these seeds just aint opening


Well-Known Member
also some bag seeds may be very old, or not mature enough to sprout.. if they were brownish or grey color with maybe a few stripes then their good, however who knows what they went through to get to your hands and may no longer be viable.. when i germ bag seeds it usually takes me a couple of batches of weed before i get good ones that sprout..


Active Member
not sure if its effective or not but it's always been dependable for me, pinch the seed in your fingers, tight but not too tight, if it pops it's a preme and wouldn't of germinated. But i've only heard this one from a small crowd, someone correct me if it's not entirly true.


Well-Known Member
or drop one in a hot frying pan if it make a crakely noise its good

Or used to be roflmao.

Is it possible that you might have made things a little too damp for them because if seeds get too wet they get whats called damping off and they turn black and the seed won't pop.

The could still suprise you and you may get one or two pop for you.


Active Member
try this method if youre not already doing it.
1) put seeds in folded paper towels.
2) wet paper towels with warm distilled water (you know the drill)
3) put folded towels in a plastic ziplock sandwich bag. DONT CLOSE THE LID
4) put bag containing everything into a black dvd case then put it somewhere warm: top of fridge, on hot water tank, any hot duct if your running heat anywhere warm! till you can see about 1/2inch of taproot then do what ever insane method you chose to grow.

Do that properly and i garantee itll work, if it doesnt your seeds are duds eat them and enjoy lol


Well-Known Member
All I did was drop my seeds in a glass of warm water, placed them in a cupboard and 13/13 popped within 12 hours.


Well-Known Member
if you are using feminized seeds and there not "popping" up, it is something that you are doing wrong, out of 10 feaminized seeds you should get a minimum of 9 but generally 10 outa 10, unless you bought off some crap website or unreliable store/person

All i do is get a cup with some soil in it, take a pencil and push it into the soil about 1/2" -1" and then drop the seed in the hole cover it up pack it lightly and water it but not too much then within 1-12 days you should see them sprouting. Make sure you have a good temp, keep above 70F i'd say 73-74