They don't call me Hashman for nothing

And smoke butane? Phhh...
Better off sniffing gas...
If you do things right and winterize after you blast you aint smoking butane. You could even vaccume purge to get any extra gases out. In my opinion its easier and much better smoke. But to each there own.
Plus depeneding on if ur making hash for sale or for consumption im willing to bet the market for dabs is bigger
Fuck making hash blast that shit into some dabs. Super easy to do

How do you do it?

Handheld glass or some such thing. Coffee filters and Butane.
Are we using highly refined butane?
Unbleached filter paper?
Purge the results several times?

I sure hope it's done outdoors. If you do it in the humid summer months the butane pulls moisture into the blast results outdoors. Yuk....
Do it inside and blow your ass and the house up.
You hear about 4-6 or more people around here. Blowing up trailers/houses,barns and the like, every year.

If you do it? Do it safely!

I still want a closed loop, Butane recovering system.
Don't know if I'll ever break down and do it though.
Shit KILLS your tolerance levels.

I see too many people walking around and blasting for dabs because they can't control their smoking habits.

"I started dabs because it's so powerful man. Like as close to tripping without the dose's, as you can get. Now I dab because smoking the weed doesn't get me that high anymore."

Actual quote from a friend. I feel sorry for him. I mean I'd rather have the dab on a special occasion and enjoy the eye popping goodness.
I prefer smoking the weed though. Tastes better, a lot better.
Now hash, That's money and gifting material to me.
I do sprinkle some in some special joints from time to time.
Nice to watch some of the "non - stop" smokers go,,,,"Shit, what was that? No I'm good (next joint or bowl passed). I'll wait a bit. What ever that joint was, I'm squint eye'd for now."

It's something I have fun with at Christmas parties too. I threw a party some years back. I made like, little cat turd looking hash rolls. I set some on the floor in my house at particular spots and didn't say anything. I was waiting.
Sure enough, a friend saw one and came over to point it out saying. Um, hey, a, your cat left you a gift over there by the curtain, on the floor.
I said, Holy shit! (loudly and making a grand dash across the room to gain attention of all there. It worked, all eye's were on me.)
I picked up the "cat turd" and said, "oh, you mean this cat shit?" At that point I put the thing up to my nose and then quickly in my mouth and said, "Mmmmmm!"

You should have seen the responses to that!

Once it was all explained and that there were other little "kitty" gift's about the house to be found (stay out of the laundry room - litter box's are real).
All thought it was a great joke.....He, He, He.

Hash is fun. In more ways then one.

I make oil with a closed loop/recovery then mix/press/warm my gold kief with the oil until its a beautiful cake with the consistency of old school Lebanese, the stuff we got wrapped in red cellophane. Its the best tasting stoning hashish I ever had and we love it momma! I reserve dabbing for maybe once a month, or if I'm in need of an instant blotto but I prefer a full on joint most often.
How do you do it?

Handheld glass or some such thing. Coffee filters and Butane.
Are we using highly refined butane?
Unbleached filter paper?
Purge the results several times?

I sure hope it's done outdoors. If you do it in the humid summer months the butane pulls moisture into the blast results outdoors. Yuk....
Do it inside and blow your ass and the house up.
You hear about 4-6 or more people around here. Blowing up trailers/houses,barns and the like, every year.

If you do it? Do it safely!

I still want a closed loop, Butane recovering system.
Don't know if I'll ever break down and do it though.
Shit KILLS your tolerance levels.

I see too many people walking around and blasting for dabs because they can't control their smoking habits.

"I started dabs because it's so powerful man. Like as close to tripping without the dose's, as you can get. Now I dab because smoking the weed doesn't get me that high anymore."

Actual quote from a friend. I feel sorry for him. I mean I'd rather have the dab on a special occasion and enjoy the eye popping goodness.
I prefer smoking the weed though. Tastes better, a lot better.
Now hash, That's money and gifting material to me.
I do sprinkle some in some special joints from time to time.
Nice to watch some of the "non - stop" smokers go,,,,"Shit, what was that? No I'm good (next joint or bowl passed). I'll wait a bit. What ever that joint was, I'm squint eye'd for now."

It's something I have fun with at Christmas parties too. I threw a party some years back. I made like, little cat turd looking hash rolls. I set some on the floor in my house at particular spots and didn't say anything. I was waiting.
Sure enough, a friend saw one and came over to point it out saying. Um, hey, a, your cat left you a gift over there by the curtain, on the floor.
I said, Holy shit! (loudly and making a grand dash across the room to gain attention of all there. It worked, all eye's were on me.)
I picked up the "cat turd" and said, "oh, you mean this cat shit?" At that point I put the thing up to my nose and then quickly in my mouth and said, "Mmmmmm!"

You should have seen the responses to that!

Once it was all explained and that there were other little "kitty" gift's about the house to be found (stay out of the laundry room - litter box's are real).
All thought it was a great joke.....He, He, He.

Hash is fun. In more ways then one.

I do use very high quality butane. Vector is real good and i recently tried some n-butane. I do it in a very well ventilated garage. Door halfway opened while doing it. I then do a process called winterizing witch pulls out a lot of the shit that we just dont wanna be smoking. Its safe as long as your safe about it. Of coarse your gunna have some idiot blasting dabs in there apartment bathroom that makes it look dangerous cause there idiots. Its just personal preference that i enjoy dabs more then hash. Im a dab after work then joints the rest of night kind of guy. I also would like to get me a closed looped system but for now the blasting through a tube is working fine. Just was trying to give other options for what to do with trim.
Do you use a bic lighter to spark your bowls?
Yes.... but that is hardly the same thing. The butane is already burned off before the flame hits the hash. Plus... you only need to hit the hash ones with the lighter and then you're good.
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If you do things right and winterize after you blast you aint smoking butane. You could even vaccume purge to get any extra gases out. In my opinion its easier and much better smoke. But to each there own.
So you add alcohol to the butane as well? Hahahaha..

The purge may get rid of some off it but not all of it. Not even close... petrochemicals permeate on a molecular level.

No shortage of people who smoked purged BHO that have claimed severe illness as a result... google it up...
Also no shortage of people who go this route over making hash. Im not any expert here at all. But theres plenty of people doing it this way with great results. Myself i would like to get a system where i could blast with co2. And the alcohol evaps off if u do it right so thats not really a worry of mine
Dry ice hash is the way I've been doing it for years.
Me too.
Best bang for your buck. Fast, easy, less mess, great yield. Artisans of the bubble will knock its purity, but i dont have time to waste litterally splitting hairs.

I used to make pretty potent butter with the left overs (i only shake it out once), but i wonder about trying something different this time....any ideas? Or do just toss it?
Hey I never I said it was perfect. I have bought many times from dispensary and looks pretty much just like this. I sell it all day for 25$ a gram. If you find that here in Ohio it isn't for sale and it's junk. This shit is really good. Maybe not your quality but we eat and pay our bills from this hash
Dude you was bound to get someone that would say a negative comment ,Looks great looks ok to me,I get a sim end product beating over a screen,then repeating over tighter screens with a gentle rub.The Dry ice Method, is by far the best way i have found ,but i struggle getting dry ice
I am no artisan but I do love my bubble! I usually do 2 really short runs for the best quality, than I run until it starts coming out green. I ain't f@#king with the butane. I have had a couple top notch dabs but still like my hash, everyone has their preference.
I have been making a batch and sometimes 2 every two weeks since July and I think I only have enough for 3 more batches and then my own will be ready for process. I get from a guy who does up 10-15 pounds of bud every year, 44 plants makes a lot of shake, and did a couple bud batches... mmmmmm bubble!
42 grams from 700grams of fresh frozen trim. Dry ice hash
i am surprised you are not getting a better return. we have been using the 120 bags and using 1lb dry ice for 56 gr of good trim and getting 17% return. very very clean. shaking for about 2 min.
harvesting now and will have about a pound of trim. really looking forward to shaking. but such a pain to get the dry ice.