There ain't do damn voter fraud

desert dude

Well-Known Member
and how dare anybody insinuate there is!

Filmmaker James O’Keefe has yet again demonstrated just how vulnerable our election system is to fraud.

A Pew Center on the States study in 2012 found that one out of eight voter registrations is inaccurate, out-of-date, or a duplicate. Some 2.8 million people are registered in two or more states, and 1.8 million registered voters are dead.

So O’Keefe decided to take some of the 700,000 “inactive” voters the Voting Integrity Project says are on the rolls in North Carolina, the site of one of the nation’s most hotly contested Senate races, and see just how easy it would be to obtain a ballot in their name. Sadly, it was child’s play as his video demonstrates.

“Some twenty times, nearly a bus load, we were just a signature or two away from voting. Of course, we never signed anything, but we could have, and if we had, we could have voted and no one would have been the wiser,” is O’Keefe’s depressing conclusion.
that's why voter fraud is so hard to prove.
Democrats and their minions know this when they ask for proof supporting it.
But that doesn't prove anything, they didn't actually vote so there was no actual fraud. Just because it would be easy to, doesn't mean it ever happens. It's a fact it only happens.... blah blah blah I can't do it.

The village idiot should be along to finish out the blahs.

Oh and RACISTS!!
stopped reading right there.

james o'keefe has less credibility than that minnesota racial purity group you tried citing last time.

And yet, he exposes your side for the crooks you are. Over and over. It is sad that a kid with a camera lays bare the rot on the left with such ease. You guys need an analog to expose the right-wing.
It is sad that a kid with a camera lays bare the rot on the left with such ease.

it's not the camera, it's his editing software.

California prosecutors found that O'Keefe selectively and heavily edited the ACORN raw footage.[1][2][3]

The Attorney General's Office found that O'Keefe had misrepresented the actions of ACORN workers and that the workers had not committed illegal actions. A preliminary probe by the GAO found that ACORN had managed its federal funds appropriately.[5][6]

Because of the deceptive nature of his video editing work,[4][7]

In 2009 Andrew Breitbart paid the activist, then 25, for the option to publish new videos exclusively

hey, at least breitbart liked the guy.

you know, the same breitbart who heavily and deceptively edited a video to end shirley sherrod's career, a move which only racists would defend (reminder: you defended that!).
And some fucktards wonder why people want mandated voter I.D. laws.

i wonder why some fucktards take videos from this serial deceiver seriously.

actually, i am being cheeky.

i know exactly why some fucktards look at this as gospel.

desert dude: joined white nationalist group
jahbrudda: cites and defends jared taylor
ginwilly: racist snitch who believes in evolutionary racism
wilksey: admitted white separatist

is it funny or sad that i don't even have to exaggerate those biographies?
When they're left with nothing but to attack the source, we all know what that means.
Don't believe your lying eyes.

i'm not attacking the source, i'm simply listing facts about his long history of deception through editing.

why do you whine so much about plain facts?
Ever since we heard the news that James O’Keefe had launched a voter fraud scavenger hunt in Colorado, we’ve been eagerly waiting, as we’re sure you have, Wonketteers, for his latest video to drop. Now that we’ve had a chance to see the highlight reel of O’Keefe’s Rocky Mountain Mustache Caper, purporting to show Democratic Sen. Mark Udall’s “advocates” standing by while an army of fraudulent voters gear up to steal the election, we have to say we’re a little disappointed.
We are sure our dear readers will be shocked to learn that the actual product of O’Keefe’s investigation, despite being edited to O’Keefe’s maximum advantage, lacks any evidence of voter fraud and instead appears to show O’Keefe talking about all the crimes he can’t wait to commit, along with a couple of specific instances of stupidity by people who have no power over the electoral process and who consistently show an alarming lack of motivation to engage in fraud themselves.
Before heading into the wilds of Boulder, O’Keefe sits for a Very Serious Interview with Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler, a frustrated voter suppressionist who worried at a recent voter suppression luncheon hosted by the Heritage Foundation that the postal service is quite possibly “the greatest vehicle for disenfranchisement in the country.”
Sensing the paranoid wing nut who runs Colorado’s elections is a kindred spirit, O’Keefe reveals that he too is haunted by the dangers faced by little ballots out there, all alone, after being mailed to homes that don’t want them.

Conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe tries and fails to prove rampant voter fraud
In Politics by Robyn Pennacchia
Oct 24, 2014

James O’Keefe, master of disguise and hater of non-profits, is at it again. This time, his plan was to prove that Colorado’s mail-in-ballot system is fertile ground for voter fraud. Because, hypothetically, people who might not feel like voting could just throw their ballots in the trash, and then, hypothetically, someone could dig through that trash and mail in the ballot for them.
Now, the likelihood of this ever happening is extremely slim. People are probably not going to go around digging through old food and coffee grounds and cat litter and yogurt and maxi-pads for hours on the off-chance they might find a ballot. It’s really not something that is in danger of being any kind of rampant problem.
For his latest joint, O’Keefe and his Project Veritas crew set out to prove that supporters of Mark Udall would be totally down with his awesome plan of going through people’s trash, hunting for ballots. At first, he tried the Colorado Democratic Party field office, and was promptly ejected. Not to be deterred, he then decided to take his prank to non-profit canvassing groups.
Beth Ethier over at Wonkette has already thoroughly debunked the whole absurd video, which does absolutely nothing to prove that there is rampant voter fraud happening in Colorado on the part of the Democratic Party. Pretty much all he does is put on a mustache and play dress-up and talk about all the crimes he wants to commit.
Two of the interviews are highly edited, and O’Keefe (or rather, his alter ego, 45 year-old civics professor John Miller!) is extremely vague in both of them about what his plans actually are.
Via Wonkette:
Having failed in their attempts to get staff at Colorado Democratic field offices and campaign events to endorse plans to Fraud The Vote, O’Keefe’s crew apparently started moving down the ladder of political relevance until arriving at the office of Work for Progress, a hiring firm that fills low-level positions for environmental campaigns (you know, those clipboard people you avoid outside Whole Foods).
James, posing as liberal civics professor “John Miller” with the help of his dashing mustache, insinuates he is planning to retrieve discarded ballots from the trash. Meredith Hicks, a woman he calls a “director” of the organization, appears to nod along with this narrative, though from her replies, it’s not clear whether she thinks he’s talking about filling out all the ballots out himself or distributing them to other voters who don’t have them yet. He later says Hicks is “approving my proposition to falsify ballots.” We don’t actually know if that’s the case because O’Keefe doesn’t show that part on video.
And they won’t release the footage that supposedly shows her doing that either! Project Veritas Interim Communication Director Stephen Gordon told Wonkette that they will not, because “trade secrets.”
In another interview, O’Keefe’s crew tracks down Rep. Joe Salazar’s campaign manager, and tries to ask her for advice on how his friends who have just moved to Colorado from Oregon can vote in the coming election, and she basically just explains how voter registration works and where one can go to register to vote.
His crowning achievement in all of this is getting a Greenpeace canvasser to say that she–personally–is voting for Udall–which he is appalled by because they claim to be an apolitical organization–and getting her to agree with him that dumpster diving for ballots is a swell idea. She also says a bunch of really, really dumb things. However, again, she’s a canvasser. Like, the people who hang out outside Whole Foods or by an el stop and ask you to donate money. I don’t know about Greenpeace specifically, but in most cases, organizations that use canvassers hire almost literally anyone who applies because they pay them on commission only.
O’Keefe at no point actually attempts to find a ballot in a garbage bag, or proves than anyone else is actually doing this. All his video proves is that he got a girl who looks about 19 years-old to say some dumb things, for which she was promptly fired. Ta-da!
No one says that fraud isn't possible. We're just saying it isn't happening. So why prevent a lot of legit people from voting to prevent fraud that isn't happening. That is, unless you want to prevent those legit people from voting...
No one says that fraud isn't possible. We're just saying it isn't happening. So why prevent a lot of legit people from voting to prevent fraud that isn't happening. That is, unless you want to prevent those legit people from voting...

Old Dominian University research says it is happening. Indictments, and convictions in Minnesota say it is happening. Only Democrats are against voter ID. I wonder why.