
Well-Known Member
bout to go water....

windchill day, broke out the long sleeves

cool sun, plants will love

;) ^^^ unintentional haiku update :) lol.....

full update later


Well-Known Member
hopefully the pics actually load this time... just tried a few minutes ago but it said security token missing ........ so I cleared private data, and restarted my computer, hopefully that works.....

nope.... security token still missing..... and it won't let me inform an administrator either :evil:


Well-Known Member
hopefully the pics actually load this time... just tried a few minutes ago but it said security token missing ........ so I cleared private data, and restarted my computer, hopefully that works.....

nope.... security token still missing..... and it won't let me inform an administrator either :evil:

Ahhh... I hate when that happens! Well I hope you get them up real soon!


Well-Known Member
the file sizes were too large..... they were taken by a way better camera than I normally have used...

I fixed it so they will be up shortly :)


Well-Known Member
ok here we go

1-3 are Purple Power Plant :)

4-9 Sensi Star

10 outside greenhouse Pk in the back

11 PK...... caged like the 7 1/2 ft animal she is!

12 Here Ill show you in.....

13 the light starts to show the way

14 just a little bit further :P

15 imediately to the left you find the first greenhouse girl :)

16 on to the second one!

17 and the third :)

18 the largest in the greenhouse #4 :)

19 #5 is shooting out into #4's area hehe

20 #6 is sad there in the corner...... wishing she could get the brilliant attention of the sun... lol

21 #4 and #5..... they are always fondling each other :)

22 + 23 is the top portion of the pk all caged up :)

24 Pk lower side branch.... see she is just stacking :) LOTs of time on her :) super purple she will be :P lol

25 Sensi Star is no joke :)



Well-Known Member
Ima be thick into trimming starting about the 20th..... couple will go before then...... SS will finish up pretty quick once the flush starts (she is notorious for keeping her pistils white till she stops getting fed (in some phenos, this one included, though her pistils will change due to some stresses as well, brown=stress, red/orange=flush, :) ).... the PK will go on and on and on.... hehe.... just after Halloween is when she will come down..... or right on Halloween, depends on the weather..... :)


Well-Known Member
Fucking hell they've grown !
MMMMM yeah, :).... wife said the same thing the other day when she went and looked at them.... glad to see you on..... about ready to get going again? I miss your plants:twisted:

lookin good loaded lookin good
why thank you.... just in the meantime ;)

more pics next week.... hopefully daytime shots ;).....

and my indoor is really starting to blow up, :)..... yaya, things are moving right along, :).

And thanks to my RIU Fam! You keep me motivated.....

To endure the strife this life so eagerly displaces upon us, like dust
that we make this discord ourselves,
and between ourselves
it melts away like fire on ice
a place where good energy dwells
harmony more than worth the sacrifice

^^^^^ Words of wisdom courtesy of a bowl of Sensi Star, and my underlying feelings here on RIU :)


Active Member
Loaded those are some great looking pictures! You say the fam here helps keep you motivated, pictures like those just make all my endorphins go wild! Sensi looks delicious.


Well-Known Member

If words are to be used, who better to say them than ol' Joe C?.................Feelin me?????



Well-Known Member
Dizzam! The look friggen awesome!!! My husband was drooling! And yanno he wanted to try that Sensi Star and recently heard that Cindy 99 is a beast. I have never heard of the Cindy 99 before now.