They got the second amendment

Did you just fall off the turnip truck last night? That's my entire point!
Straight to the insults I see... :clap:

I have to jump through hoops to get a permit to purchase a handgun. Bullshit background check that takes 6 months(Police Chief sits on them) when it should only take a phone call to NICS.
That's why I always disagree with any new gun laws that only make it harder to buy firearms in my state...
There are *estimated* almost 400 million non-registered firearms in the USA. How does a country enforce a rule to convince those owners to register their weapons? They are not registered.... we don't know where they are. Even if the entire gun manufacturing trade was shut down tomorrow, we would still have a gun issue for the very long future.

Add to the fact you can 3d print the majority of a gun nowadays... and it isn't explicitly illegal to do
Straight to the insults I see... :clap:

I have to jump through hoops to get a permit to purchase a handgun. Bullshit background check that takes 6 months(Police Chief sits on them) when it should only take a phone call to NICS.
That's why I always disagree with any new gun laws that only make it harder to buy firearms in my state...
Sorry bud hanging on a weed site and claiming moral high ground all while lying on a gun permit about weed ...Not even close
That should have been, I've grown weed too, but I see what you did there...
Haven't owned a gun in 21 years, no worries. I'm not
The problem with guns isn't the guns.

It's a complete lack of accountability.

Licensed gun sellers are made to jump through all kinds of hoops, but once that gun is sold there are literally no laws in the vast majority of states to control them.
Not entirely correct. I’ve known a FFL- holder whose storefront was the trunk of his car. He *did* have buyers do the paperwork, but considered it a “necessary dodge” and he was very upfront about not KEEPING them so that he would never be forced to turn them over. He would have been right at home invading the Capitol: an aggressive, antisocial, bad-tempered hombre if I ever met one (spoiler alert - I’ve met *bunches*). Even without his assurances, I have no doubt there are more than enough rogue FFL tramps out there.

‘Course, that was 30+ years ago, so something could have changed.
as you allude
Hey, don't shoot the messenger, I just quoted what was written by another.

You post a scrap of text, refuse to or just plain *can’t* argue for it, discuss it, or even comment on it beyond this extremely lame ‘don’t blame me’? That makes you a parrot, not a messenger.
Straight to the insults I see... :clap:

I have to jump through hoops to get a permit to purchase a handgun. Bullshit background check that takes 6 months(Police Chief sits on them) when it should only take a phone call to NICS.
That's why I always disagree with any new gun laws that only make it harder to buy firearms in my state...
Your post doesn't square with this:

While most checks are instant, the FBI actually has three days to complete the background check before the transfer can be proceed. The investigation can continue well past three days and, in cases in which the firearm was transferred after the three-day window, the case is referred to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) for retrieval of the firearm.


So, what's going on with you? Only 1% of background checks result in rejection.
And guns like that are problematic as well.

What we need are universal background checks on ALL sales.

What this will do is slowly start eliminating the illegal gun trade.

It will take decades to start really showing solid results, but it will work. It's worked everywhere It's been used.
It doesn't matter anymore. People are able to build their own guns now, with no serials.
Who are you selling it too? A properly Licensed individual? I think not...

No clue what state you live in but sounds like the wild west.
In my state when I sell a handgun to someone I must fill out paper work in triplicate, one for me(seller), one for the buyer and one for the State.
You must be in Illinois. It's like the only state that requires that.
Straight to the insults I see... :clap:

I have to jump through hoops to get a permit to purchase a handgun. Bullshit background check that takes 6 months(Police Chief sits on them) when it should only take a phone call to NICS.
That's why I always disagree with any new gun laws that only make it harder to buy firearms in my state...
Your comfort is not anybody else's problem.
I'd happily do everything in the bill to have a world where people didn't need to worry about mass murder where we worship, educate our children, govern, & work.

Why would you rather have children training for mass shooters at school?