jus rototill it amillion times and waterr and put ur plants in but u should add like 40% compost or cow pooop keep growing 420 

Thanks man. I felt better after I got it out there. Hard times,Whats up TLD.......sounds like u got alot on ur plate and not quite sure what to do with it all....
the only advice i can give is to keep ur head up and keep pushing forward, and when its all said and done all you can do is hope it turns out 4 the best.....
good luck bro....later
Thanks.... hope what you learn helps you with your grow.Thanks again for the comments on my thread dragon! I appreciate all the feedback I can get. Lots of great information here.
I think gettign outside and spending time with your garden is one of the most peaceful and relaxing things you can do in this moment in time. I would 100% go outside and at least give them some water....then relax tonight.....but just my .02And so I got Nothing done today. Nothing at all. Hasn't happened in a while. Totally aware of neglecting the plants. The ones in the 1 gallon pots outside needed fed/watered today. I did nothing. They look really sad. maybe I will go out after this post and feed them, as I am feeling better than earlier, not nearly as depressed. I know if I went outside 12 hours ago when I first woke up, and started working in the garden, I would have had a much better day. Thats what I will do the next time Im feeling really down on myself and whats going on. Just work in the garden. At least my plants do what they are supposed to do, and don't give me any guff doing it either. They don't let me down, I have let them down.
Thanks man. Really helping to lift my mood..... Got what I think was a great compliment the other day,I think gettign outside and spending time with your garden is one of the most peaceful and relaxing things you can do in this moment in time. I would 100% go outside and at least give them some water....then relax tonight.....but just my .02
Keep cool my man, and stay relaxed. Feel free to pm me
This would be a great idea. Ive done outdoor a few times...but I could use a few pointers....so sign me upThanks man. Really helping to lift my mood..... Got what I think was a great compliment the other day,. A good friend of mine for a long time told me I should start a "Cannabis Academy" and have classes to teach people how to grow
Maybe I will. I would enjoy doing that a good bit more than my current occupation,.
Lol, sounds like a fun class to attend.Thanks man. Really helping to lift my mood..... Got what I think was a great compliment the other day,. A good friend of mine for a long time told me I should start a "Cannabis Academy" and have classes to teach people how to grow
Maybe I will. I would enjoy doing that a good bit more than my current occupation,.
You know one thing here Dragon is you are NOT alone.... I feel the same way sometimes...I live outside of a town in a camp I set-up about half mile from my gardens. I stay alone all day except when I meet with my partner... I rarely eat due to saving money to feed my babies... I have to use this awefull library to gain access to the internet and post on RIU, I have no vehicle cause i sold my Jeep when i almost fell back in Dec., I have been out of a "ligitmate" job since last October and homeless since Januarary... I feel the depression constantly, especially when my partner is out having fun and Im stuck doing most of the work around the garden, the only thing that helps me out is my ability to stay focused on my babies in times of hardship and dismay. I know there are many people out there who feel the same way... If you ever need to man vent to me via PM or somethin. Cause in times when all you need to do is get it out I would be more than happy to listen!I think I just need to get back to a healthy balance between working and playing. Feels like forever since I have gotten to play.
These days I am feeling really alone.
And so I got Nothing done today. Nothing at all. Hasn't happened in a while. Totally aware of neglecting the plants. The ones in the 1 gallon pots outside needed fed/watered today. I did nothing. They look really sad. maybe I will go out after this post and feed them, as I am feeling better than earlier, not nearly as depressed. I know if I went outside 12 hours ago when I first woke up, and started working in the garden, I would have had a much better day. Thats what I will do the next time Im feeling really down on myself and whats going on. Just work in the garden. At least my plants do what they are supposed to do, and don't give me any guff doing it either. They don't let me down, I have let them down.
things are alright. It was only me,This would be a great idea. Ive done outdoor a few times...but I could use a few pointers....so sign me upI think even if times get tough....just a half hour or so of sitting in the garden will relax you...you will have nothign to think about besides the fruits of your labor....literally.
Those ladies are going to reward your love, and give you medicine to work through the times....dont worry man, everything is gonna be alright.![]()
it is such a rewarding lifestyleLol, sounds like a fun class to attend.
I'm with you highflyby. I get relaxed just walking around my tomato garden. Just working with plants in general is relaxing for me.
We sure have worked against it. Though I don't believe that "nature" holds anything against what is in our "nature"You are not alone brother we are all working alongside of you. Maybe nature is working against all of us, for how long we have been working against it.
I am around people all the time. Alone in a room full of people kind of thing is more what I meant. Or alone in my views and how I believe.You know one thing here Dragon is you are NOT alone.... I feel the same way sometimes...I live outside of a town in a camp I set-up about half mile from my gardens. I stay alone all day except when I meet with my partner... I rarely eat due to saving money to feed my babies... I have to use this awefull library to gain access to the internet and post on RIU, I have no vehicle cause i sold my Jeep when i almost fell back in Dec., I have been out of a "ligitmate" job since last October and homeless since Januarary... I feel the depression constantly, especially when my partner is out having fun and Im stuck doing most of the work around the garden, the only thing that helps me out is my ability to stay focused on my babies in times of hardship and dismay. I know there are many people out there who feel the same way... If you ever need to man vent to me via PM or somethin. Cause in times when all you need to do is get it out I would be more than happy to listen!
Good Luck TLD, keep your head up and stay focused on your family and your ladies brotha.... your an intelligent guy and know what needs to be done!
Oh and NEVER stop writing.... you really have a gift, and you words sooth me in a way making my days like that easier to get motivated!![]()
You Win.............
Staring out the window and the terrain flies by. I'm wondering about the rest of the day, the way things sit, and how its all going to go down. The most familiar mountains and trees slowly fade as the twists and turns brings us further down into the foothills and orchards. Then come the farms and open grassland, and they make way into city, and memories flooded me like a burst dam. The sleeping dragon in me lashed out to be free and go frolic among the many familiar places of despotism within easy reach. On the forefront of my mind was my wanderings, my adventures. Typically just me. Going. walking on, destination-less, keen to observe, learn, and experience the vibrations of our civilizations song. Faces one by one crossing into vision and fading out to the next, and with each came the instantaneous sensations of what those moments felt like, the frozen frames in the memories of my mind. I suppose most people would consider these adventures as a general waste of time. Sometimes I would sit for hours and watch traffic, or just browse through stores listening to people, playing with merchandise..... sometimes I would mess with people and ask then uncanny questions that one wouldn't expect to be asked while out shopping for groceries. Sometimes I would strike up conversations with random people and wind up going with them on short journeys..... sometimes the short journeys turned into long ones.... and sometimes I would find myself half way across the country, wondering about my family and homeland, whilst playing into wondrous ideas of groups and my own.... writing my name in stones along the highway in the desert, while hitch hiking..... always hitch hiking. Just me and the road. Walking up highway 1 from as close to bottom as I dare venture, to top and beyond. Surveying the land, constantly. And surveying the people, as well. I noticed such a clash, such pain, and controversy in directions. So much time to think, to sort, to explore and come to understand what I saw and experienced. I remember starving, broke, going from town to town, south, and staying up all night in the diners, making necklaces and buying a round of all night coffee. The cops laughing as a bum gets beaten up in the street. Fun strangers along the road, temporary companions that saw me through my journey, gave me warm coffee and news of their lives and the world. I remember the after parties from the concerts, the shows. The drugs, and the women, the crazy antics, and beautiful music. So many wonderful experiences out there to behold, and myself, so tiny just walking down the road.
And back into the life of the other me, finish school, and work some, the dragon slumbers for its time. The views, and the knowledge, the friends, the plans, and new goals. Always the inner yearning to go out, to be on the river, and floating freely down the river, going wherever life takes me. Over time I become hardened to this lifestyle, and start to lose sight of some of the most valuable and key elements of what I consider to be "me". I see parts of me lain to rest here or there, or disappear all together. I find myself not knowing me anymore, not liking what this lifestyle is, entails, why, and realizing I had no idea what I was getting into, and my true essence is not into it. I asked someone the other day if they voted. They said "no, why would I participate in a system I don't believe in?". This question has been playing in the back of my mind in a lots of ways..... I almost feel like my life has always had this question burning in the back of my brain, that its important and I shouldn't let it go.
And the day was just that.... a storm of memories and deep thought befalling me as I muddled my way through the city and home..... smoking bowls and chit chatting the way through... family is good.![]()
Good I cant wait to see more pics man....and thank you again for the kind words TLD...I have gone through alot and I too have seen alot and met some TRUELY amazing people in my journies. The cards life has dealt me are fully earned, I have done many people wrong in my past and believe Karma started knockin on my door back in October... but things are going GREAT for me. I too have gone through my trials and tribulations with a clear head and a positive outlook on all the situations presented to me throughout the cycle of rehabilitating my inner self. I believe I am nearing the end of my struggles and I credit that to my ability to turn ANY negative situtaion or mishap in to a positive/ productive one!I am around people all the time. Alone in a room full of people kind of thing is more what I meant. Or alone in my views and how I believe.
What stuck out to me about what you said is "NEVER stop writing.... you really have a gift, and you words sooth me in a way making my days like that easier to get motivated!"
Couldn't tell you what that really means to me! I couldn't. I wouldn't even really be able to express it in person, but you would see my eyes well up, and my voice may seem gruff for a moment.
Beyond any other occupation, or hobby, in my life, writing is, and may always be, my most beloved. I am into all kinds of different things, even get paid to do some things I enjoy, like carpentry and landscaping. I have never gotten paid to write, however. I have always dreamed of it though. Indeed, I would love to start a magazine, write a few books, and even do some other writing for other magazines or something.
So far I have only started research for the books I plan to write, not even close to finishing the research. I have started writing bits and pieces of them too. Worked on some magazine articles, but they didn't end up getting published. I have thousands and thousands of small piecework like what I have posted in my journals on RIU and around the internet, and have thought of stringing them together and seeing what it looks like. Someday I plan on these goals being accomplished. But for now, I just need to get the bills paid, and don't even have enough time to really write the poems/short essays I want to put out. Poetry is probably my favorite style of writing.
Sounds like you have been going through some fairly rough times for yourself! Maybe I should write some more uplifting pieces so Im not dragging other people down with my mood swings and childish emotional drama! Things aren't so bad for me really. I am living my dreams, and even more so every day! Any day I am working towards my dreams is a day I am living my dreams,. Sometimes I feel like I never get enough done, like I am always falling farther and farther behind in getting to my goals, and get depressed and am hard on myself (the rest of the world doesn't generally help make anything easier either
). Then I look around and see what I actually have accomplished, having what I have had to work with over the entire course of my life.
I had no college money after high school. wasn't elligible for federal or state grants or loans. Left home at 18 with nothing but clothes and cd's (ok maybe my favorite pipe too). Since that time I have found that life generally rewards hard work, regardless of financial disposition, and that I have been able to build a life and support a family from the ground up, so I think you are on the right track. Wish I could throw some work your way! Plenty around me, I have to turn down lots of jobs...... hang in there and stick with what you got, work hard, and you will get to where you will want to be, Im sure of it.
I look back on the hardships that I have been through in my life, and I relish them now! I have learned to take some of my greatest sadness's in my life, and make them the light at the end of my tunnel,. I am very grateful that those things happened, and that I learned what I did from them. They have become key elements of what has shaped me into what I believe is a good person with good strong moral and ethical values, persistent despite our evil horrible societies. I have come to find that there are some terrific, amazing people in the world! That they are spread few and far between, and even cluster in some places. I have also seen, that even with the distance between them, they are still triumphing over injustices, and working for positive prosperous progress in the world.
garden watered and fed today..... more raised beds being put in.... probably snap some pics tomorrow to celebrate..
The actions of one man can change the world through the actions of another.We sure have worked against it. Though I don't believe that "nature" holds anything against what is in our "nature".
I know, we are all stuggling together, just mostly against each other unfortunately.....
Glad to hear it man! Glad to hear it! Thanks for coming by and saying whats up! drop in anytimeI can see a picture in my head........... You do have a way with words.... Hope all is well, Beautiful weather in my end of the world....... Always beautiful weather down stairs........
I only have time to do that in the evenings, as the sun sets. Thats when I can take a walk around and look at the things going on, and enjoy the scenery,Good I cant wait to see more pics man....and thank you again for the kind words TLD...I have gone through alot and I too have seen alot and met some TRUELY amazing people in my journies. The cards life has dealt me are fully earned, I have done many people wrong in my past and believe Karma started knockin on my door back in October... but things are going GREAT for me. I too have gone through my trials and tribulations with a clear head and a positive outlook on all the situations presented to me throughout the cycle of rehabilitating my inner self. I believe I am nearing the end of my struggles and I credit that to my ability to turn ANY negative situtaion or mishap in to a positive/ productive one!
I would love to sit down with you over a nice joint and just talk about random things and events.... throw some ideas around and just chill one evening maybe even have a beer brotha...I just wanna pick your brain thats all!![]()
Thanks you kindly all around,TLD. Ur an amazing writer. but i dont have to be the one to tell yah. You should try to get into Hightimes mag. But i think youd probally had this idea crossd ur mind before.
You can paint a picture on anyone who reads ur little inputs, you show great amount of strength in ur writing. i wish i was capible of writing like you TLD. Maybe i would've passd english with a better grade when i was in high school.
BTW- Your garden always looking fabulous. Curious, whats the biggest plant youve ever grown? And what was yer final yeild?
Very true. Same with ideas! Imagine if most men came together under a common set of goals...... I often think of the forefathers of the US, of what was going on at the time, and the courage and heart it took for those people to do what they did, when they did it. I feel as though times now are very similar to how they were then, in many regards. I feel as though it is time to pick up where they left off, and do what they set out for us to do.The actions of one man can change the world through the actions of another.
Your right, but as I wrote, I am still researching for the books. And the thing keeping me back the most in starting a magazine is contributions, commitments, general interest and input, its just not there. I don't want it to be a one man magazine, thats not it at all. I prefer to get a regular set of writers, with focus, direction, talent, and passion, that are committed to writing for what it is, how it is, and what it does. I prefer for artists and aspiring small businesses to advertise their wares through it, for important topics and events to be written about. I am willing to settle for way less to start with, but I still can't do that on my own.Hey big Dragon! just stopped by to check out the progress. I did want to comment on something you wrote and please take this as encouragement, not critisism. " I would love to start a magazine, write a few books, and even do some other writing for other magazines or something." Man I say just do it. Change " I would love to", to "I am in the process of". You know potential without motion is just wasted potential. I along with most of the folks following your threads realize your talent. Your passion should be shared. Make time man for you and sit down and write. The book will be written in no time. The reason you have the character and wisdom you posess, is due to the adversity you have overcome. I am a fan and will attend your growing academy and buy your books. God gives us all gifts and it is up to us to share them with the world.
Ok, that was my motivational attempt. lol I love ya bra and just want you to accomplish your dreams.