Theory question: Why 1 yellow leaf, only?


Hey there!
So here's a question I can't answer from theory: I've got one older fan leaf that quickly (about 48hrs) turned homogenously yellow. What's odd to me is that there are other leaves both older and younger, and also more and less shaded that did not change.
If it was mobile nutrients getting pulled to another part of the plant, I'd expect to see it in other leaves, too.
If it was a fixed nutrient lacking, it woud appear in newer leaves only.

So what gives? There's no spotting, and no evidence of having been splashed on. Why would just one suddenly give up its mortal coil all by itself?


drew k.420

Active Member
i had a similar problem with a couple of leaves where white on 0ne half of the leaf margin and green on the other. it never hurt plant growth or yield so i wouldnt sweat it unless you notice something drastic happening.