they're here........


Well-Known Member
the night moth have arrived. with them comes the dreaded "bud worm". i sit outside just after the sun sets behind the horizon. here they come. big brown moths. they zero in on the tightest buds forming and land. then lay an egg and fly away. couple days later the egg hatches. tiny little caterpillar. i found that by the time they are big enough to actually see they have done their damage. this year i am spraying BT. started about 2 weeks ago with a light misting of the whole garden. hit them again 2 nights ago. hopefully this year i can keep them under control. i am avoiding molasses because i think the smell attracts more moths.


Well-Known Member
i know a good big killer,i think he goes by the name of ....oh yeah DALE GRIBBEL!lol,but really will they tear the plants butt naked?


Well-Known Member
they eat down the center of the stalks. the buds just fall apart. inside is a big gob of rot.


Well-Known Member
how about flies?,can they do any damage?ive noticed the last few days that there have been up 2 2o flies a day per plant,but the trip is,none of them can even fly!they just crawl around,i thought maybe they were getting high of the plant,....


Well-Known Member
they come in like dive bombers. beautiful sunset in the background. little bastards. gonna get me a butterfly net and run thru the jungle. hahahha


Well-Known Member
Put a pot on your head and grab a slingshot. Now that'll be funny.

But seriously, after they hatch and leave the all of it garbage? Or can you slavage a little?


Well-Known Member
i live in wisconsin and havent noticed and moths on or by my plants yet. but i will start looking. are they comin here too?


Well-Known Member
Put a pot on your head and grab a slingshot. Now that'll be funny.

But seriously, after they hatch and leave the all of it garbage? Or can you slavage a little?

they leave poop everywhere. sometimes you can find them by following the poop trail into the buds. the bud kinda grows around them, encasing them within to eat all they want with no worries of predators being able to get to them. i've seen one dead fan leaf on a big huge cola. reached out and picked it, wondering what was up. huge chunk of the bud just falls off. poop falls all over the sticky buds below. big inch and a half caterpillar is in there smiling. i pop them and green stuff squirts everywhere. gross. :evil:


Well-Known Member
hey bro.. anything for you... your grow is soooo huge... i have some big plants but they are straight up rather than bushy. very nice grow fdd


Well-Known Member
I had them pretty bad a few years ago, though lately not as many, all i can do is hope and pray. nothing worse than getting a bag and finding a still living grub in it, kids around here call them thc grubs, and i have even heard of kids smoking them, thinking they must be pretty much "pure thc" from eating buds all day, lol dumb kids...


Well-Known Member
ya smoke that shit little man it's pure thc like a fucking tequila worm you'll get fucked up and shit!!eat i can just see it :)


Too many brownies
I had them pretty bad a few years ago, though lately not as many, all i can do is hope and pray. nothing worse than getting a bag and finding a still living grub in it, kids around here call them thc grubs, and i have even heard of kids smoking them, thinking they must be pretty much "pure thc" from eating buds all day, lol dumb kids...



Active Member
so they come with moths? we were wondering what and how they were invading our buds. and you are right about, they are so small, and by the time you find them, they are done doing their dirty work. Oh and by the way, what is BT? and have you heard any other ways of iliminating them? Thanks for saying where and how they get there. and its seems its always about this time every year. they suck the life right out of the plant, and it turns to brown dust. Its awful. Thanks again, Legalbeagal63