Klondike watermelons....... MM.... I got a solid veggie garden going but with such a short growing season you have to be real selective of what you plant or nothing finishes........ We have still had frosts up until a week ago or so.... and doubt the last is near....... frost already got some small peppers, but all the tomatoes were big enough that they were solid..... WIsh I had the space for a big veggie garden.... Storing the harvest is also something I need to be looking into......
There are ways you can get around the cold and short light cycles my friend

. It all depends on what you want to put into it. Im sure you will get some goodness out of what you have got. You have it in you to be a super classy grower my friend

TLD, I wish i could just wonder like you did and take those little adventures and then maybe i could tell you how great some the people are in this world. I always thought when i was growing up i had the rough childhood but... The truth about that is if all those events and situations never happend, I dont think I would be the inspired, strong-minded man I am today. My mother died when i was 9 yr old. That was the hardiest thing in the world to go through. That event was the main event that changed my life forever.. At nine i was forced to grow up. By the time i was 11. I already knew how to cook a full course meal & take care of myself on my own. All i needed was someone to pay the bills. My father and I had our rough times. but doesnt everyone. I wish i could express myself through writing. I need to broaden my horizon on with my vocabulary.
Sometimes I just think of what it's like to be a drifter...... Drifting from town to town. not having to worry about anything. Im like you, I could walk up to anyone and strike up a confo about anything. I dont think drifting would be thatbad.
I know what you mean when you say "Theres always somthing pressing to do or that must be done.." There is always something to be done.... When does it ever stop?....Never.
Well i hope you and I find our ways to finish the never-ending projects.
Well i hope your garden grows to be trees of excellence. goodluck.great job. and thanks for taking to the time to listen.
It is wholly my pleasure to read whatever you may have to offer! And I am sure that things will go as they will, and in the end there is no arguing with the fact that it is what it is, you are you, I am I, and we can only do what we can,

..... Just if we choose to, we can do a lot! Especially when we work together and support each other every step of the way. I don't know very many people that haven't been through some really difficult experiences in life, and to me it almost seems like its an extremely difficult experience in life to have not had those character building, self learning, worldly experiences. Like they are missing out on a lot and feel helpless in being unable to conjure empathy and understanding of the feelings and controversial issues surrounding those kinds of events that others may be going through around them, or even parts of the world and the reasons behind why they are the way they are

So far as traveling and wandering, and wondering. I did that, I got a good amount of that done earlier in my life, and I feel as though it satisfied much that was in me to learn and understand. I have decided to leave off on finishing some of those journeys and discoveries for a brief time, to fulfill loving obligations and responsibilities that I have created and much desire to complete. The goals I have in my life are prioritized by tiers based on time, and my maturity, disposition, and ability, considering the circumstances and roll of the dice life gives me. Luckily the experiences, both the wonderful and the difficult, that I have had in my life have prepared me sufficiently to accomplish a majority of those goals, or at least I feel this way. Luckily, I have been blessed by knowing some extremely amazing, talented, caring people in the world that I share common beliefs and direction with. Luckily, we are able to help each other work toward whatever goals we all may have, and overcome the many obstacles together! Luckily we can enjoy the ride together, for what it is, and whatever it will be!
I hear ya man. I just know you have a gift for writing and it would be cool to see you write a book. In my life it has taken me a long time to realize the importance of simple things , ie family,the smell of a first rain, the sound of rippling water while floating down a river, the warm. Touch of a sunrise on your face, you get the point. Money was my motivater, but watching disappear in a fraction of the time it took to make it, has helped me to.realize how truly insignificant in the whole scheme of things.
Away man, I am glad you are wealthy with the important things on life.
I am writing books my friend. I won't publish them until I am confident people will want to buy them and read them.Until I feel they will use the information provided and even recite it if worthy, or at least appreciate it for the amount of love I am putting into them. I have the time frame roughly lined out in my head, and am prepared for setbacks that would elongate the wait for release. I will take it as it comes, and write them as they come. But to be honest...... my life has been one shitstorm after another for years and years, and I just need to take care of what I have going on for now. I can't move on until I have done that, and like I wrote, I got a big stack of shit to deal with, standing above me, in front of me, waiting to break and fall. I can already feel bits of it breaking and coming down upon my shoulders. And on that note, I injured my shoulder pretty badly, lost the use of my arm for a a bit, and have very limited mobility for a minute (thats why I haven't posted pics). Maybe its a physiological response to all the stress I have been putting it under, both physically and metaphorically.
For now, I hope you will be able to accept the little bits I can put out from time to time here, until the books are done, and the magazine is up and running. I can write the books on my own, and possibly publish them myself as well, but the magazine really needs an editing staff that is committed, and material to print. Over time it will all get done, or at least get a few solid, relentless, focused attempts from me, until maybe my goals change, or it gets done, or spirals out into something else

Really, what I need right now, is a good break, a good vacation, knowing everything will be in good standing when I get back. But reality is, that's more of a far off dream than having the magazine and books published, the greenhouse completed or getting a good harvest. But what I can say is that if you like what I am writing in these journals, you should love the books, and magazine.
love you more and more
remind me of a song
one of my favorites
Got you babe. You are my world. You know that. Feel my soul, my love, it is in you. Thank you for feeding me strength, for tending my wounds, for dealing with my inadequacies and shortcomings. I could never get to my dreams without you by my side, they wouldn't be my dreams then, not without you. I know, I have dreamed them. You and I, we will live them. We are, every night with your head on my chest, I live my dreams as we dream together sleeping, in each others embrace. My love, my lavenderstars. Your son, your moon, your earth, and your love. Without you, there is no light in the darkness, there is no sweet smell when morning comes.
And whats for Dinner???????