Well-Known Member
are you growing some of those trees in tires? lol everything looks great
WOW a half pound! must be nice.hehe Sensi Star and Purple Kush...... haven't a clue what my total is going to be..... trimmed a half lb today (I
LD, don't you have a radio?And I suppose I should let you know....... this is what comes out of me after staring at nuggets for hours trimming, talking, and having a gay old time...... when I am tired but relaxed, and "my mind is ready, open, and receptive"
can't forget her....... its nature and the plants that do all the real work.... I just tend them and give them encouragement
there would be nothing without the two.... and I can't stress or highlight that point enough....
to anyone that thinks they are a bad ass because of the pot you grow () You aint shit! I aint shit! you CAN"T take credit for what you didn't REALLY DO..... you grow some nugs out of the top of your head (or arm or leg or dick or whatever) then YEAH your the Shit! but nah... we are nothing but people, left to our devices in nature, ruining it, that which truly provides us life, without a second thought, without a true awareness of our collective damage, dispelled by the self produced and consumed by the smoke (/smokescreen) everywhere around us.
One of these journals you will see.... I will tend a full crop to magnificent maturation, and sacrifice it as tribute to the awe that nature is, give it back to the mother of all seeds and clones.... I hope it turns out better than any before, she deserves it.......
My heart weighs in ache, rising into my throat as if to spite sadness and the truth..... Rising........ do you not understand, WE, do WE not understand? we rely upon so greatly what we destroy so extravagantly and inadvertently in selfish imperious brazen methodology Every Day.... This makes me sick with myself, so sad..... its because of how I was raised, where I came from, what I was made to be able to see..... and what was born of my heart from it.... true power, as the essence of life and its key is held not within us or is not truly ever within our grasp, but we bear witness this event, this perception of what is real, as if to spend eternity devising an explanation, true understanding, definition, and complete knowledge of this constantly changing and there for enigmatic representation, of a truly indescribable substance (life), thus making us obsolete. So we roll it all into one wordLife.
To any one that has read the bible, go back and read it again...... passages over and over again, and buy into the messages not the money, realize the simple examples of such things as I describe....... what its essence is rather than its stringent transcriptions.... I don't claim to be christian particularly, but am fully aware of the FACT that I am more christ like than MOST christians by my nature and completely non christian upbringing..... and I smoke tons of herb
I would write TONS more (and really should) but Im sure I pissed some one off or something.... or your mad because you would assume this is all Way off topic.....
I assure you it is NOT..... I don't think you should grow pot unless you are astutely aware of these fine details and at the very least self conscious in practice. To those that are not, you have my condescension, but not my respect or tolerance, and many times you shall be treated with indignation, and I will not offer vindication, nor suffer to reply to arrogant, ignorant, uneducated replication
Sugar binge!a radio...... yeah.... a record player too, its nice
....... radio..... why though?
hmmmm....... sacrifice a calf? ok....... I was talking about sacrificing a crop....... Im confused...... but then again Im really really really baked right now, so forgive give me, but........ WHAT?
Where will people read it?...... are you not people...... you seem to be my kind of eople..... indeed..... the trimmin sort, yah know.... Why are you not reading it...... it seemed as though some one read it, or maybe they just pretended? Im not sure....... I gotta turn the lights off soon.......
Do you like candy? Whats your favorite kind...... I have a huge craving to go on a sugar binge.........
I like reeses pieces peanut butter cupsyummyummm!!
It is my pleasure.... it only gets better and better
impressed with your work.
Glad you are helping me out so much.
Happy growings