Them there pot brownies


Got some brownies in the oven as we excited. Made the oil with ~20 grams of great beasters, and had it "cooking" overnight.

Btw, I've read everywhere that when cooking the oil you should let it sit on the stove with a low to medium-low flame, but haven't been able to find if there's an ideal temperature to make the oil at. Does anyone know anything about this? Will the THC burn out of the oil at a specific temperature? I've made good brownies before, but just wondering about these specific questions.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
cook times on oil are going to vary based on personal tolerance pref etc..
I personally notice NO difference with oil made in 1-2 hours and that made in 24.
I have an extreme high tolerance and the effects do not work the same on me as they would you. I need about 1-3 grams to get some relief. I have used all the methods shown here and all the web. I find for me the best usage of the oil is in canna caps.
I have a hard time wanting to eat anymore and the caps are perfect for on the go or hell just cuz they are longer lasting then smoking.

How many edibles have you had in the past? Are you using for medication of recreation?


Well-Known Member
I grind up the weed and put it in a brownie mix that calls for oil and throw that in the oven.

You "cook" the oil ahead of time? How do you do that and does it make a big difference from the way I have done it?


Gioua - I make brownies for recreation purposes.

Boneheadbob - I'm not sure how much of a difference there is. I've never tried making them that way. I think by extracting out the THC in the oil, it's mainly just THC type high.


Well-Known Member
Bob I have done your method where you decarb the weed fine sift it and toss it in with the dry cookie mix.

The term cooking the oil is used here as his way of saying it was in crock pot simmering...

the high is no different on many methods...