Theres a major epidemic going on with growers


Well-Known Member
i read how not to grow dope by ABF not long ago, and see it all now clearly firsthand, too many people coming on , building real fancy and intricate cabinets , rigging 27 of their mother's lamps bulbs, then come around wonder why the plant isnt growing, why it has purple polka dots, "jorge cervantes said to spray it with baking soda" lol why doesn't anyone do a lil bit of reading before they germ a seed? this has been a complete blast but sometimes when i try to help someone out with a simple easy fix, they cant even identify cus they didnt read anything on riu, just started building shit, i dont know im zooted and rambling but since i signed up on here, im seeing this way more often have a good night guys


stays relevant.
btw, since this thread has nothing to do with hydroponics, I am moving it to Toke N Talk where it belongs.


Well-Known Member
SEEMOREBUDS get all 3 dvds cheapos, pay for them and support one of your own, i wish i seen these vids when i started, i had to throw this one out there, this dude thought he had a toxic tent, said something about outgassing(WTF IS THAT?)meanwhile it s N deficiencie, and sprayed the whole plant up with baking soda mix...i dont know why i think this is funny


stays relevant.
But to shed some light on your previous post... said:
Results 1 - 10 of about 28,900 for grow tent toxicity. (0.18 seconds)


Well-Known Member
oh without a doubt, i didnt even realize, i thought i was in general, but i think it was funny, hey i thought all hell was breakin loose with i had nute burn, what im trying to birng out is, the over anylization and when something minor happens, its so easy for a person to take drastic measures, like tear down a whole grow space cus he thinks its toxic, when a lil cal-mag will sort it out


Well-Known Member
yes i have heard about, i just was on someones thread or a poster had outgassing from liquid nails, im happy the harshest chem i use is sprayfoam


Well-Known Member
please dont think im trying to make fun of growers, but most cases less is more, i learned this through years of backyard gardening, and try to let nature take its course, but with indoor you gotta give her a halping hand, a heavy hand will wreck your time and effort,as you already know this. this one gentlemen i been chatting with been through hell with his grow this year, literally taking down his grow space and building another, for a year he's going and no good results, from what i gather from him he likes to build things and try to upgrade, and i think he gets his pleasure from this instead of the actual grow, before we spoke it looked like he didnt get any decent guidence, and im no guru, but he's definitly on the right path now, thats whats rewarding to me about this site, all the info i got and whatever i can give back


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That's how it goes... either way I feel like it pays off to over-analyze... just don't try to over-fix ;)