

Hello fellow growers

I need your advice in this delicate matter. I have outside seven beautiful plants 2 meters high. I was really excited when i saw em and i tough that place where i grow em is super safe. That wasn't entirely true because i decided like month ago to plant there another 2 auto-flowerings. They were small but really nice but the other day when i went there to water em my little beauties were gone. Some dumb fuck stole em from me and he saw the big ones iam sure. He didnt touch the big ones yet but i am really concerned about it.

What do you think i should do now how do i protect em ? I am really desperate and will be glad for any idea.

PS : Thief wasn't really a pro because stolen plants was too young to smoke.

Sorry for my English.


Well-Known Member
if there out in the bush and its not your land you can't do anything. Only thing you can do is leave a note and let them no you have them on camera or something or maybe set up a deer camera and see if you can get the person on video but once again not your land its fair game in the eyes of a thief. You can chop them down so he can't get them but either way your going to lose out.

Ps if you can move them ( up root them ) then you might have a chance but its a lose lose situation in my eyes


Well-Known Member
Definitely up root them and move them ASAP, even if it's just a few thousand feet it's better than leaving them, they'll get tired of looking around the area for them and think you pulled them. Good luck bro, bring a bucket or even about 4 garbage bags per plant and wet them a bit when you place them in the transport medium. Then re plant wherever is safe or use pots/growbags in case you have to do it again.