000% richer!
Dude you'd a full blown shit-fit when Obama won...

Many of us remember this... I kept posting pics of Obama smiling to rile you up.

Good times...


Well-Known Member
When is the last time you saw 400.000 US dollars from your own business in the US? I live much better than you white boy. You assume entirely too much about me. This shows your lack of education. Ask your fat wife not to burn your trailer down while frying bologna up for your family meal on Sunday.
$400.00? Are you kidding? I make more than that in 2 days. So much for your education. I was really Laughing Out Loud!