‘They Are Looking For A Reason To Kill A Black Man:’ Ohio Cop Under Fire For Facebook Post

Ah, thanks for thinking of me, princess. Hey look, liberals calling a Conservative a racist...who'd a thunk it? Just tack on Faux News, Faux News and Booooosh and we would have the entirety of attacks your addled brains can manage.
I get the feeling you've hacked up that sputum.1000x, fucking sickly farm animal.
Ah, thanks for thinking of me, princess. Hey look, liberals calling a Conservative a racist...who'd a thunk it? Just tack on Faux News, Faux News and Booooosh and we would have the entirety of attacks your addled brains can manage.
Addled by what? marijuana? And proudly so. Get the fuck out of here muylocoNarC.
Some cop dicks are in need of warming.
I'd say muyloco is the fat one. :lol:


Flaming pie is the short fat one, you know Boss Hogg in drag. Muyloco is the tall dude in the shorts on the right. Big and stupid or else he would have been a cop a long time ago. nlsxk1 is the "brains" lol in the middle. But he's not racist.
Flaming pie is the short fat one, you know Boss Hogg in drag. Muyloco is the tall dude in the shorts on the right. Big and stupid or else he would have been a cop a long time ago. nlsxk1 is the "brains" lol in the middle. But he's not racist.

Partly correct. I am over six feet tall and I've worn shorts nearly every day for the last 40 years. My native Californian roots have made all other forms of attire nearly unbearable my entire life. And for the record, while I don't subscribe to the ridiculous liberal narratives on almost anything, I have yet to find evidence that any race is superior. Geniuses (me) and idiots (you) abound in all of them. As a strong, black man, I judge all people based on their individual merits.
Partly correct. I am over six feet tall and I've worn shorts nearly every day for the last 40 years. My native Californian roots have made all other forms of attire nearly unbearable my entire life. And for the record, while I don't subscribe to the ridiculous liberal narratives on almost anything, I have yet to find evidence that any race is superior. Geniuses (me) and idiots (you) abound in all of them. As a strong, black man, I judge all people based on their individual merits.

So far I've been pretty good at reading people from the way they type. I knew you were a big guy from the flat succinct way you type. I knew NLSXK1 was isolated, some other dude I pegged from NJ or PA. I still don't think you're a black guy. If you are you're the biggest black asshole I have ever met. But there is something missing from your phrasing that makes me doubt you hard. There's an air of apathetic disconnectedness.
So far I've been pretty good at reading people from the way they type. I knew you were a big guy from the flat succinct way you type. I knew NLSXK1 was isolated, some other dude I pegged from NJ or PA. I still don't think you're a black guy. If you are you're the biggest black asshole I have ever met. But there is something missing from your phrasing that makes me doubt you hard. There's an air of apathetic disconnectedness.

Maybe you're on to something with the writing style/personal trait connection. But, it has some fine tuning to do if you have me pegged as anything other than black. It's a shame you weren't around when I was still gracing the village idiot with my attention and correctly diagnosed him with advanced delusionary schizophrenic OCD with involuntary narcissistic rage. Classic.
Maybe you're on to something with the writing style/personal trait connection. But, it has some fine tuning to do if you have me pegged as anything other than black. It's a shame you weren't around when I was still gracing the village idiot with my attention and correctly diagnosed him with advanced delusionary schizophrenic OCD with involuntary narcissistic rage. Classic.

You're masturbating again. Youre impotent , witless and proudly wear the distinction village idiot of struggleville.

Youve been pegged as a numb jackass from way way back. When it comes to delusions you are masterfully able to ignore the masses of evidence outting you as a bloated, laughably ignorant ass.
You're masturbating again. Youre impotent , witless and proudly wear the distinction village idiot of struggleville.

Youve been pegged as a numb jackass from way way back. When it comes to delusions you are masterfully able to ignore the masses of evidence outting you as a bloated, laughably ignorant ass.

Sorry, UB is the one and only village idiot. I gave him that crown six years before you ever thought of joining this forum. He's also the Grand High Poohbah of you liberal idiots. I get to assign all demeaning titles, because as is known throughout the land...I run this bitch up in here.
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Sorry, UB is the one and only village idiot. I gave him that crown six years before you ever thought of joining this forum. He's also the Grand High Poohbah of you liberal idiots. I get to assign all demeaning titles, because as is know throughout the land...I run this bitch up in here.
Dude shut the fuck up. You cant determine shit , fucking hick half wit.