THELOADEDDRAGON'S Perpetually growing perpetual grow

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Well-Known Member
Dang Dragon, as much as I want to follow what your are doing, it's difficult, i can only imagine how much work you actually have to do. You are one motivated dude.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like things are a going. I have no idea whats going on in my grow room right now. You reallly must have a lot of work to do in there.
I have lots on my mind in the world of growing.... That pic looks delicious.... thats whats on my mind.

I will def clone my PKs for sex once they get big enough. Like your thinking there.


Well-Known Member
I like the Maui Skunk more..... :P :weed:



Well-Known Member
thank you very much..... can't be too terribly busy if I am screwing around making pyramids :P...... Like this one of the Twilight, :D , looking like dry weight is going to be around 2 1/2 oz's :D

Nothing going on in the grow in particular right now...... Widow Cindy got the chop...... Leaving Chemo Cindy as the last one of the original four left...... and Damn...... She Reeks :D....... the Fruit Bowl (WC) is hang drying, a real bitch to trim, she smells and looks really dank :shock: double :shock: I will take pics of it when I box her.......



Well-Known Member
You got some nice looking buds. How do you feel about the yield? I got lots of work done. Transplants. I hear what you are saying about putting them straight into big pots because transplants make a mess, and I end up doing it very often.


Well-Known Member
Yield......... I am stoked about the yield! :D.... looks like 3 1/2 - 4 oz'es (on the low side ;) ) off of the Maui Skunk.... Decided to make a Maui Gold Pyramid! LOL.... I was saying the other day that the Maui Skunk smells like skunky sour pineapple with a sweet overtone..... then my wife brings home this pineapple with this tag later that evening....... Fate is what I call it LOL :D

Looks like about 2 zips on the Widow Cindy to be on the real sare side, and another 2 1/2 on the Chemo Cindy (again on the lower side of final weight guess)....... so that would be......

Twilight- 2 1/2
Maui Skunk- 4
Widow Cindy (topped)- 2
Chemo Cindy- 2 1/2

So that would be 11 zips total when my goal was 8 with them, and this is not including the other WC that I took early (which yielded a zip of really premie nugs, like 5 weeks premie), so if I let that go it would be around 13 zips..... But 11 is Excellent considering these are Throw Away plants that I attempted to abuse! :).... I expect higher yields off of the mothers that are in there now :D......





Well-Known Member
Yield......... I am stoked about the yield! :D.... looks like 3 1/2 - 4 oz'es (on the low side ;) ) off of the Maui Skunk.... Decided to make a Maui Gold Pyramid! LOL.... I was saying the other day that the Maui Skunk smells like skunky sour pineapple with a sweet overtone..... then my wife brings home this pineapple with this tag later that evening....... Fate is what I call it LOL :D

Looks like about 2 zips on the Widow Cindy to be on the real sare side, and another 2 1/2 on the Chemo Cindy (again on the lower side of final weight guess)....... so that would be......

Twilight- 2 1/2
Maui Skunk- 4
Widow Cindy (topped)- 2
Chemo Cindy- 2 1/2

So that would be 11 zips total when my goal was 8 with them, and this is not including the other WC that I took early (which yielded a zip of really premie nugs, like 5 weeks premie), so if I let that go it would be around 13 zips..... But 11 is Excellent considering these are Throw Away plants that I attempted to abuse! :).... I expect higher yields off of the mothers that are in there now :D......


:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: congrats loaded im stoked for u!!!!!!! i cant wait till next week.. minus the surgery of course but its harvest after and im gonna say 2.5-3.5 lbs low ball of course +rep if i can


Well-Known Member
about 5 weeks veg.... but when I vegged them I didn't really seriously plan on flowering any extras..... I didn't plan on having any extras, but I did :), 11 oz's extra :)...... using about 1/6 the space in there :D :D..... things are looking up :) thank you both.......

You will come through wonderfully, get past this, and be the soldier you are ;)....... be smokin For yah :D


Well-Known Member
And Today marks Day 1 week 9 for Chemo Cindy ...... the only one to make the 9 1/2 weeks I originally anticipated....... her pot should be dry tomorrow afternoon..... I will give her a good watering, then chop a couple days later, like this weekend..... or something...... I am starting to get used to using the camera :D.... another 500 pics and I will have it dialed in :D

Couldn't forget to take pics of her, she sure is pic worthy..... too bad RIU doesn't offer Smell Uploads, LOL :)...... speaking of which..... my wife puts smell good stuff all over the house..... scented this and scented that, and incenses and candles and air perumers etc. etc. and the Maui Skunk is drying, smells up in the mix, and Twilight is drying, smells up in the mix..... but all I smell EVERYWHERE I go is Chemo Cindy .......




Well-Known Member
Those twilight and MS look really good and crystally. Hows the smoke?
I tried one flash dried popcorn nug of the Twilight........ and was asleep in about 45 minutes...... I ate a bunch of food, and fell asleep with my daughter on the cough.... Grade AA+....... Tastes like dried and sweetened raspberries with a dab of fresh honey....... still needs to cure up, only tried the one bowl........ but was delish...... put me on my ass..... loved it..... better smoke report on all the strains later but the best way to get to know them of course ;), is to taste them yourself :hug: Thanks for stopping by....... we will have to :joint: in thanks for such beautiful genetics :D kiss-ass ;)
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