The idea is this.... I just spread some stuff around in the isleds and beds etc (see post 498 on previous page), but I don't think its quite enough for whats going on right now. I have noticed chlorosis in the two Largest PK plants, and the Larger CCxHJ and Pure Sativa (the first "set" of plants that were transplanted into the ground). I ran out of FF Gro Big, and everything else I had.
I am going to spread the Kellogs Granular fertilizer around the outsides of all the beds. It's 4-6-2, and its primarily derived from Bone meal, Dried Poultry Waste, Elemental Sulfur, Feather Meal, Kelp Meal, Alfalfa Meal, and Potassium Sulfate. It also contains Non-Plant food ingredients,

. The types and amounts are listed right on the bag (one of the reasons I bought this product). Its listed in Colony Forming Units (CFU) per gram. It lists as follows.
Bacillus Pumilus- 1,000,000
Bacillus Subtilis- 500,000
Bacillus Licheniformis- 1,000,000
Bacillus Amylolliquefaciens- 1,000,000
And Also Extremely important to me is it contains 2% Humic Acids (derived from Leonardite)
Onto Mycorrhizae:
This product contains 444 viable mycorrhizal propagules per gram of the following organisms:
Ectomycorrhizae- Propagules/gram
Pisolithus Tinctorius- 400
Rhizopogon villosuli-12
Rhizopogon luteolus-11
Rhizopogon amylopogon-10
Rhizopogon fulvigleba-11
Glomus intraradices- 0.09
Glomus mosseae- 0.09
Glomus etunicatum- 0.09
Once its spread around the beds and into the isles a little bit, I am going to cover it with about a 1/2 inch of a 3 part mix of local soil, Gardner & Bloome Harvest Supreme, and Gardner & Bloome Soil Building Compost. Im guessing this will particularly benefit the center isle of plants in the smaller boxes

. I only plan on using 5 of the 10 cubic feet of soil I just got to do this.