There's Been No Bait-And-Switch On Cannabis Legalization

LOL, this inspired a very funny thought. You know those TV shows where they keep giving people more alcohol and test their driving to see when they screw up? It would be hilarious if they did that show with cannabis instead. They would likely need a mini-series because one episode would not be long enough to see some one screw up. ROFLMAO.
It's already been done I believe gb123 posted it last year lol
Which part. the CBD induced or the because the CBD is bred out of them part?
FYI, you can believe what you like, but I saw it first had. About 12 years ago my wife stopped smoking 1/2 way thru a joint because she had a severe panic attack. It was so severe she we had to go to the hospital and she QUIT for twelve years because she continued to have panic attacks that turned into panic disorder. She has been on a variety of crappy meds since then. A few years ago after me touting how much pain relief I was getting, I convinced her to give it a try for her fibro etc.. She did and now smokes again, but selectively from strains I help her choose from Tweed or elsewhere. So far, so good, no more full blown panic attacks. The cannabis seems to HELP her anxiety now most of the time. Just sayin :-)
THC induced schizophrenia does not exist. Period. What you described is called having an anxiety attack brought on by over doing it with Cannabis either in quantity or potency. Its one of the most common reasons for hospital visits since legalization in Colorado. Also, this happening to one person, in this instance your wife, certainly does not make THC the cause of any type of schizophrenia or other mental ailments. Thats not how these things are defined by science.
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OK. My wife's cousin is schizophrenic. She had to quit smoking pot because it just sent her into cartwheels. I am certainly not trying to tout anything I say as factual. I have read this in at least a few places, not junk sites and comparing it to my observation of real life examples is seems to bear some credibility.
Thats because smoking cannabis is known to cause attacks in a high percentage of people with schizophrenia already. I know a couple people who simply cannot smoke cannabis as a result of this.
I understand what you are saying, your logic is sound. I do not doubt my wife likely had existing issues with anxiety, and her cousin was most certainly a diagnosed schizophrenic. So I cannot ignore that cannabis had an adverse effect on these conditions. This is probably why the claims I have read had impact. I can also see how someone not yet diagnosed having an episode would lead people to believe it was caused by THC. Thanks for clearing that up for me.