Alright, I had been feeding her every three to five days. Maybe I'll move up to every three days steady. Or every other day?
Lockout has been an issue in the past, so I tend to be overly cautious these days...
About to burn some later harvested BMF. I doubt any of it went as long as it could've/should've, but it's still waaay better than anything I could buy around here so I REALLY can't complain. I really like the buzz a lot. I'll get back on in a bit for a high report, well, it won't be no official looking report like CHB and Dizzle threw up, but a very good representation of how I feel.
The NYCD's have showed face. Woot!
What should I do outdoors this year?!! I can't decide.. And it's getting on past time to get anything worth anything out and about. I wanna go large this year, not neccesarily tall, I'll LST my outdoor. Really hope to get a cut of the BB rooted soon cuz thatd be super to have a supply of

And if the Rom 7 roots, then I'll put it down too.
But it's so hard when you just want more and more.