Active Member
I don't think so, not in the least. I am good friends with many people that more than recover their costs. Its how they do so that is important to me. I think you can see that, if you think about it. Its highlighted well by the little scenario that was posted a few pages back. Everyone has got to eat and pay their bills and make their life doing whatever they can, and growing quality cannabis takes a lot of work and effort, there is nothing wrong with being compensated for that, but I do have an issue with selfless greed and political facades that endorse our unspoken slavery to money. I would much rather buy my produce strait from the farmer at the farmers market, then pay more to the grocery outlets screwing the farmer over.
This goes back in large part to Agricultural markets in general. Most people these days think their food comes from grocery stores.
I just hate money in general. It should be abolished IMHO (and I am not talking about returning to the barter system). Yes I use money all the time just like most people.
I mean...I dont live in Cali or anything....but it doesent seem like there are any of these "farmers markets" and people are forced to go to dispensaries. Most people are happy to buy bud at all without risking prosecution (i would). Maybe as legalization rolls in maybe, these farmers markets can become more prevelant....let everyone setup...and people can come buy bud from whoever they want, at the farmers price.