There IS a god, And HE likes me!

If you're going to court you obviously did something to warrant it, so doubt it. Might save you some money or time but probably going to come out losing in some way, even if it's just your lawyers costs that alone is a reason you will never win.
Update Jan 30. 2012:

I FUCKING WON!!! Case Dismissed due to violation of the Interstate Agreement on Detainers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to go to my parents house right now, but I'll be back in a couple of hours and give the details!!! Thank you all for the positive vibes, prayers, goat and chicken sacrifices, burnt offerings, what ever!!!!
Nice man! I remember the story from when you first got out of jail and you were looking at going back for awhile I remember. Awesome.

Today's the first day of the rest of your life or whatever. Have a beer on me.
Cannabineer, GWN, WW, and all of you thank you for the kind words (Jihadists all!!) In truth, had I not won, it was 6 to 14 years. I now know what it feels like when the rock of Gibralter gets lifted from ones back. For those of you who didnt know, I got busted growing back in 09 with 45 plants in a commercial location. I live in Ga and the bust happened at my shop in Tn. When the Tn cops came to arrest me the Ga cops were there as observers. In the course of searching my house, they found a MAC11 (Non functioning) so I waas charged in Ga with that and did 18 months. After I was extradited to TN in july of this year, my son made my $15,000 bond, and I made it home. There is an entire thread on what I came home to, so no need to go into that here.
Of course Tn had a detainer on me so the minute I got to the facility where I did my time in Ga, I filed whats known as a demand for final disposition under that interstate agreement on detainers, KNOWING Tn in all probability would not honor it. I kept all correspondence between myself and the Tn DA. The IAD gives the demanding state (Tn) 180 days to get you to trial. Of course they violated that. So when they appointed me my Public Defender, I handed her the complete file, and her jaw dropped. It took 6 months but we finally had the hearing on it today, and I had done my homework well, with 6 US Supreme Court descisions supporting me and 4 TN Supreme Court cases supporting me.
If anyone out there is facing charges in two or more states, or knows someone who is, I have a great working knowledge of the IAD and the intricacies involved and will be MORE than happy to help get them started. This works, I'm telling you

Best of luck in court.

Question though. What if you fail in court? Does that mean there isn't a god or that he simply doesn't like you? :D

Of course thats what it means!!! Silly Stoner!! It simply would show that he hates me.

Alright, 5 hours later.....hoping it's just a slow day in court and nothing bad happened

And yes, many offerings were burnt! Coughcough

Somehow I KNEW you'd be offering up burnt offerings!!! Thanx!!!
And thank all of you who have been aware of my plight and offered all the support and condolences.