It's always nice to hit a bowl while taking a ride in your thoughts. I can picture the entire journey, but hey that's what good writing skills will do. I too get the occasional itch to go where ever the wind blows, but then I am reminded of all the many things that have me locked down for, job, mortgage payments etc. Someday, though I will be making a treck myself again, maybe this time I will have a companion in my wife. Thanks for sharing
Im sure you will get back out there some day.
How about some pics of veggies and flowers, with a little explanation? going to have to edit in explanations though..... And I already snapped some pics of the Other garden,

, just going to have to wait to post them till I get home from working

General info- Just moved in a year ago, and Im trying to turn a house and yard into a home and garden

. None of the walls were in place prior to me showing up. Most of the soil was excavated from somewhere else and moved in. Including for the "lawn" there. This upcoming fall I will lay in grass seed for a more uniform look, and by next year I am planning on having a lot more established to work with,

Pic 1- Indoor veggies inside, I have no idea whats going on with these, its a family project
Pic 2- The rock wall stands about 1' tall, and approximately 20' long, been slowly getting this together since we moved in about 9 months ago
Pic 3- Tomatoes

, transplanted into there about two weeks ago
Pic 4- These bordered beds were just put in a little over a week ago.
Pic 5- The main outdoor veggie garden, looking east, its coming along.
Pic 6- This is the same area as pic 2. As you can see there is lavender on one side, and the other, and nothing in the middle. I am still trying to decide what to put in the middle there.... any suggestions?
Pic 7- More tomatoes,

, again two weeks in the ground.
Pic 8- Same area as pics 2 and 6. On the other side of the lavenders are two miniature Hybrid rose bushes, here is one, its blooms are pink/violet.
Pic 9- Tomatoes in the 5 gal pots are cherry tomatoes. I love cherry tomatoes,

Pic 10- These tomatoes were transplanted less than a week ago. They were volunteers that came up at another property and have been moved here,

Pic 11- Mellons, I sure am looking forward to these,
Pic 12- These are all heirloom tomatoes, I liked the bend in the stems, and am using it to my advantage. I think they will all do fine growing out of the same tire.
Pic 13- Klondike watermellons,

. These are the big fuckers,

.... mmm mmm.
Pic 14- Still trying to figure out what to put in center there.... I am really happy with how the slate borders are coming out,

Pic 15- Thats all lettuce on the left, strawberries on the right, and cherry tomatoes in the pots on the ground

Pic 16- This other rose bush on the outside has yellow blooms.... so it goes, yellow, purple, blank, purple, pink/violet. I was thinking white in the center????
Pic 17- I waited way too long to transplant all these flowers. Wish more of them were perennial, but its ok I will replace them later. Im just hoping to get some decent blooms this year anyways.... and now I have these beds in, I can reuse them for years to come

Pic 18- More indoor veggies.... what the hell am I going to do with all these?
Pic 19- Main outdoor veggie garden area looking North West.
Pic 20- When I am not paying attention, my wife and children go around planting veggies in the coolest places! Like this tomato plant, and its pumpkin friends
Pic 21- Indoor veggies..... hehe... I already donated and gave a bunch away... Im sure my family will get these all spread around.... just not sure I will be all that happy where they all end up

..... they already planted carrots and squash in the front lawn!!! hehe
Pic 22- More mellons, these look like honey dew, but Im not sure. They are called emerald gem

Pic 23- Main outdoor veggie area looking Due West..... hehe.... PK in the back there almost goes along with the treeline