They are ready to flower! Only a couple problems(pics)

rock lobster

Well-Known Member
1 plant is 16" the other 2 are 12 and 14".

I want to start flowering but it seems that these plants are drooping a little too much (maybe im paranoid). I flushed them about 3 days ago because im almost positive the browning is from nutrient burn. Does the brown ever come.back to life? How long can it take for the droopiness to stop

also I was wondering if anyone could help me do a simple feeding schedule for my flowering. I burnt em on the veg so im really trying not to do this again. I bought floranova bloom. One part nutrient. And am using sunshine soiless. Its 1 to 3 tbsp per gallon depending on stage of growth.

Thanks in advance.


Definate nute burn! the brown never goes away,it just crumples off. Check your nutes website for a feeding schedual, and keep reading the forum. Don't kill them with attention, and over feeding. Keep an eye on your PH, probably the most important.


Well-Known Member
1 plant is 16" the other 2 are 12 and 14".

I want to start flowering but it seems that these plants are drooping a little too much (maybe im paranoid). I flushed them about 3 days ago because im almost positive the browning is from nutrient burn. Does the brown ever come.back to life? How long can it take for the droopiness to stop

also I was wondering if anyone could help me do a simple feeding schedule for my flowering. I burnt em on the veg so im really trying not to do this again. I bought floranova bloom. One part nutrient. And am using sunshine soiless. Its 1 to 3 tbsp per gallon depending on stage of growth.

Thanks in advance.
They look fine just back off the nutes a little bit. I would start 1/4 of reccomended dosage and gradually add more till you see a slight burn then you go back to the last dosage and keep at it. Thats the way to know how much your plant can handle. Yes, you can flower them anytime right now.


Well-Known Member
Yo you git in da sunshine mix 4 butt how much nutes
yo're feeding'em. In ppm's is the preferred method
of measuring for me when feeding. Not 1-3 tbs per
gallon this is a lot of nutes. Are yo sure it's tbs and not tsp?
Cause I use ff big grow or tiger blood and their measured
in TSP............. But if it's something like big bloom it's measure
in tbs~

Yo you check the da ppm & ph with a meter?

rock lobster

Well-Known Member
Yo you git in da sunshine mix 4 butt how much nutes
yo're feeding'em. In ppm's is the preferred method
of measuring for me when feeding. Not 1-3 tbs per
gallon this is a lot of nutes. Are yo sure it's tbs and not tsp?
Cause I use ff big grow or tiger blood and their measured
in TSP............. But if it's something like big bloom it's measure
in tbs~

Yo you check the da ppm & ph with a meter?
i check ph, but not ppm.