They just wont grow...


Active Member
Im new to growing and picked up a few clones atleast a month and a half ago and the danm things just dont seem to want to grow fast at all. they look like i got them at most a week or two ago. Ill start with my set up:
-600w hps conversion bulb
-24/0 light cycle
-orginally in half and half of light warrior/ocean forest just moved to all light warrior about a week ago
-temp 65 at night up to 80 during day
-humidity generally 20-30%
-loads of air circulation

please take a look at the pictures and give me any advice as to why the danm things wont start taking off. they should be atleast double there size by now. I got my friend some clones at the same time and his plants have just been growing like crazy, its making me rip my hair out and getting ready to just throw everything out and start off fresh



Well-Known Member
Not an expert on nutes but they look nute locked..maybe you gave to much nutes, i see some discoloration and some bronzing...leaf curling etc....and over all droopy...are you giving any nutes...?? or maybe none at all...???


Active Member
i havent been giving them much nutes. i think the soil mix i used originally was too hot so i gave them all a flush and moved them about a week and a half ago into soil that doesnt have plant food already in it. when i moved them i gave the grapes 350ppm and the rest 200ppm of 3-3-3 and then they didnt need water for a whole week and gave them just plain water the next time
so are they just screwed from the begging and im better off just starting over or do they need more nutes any better ideas

and heres a pick of the same grape ape clone that is probally even a week younger that my buddy is growing



Well-Known Member
did they perk up when you flushed/watered them? You've got a shit-ton of perlite in there, so it's hard to believe they only need watering once per week. Put in some plain water and see if they perk up. That looks like my mix and about the same size pots and I water probably around 1 quart per day. Mine are bigger, but still ... once per week?


Well-Known Member
oh and don't throw them out. they may be slower than if you picked up fresh clones, but you need to figure out your water/nute issues before you waste more money and clones. you'd be surprised how quickly they perk up when you figure it out.


Active Member
there hasnt been any difference in the perk of the plants with flushing/watering
they just dont seem to be taking the water up quickly cause i only water them with a small 500ml water bottle per 3 gallon pot. is there something possibly wrong with the roots or could they just be small enough that it takes so long to drain the water out of such large pots but light warrior isnt suppost to hold water like that
now the white rhinos that are droopy have just been like that ever since i put them in soil


Well-Known Member
500mL is not much water for a three gallon pot. with a root system that's not well-developed it needs to stay pretty hydated. i usually calibrate watering so that it starts to drain out the bottom (or they tell me they need more/less water). that's why i love so much perlite - it's really hard to overwater.

how much water did you flush with?


Active Member
i flushed them when they were in only 1 gallon pots and ended up flushing each one of them with only probally about a gallon because i just went off of what the ppm of the run off was and that much water dropped all them down to about 150ppm
then just to see if it would make a difference i flushed one of the rhinos when it was moved and i made sure to use 6 gallons to do a full flush and it doesnt look any better then the others and if anything it looks a little yellow and the soil still feels a little moist a few inches down after about 8 days of 24 light cycle
this is the rhino that got the FULL flush


Well-Known Member
that's good work eliminating variables. now you know they're not locked out or overfertilized. all you can do now is make sure to water appropriately and slowly reintroduce nutes.

what kind of light are you under and what is your friend under with his clone?


Active Member
im using a 600w hps but with a conversion bulb so it gives out the blues and no reds
hes using a 400w mh and he has just as many plants(7)

when watering should they get nutes every time? cause at this point they get it more like every other time


Well-Known Member
so to be honest I'm not familiar with the TDS measurements for fertilizing. I use a botanicare liquid fert, which I was giving two on, one off with watering. Since I built a drip irrigation system I weakened the solution and water every time. I would start at 1/4 strength of what is prescribed by the bottle, see how the plants react, and go from there. I assume you're using a complete fertilizer with micros and all that.

How far is the light from the plants?


Well-Known Member
you might back it up a little bit. that's a lot of light. just give 'em some weak nutes and some time i guess.


Well-Known Member
not heat, light. the root system is not that developed, so it's difficult for the plant to get enough water/nutrients to support all the photosynthesis from the light. i start clones with much much less light - one t5. these are much bigger than my clones, obviously, but if you start them with that much light they will surely not appreciate it. start far and then bring the light in as they develop roots. i don't know what your root system looks like obviously but 600W MH is pushing the plants pretty hard.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna say the soil is kind of dry but i thought not too....I water mine till the water is coming out of the bottom of the tray. and let it get all dry before i water again...I dont have a schedule because some days they take in more...