Theory Of Existence Life God etc.


New Member
Me and my friends debate about this for fun all the time we come up with crazy melting pot of theories its really great the high ones are ussually funny but sober are serious.

!!!!********** These are just random theories i hypothesis upon please do not crucify me on them they are not neccesarily my beliefs either add to them but dont rip it apart or critisize please Thanks you !!!!************

I watched a documentary on the fact that we can indeed populate mars and plant trees and shit thus bringing me to my newest theory, What if we were supposed to be some what similar to bees and we are supposed to spread life to the sorrounding planets and take what they have (not like harvest resources) for instance if one planet has great climate for agriculture all over that could be a planet of farming or if there is a planet made of stone and metals maybe have whatever relates to that there and so forth. i thought it was a neat theory.

Also i though of this but someone brought it to my attention that it is the Theory of matter? maybe, maybe not but i thought that what if we were functioning inside of something bigger than we can comprehend something like the cells inside of ourselves and plants. Like we make up something larger than us and mars could be like a dead cell and we prolly resemble and sick cancerous one lololol.

i come up with theories all the time and then later forget them but the first one is the latest one but id like to see what other ppl are dreaming up


Active Member
***!!!same goes for me this is just a theory!!!***
i was thinking maybe we're the ultimate virus of some distant intelligent creator sent to destroy a planet. What i mean is, the nature of a human is to change his or her surroundings into favorable, and desirable conditions. while doing this, we are essentially destroying our host(earth) by trying to make it accomadate us , instead of us accomodating to it. you also have to remember that the human fetus is technically a virus, it cannot live without a host which is it's mother. just a theory, just a theory.


New Member
that is pretty good man i like that one.

i also thought what if life is heaven or hell depending on what you make of it you can make it happy and the best time ever
or we could make it a terrible struggle

i dont like that one tho i enjoy the thought of after life


Well-Known Member
there is another thread going with similar discussion to this which i posted one of my stoned theories on so i wont bother elaborating on the same one again, but here's another to chew on:

take the deepest picture of space that we know of (hubble deep field, i am too lazy to link) and compare it to the sky you see at night. pretty similar, less detail in our sky, but at the distance in the pic most of the faintest starlight galaxies are thought to be a lil under 14 billion light years away (i.e. only 600-800 million years old). now imagine zooming out even farther, and farther, and farther, and you find that all of the galaxies that we have ever seen with all of our technology, are actually just specks (like stars in our galaxy) in a greater galaxy, among many others of similar size... and farther and farther, you get my point.

what if space truly were infinite in its most literal sense? it already is comparatively, but maybe space is the first thing mankind will find that truly has NO end, not even a 'loopback' border that Einstein(?) thought of. i guess its just a matter of find a way to travel fast enough to find out lol


Active Member
i guess its just a matter of find a way to travel fast enough to find out lol

i think the missing link to space travel will be black holes. not necessarily speed. i just think space is so mysterious i've always found it amazing, and i stare at the stars for hours sometimes at night.


New Member
the space thing man thats crazy yeah i contemplate this shit all the time but ppl think im like chill person that wouldnt think about this crap : D

but yeah that is insane i wish i would live long enough to see some of these current questions start to be answered its a shame ill prolly die pondering