Theowl's nest

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was worried about all the openings and gaps in the laptop, and rice getting in. Don't want it under the keys either.
Still have yet to check it. I'm going to try and give it another day.

On another note, all of the Nycd's have tails and are almost in planting cells.
Three of the SH have tails and two got dry on the end of the towel, so I worry bout them. Going to pot up all of these into little pots, I don't want anything drying out.

The Northern lights seems to be stretching and not growing at the same time.
I really wish it would fill in some, but patience is a virtue.

I'll keep taking pics, so when I get the computer running again I can load em up.
(and not leave it outside anymore :p
Sounds good, Get them pics up!


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I've never grown any NL strains before, so I had no idea what it should look like! :D
The seed co. That I got it from has zero info. But they sell twelve seeds for $20 or so... Hopefully it turns out alright. She starting to smell good though, so not worried too awful much.


Well-Known Member
I got all the baby beans into planting cells and now we await soilbreak.
Tomorrow we try the computer, after a thorough inspection.

Yeah, I ripped the battery out real quick!


Well-Known Member
There's rice in the comp. Now taking apart to investigate hairdryer in hand--think dirty Harry.

So I gave everyone a dose of mycorhizzae last night, should be a root explosion in the next week or so, if I can keep my temps steady. It was 58 in the cab this morning at lights on.

Have to pull it out in a minute to be sure, but I thought I saw a ballsac on the NL.
I wouldn't be surprised, after all the shit she's been through. Still would kinda suck, seems like she's only now getting comfortable with blooming.

I'll check again, to be sure.


Well-Known Member
What kinda of water are you using to water?

If your using tap, Let it sit out for a whle to dechlorinate. It will work against your bennies and become a waste of money.


Well-Known Member
Gots me a full tub of rainwater :D If I use the tap I let it sit in the yard a few days first.
I could stand to have more rainwater collection units. Shoot, everyone could.

Computer torn open and blasted with hot, dry air. Got the rice out, but having a bitch of a time getting one of the keys back on. Lol, tiny little ass clips.

Gonna fire it up in the next hour or so.


Well-Known Member
guess what assholes- PICS! got the computer up and running!
NYCD tails!
riu 002.jpg
into the cellblock with these bitches

riu 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
dont know what happened.. heres some more.
cab shot

riu 004.jpg
riu 005.jpg
riu 006.jpg
early onset LST syndrome
riu 007.jpg
riu 008.jpg

so really not alot happening just yet.

checked the NL. cant tell if its a ballsac or not. give it a few days and i'll check again.


Well-Known Member
Good news on the computer. I was afraid of the rice getting in there. I tried taking apart my old laptop and I just couldn't bring myself to pry up the keyboard. Was afraid of breaking it because it was so stuck.

Forgot to answer about the weather. It's killing me, most of my joints are giving me hell. Keeps making a move to the equitorial regions look even better.

During the summer that tub would evaporate out in three days


Well-Known Member
The weather get you too, eh? Damn pressure systems.

I wish it was summer-I still have to drill more drainage holes in the tub.
You did mean the green one, right? I grew potatoes in it last year, but have never added extra drainage. I really should, can't flush in this tub the way it is.

I'm really wanting to pop a few beans to get started on my outdoor projects.
I'll wait another week or so, unless I get the itch.

Hooray for not sleeping, yay! Dammit.


Well-Known Member
Two of the four new NYCD had broke ground in the cells as of lights out last night.
It'll be lights on soon, so I'm hoping that the others do the same very quickly.


Well-Known Member
Two of the four new NYCD had broke ground in the cells as of lights out last night.
It'll be lights on soon, so I'm hoping that the others do the same very quickly.
From my buddies grow Ive been seeing a few diffrent pheno's w/ it. So you should have something to pick outta. Just I cant identify any good ones, So if you have hopes of having a good mom of the Diesel, I would clones each one and figure out what the best one is after first crop.

His are still in veg and I can id 3 - 1 is real rigid leafs - Looks like its okay, def the most dom pheno as he has a few. Then I think you wanna look for the more sativa one, I seen it, but not in flo So I aint 100
% on that.


Well-Known Member
I'll keep an eye out. The first two are on their second set of leaves, once they get another set or two I'll give em a dose of compost tea. I need to get some kind of bloom food. May go with the Alaska morebloom.

What's some good soil use organic or semiorganic bloom foods that others have success with?

I found my missing block of coco, but not sure if I wanna mess with it or not.


Well-Known Member
not sure how good it is. When I did organics I just used hydro liquid form every 3rd watering.

So with that said you can try this.

or something similar

Flowering Brew:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
1 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup Indonesian Bat Guano (High P)
1/2 cup alfalfa meal
5 TBS Black Strap Molasses
5 TBS Liquid Kelp Extract


Well-Known Member
Nice, looks good. Im guessing as a tea?

Well, I gotta head to work. Woo hoo. Not so bad really, I don't work as much as I could/should.

But, at work I can often read a lot- witch is good, cuz I've been stuck in the house of sativa for days and the wife is getting pissed. Almost all caught up tho.

Gotta do a shit ton of reading to ever get through HC's perp. thread.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what to look for in the nycd but it's not at the top of my list so I have time to figure it out. It's those crosses I'm looking forward to finding the phenotypes of. Need my next cab along in order to have space to hold clones of each one while waiting for flowering.


Well-Known Member
some pics of the NYCD all showing face
riu 010.jpgriu 011.jpg
and a silver haze too

connection slow.. going back to my phone now


Well-Known Member
Bored. What's some good movies to check out on Netflix?

Hahahahahaaa! Autocorrect just changed netflix to Negroid. Lmao funny shit.
Isn't that a bit racist? Geez, sometimes I wonder who the jackass that made autocorrect is, so I could smack em.

Anyway, any movie ideas?
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