
Well-Known Member
no maynard doesn't get any herb from me...... no I don't speak French (no parle)........ but I did teach the dude how to say "whats up homie" ....... ;) ....... yeah, the greenhouse isn't perfect.... I really liked the stacked tire idea (got it from someone else) ....... I am using a few different soil mixes to see which gets best results..... Im anxious to see what happens with that. As you can see I am doing raised beds inside of a greenhouse. It stays nice and humid and cool, :).


Well-Known Member
ok time for some pics finally..... :) ...... still lots more to do...... more explaining later..... :) ....... a piece of France just showed up at my front door, :D :peace: ....... does anyone know how to speak french? :P

Like I said smallish....... undergrown......
the one in the tires is Purple Kush..... everything else in the greenhouse is Sensi Star.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
tire pots are cool. never grew maryjane out of it but I grow palms in it and line my driveway. keeps them at just the right hieght

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
mines a little different though. its just one tire and the rubber is turned inside out, so the rim is showin and it is actually the bottom of the 'pot'


Well-Known Member
thats a awsome greenhouse set up, im jealous man
Im very very pleased, :).... hoping for two feet of growth before they really start flowering, :)

mines a little different though. its just one tire and the rubber is turned inside out, so the rim is showin and it is actually the bottom of the 'pot'

I would love to see a picture of this...... if you post a picture of yours I will explain how my tire set up was established :P


Well-Known Member
Thanks..... I like your tirepot.... hehe....... for the one I did:

Tilled ammendments into local soil 6-8 inches deep and watered down
then put two layers of chicken wire on top of soil a little meshed in
then cut two tires, one rimm lining (or side) on one and both sides of the other
pile soil 2 inches high or so above the chicken wire
set 1st tire (only one side cut) down so that the cut side is up
fill up tire with freshly composted and ammended soil up to 2 inches above the rim
set 2nd tire on top (both sides cut off) and fill with soil, :).
You can use the cut off parts of the tires as "root mound stabalizers" :) :D

On a side note..... I will take pictures of the Purple Kush Momma sometime this upcoming week, she is strait in the ground, :)....... I only have one PK clone right now, but when I visit the Momma I am going to be prepared to take 20-30 more clones, :D


Well-Known Member
Hey dragon first and foremost I wanted to thank you for your help from one of my threads. With that said figured I would stop by and check the grow. Looking good cant wait to see the finished product.


Well-Known Member
thats pretty cool man..I might think about doing something like that on the next outdoor grow. thx :)
I really like it, :) ......... it takes about 2 cu. ft of soil per tire plus 3 cu. ft. of soil under the wire mesh (I go out an aditional 12" to the sides of the tires tilling) thats 7 cu. ft total

looking nice!
Thank you, :)

Hey dragon first and foremost I wanted to thank you for your help from one of my threads. With that said figured I would stop by and check the grow. Looking good cant wait to see the finished product.
You can see how the finished product turned out last year, and how the indoor came out just a few weeks ago if you like...... the pics are posted in my other journals:


Well-Known Member
OK gotta get some more soil.... shift some shit around and figure a few things out........ I should have been doing all this back in June! :evil: If I had things would look amazingly better!

I will take another picture set once a bunch more has been accomplished..... The Ladies are Stoked that daddies back! :D I also have three or four in flower right now outside, :D I will take pics of them next week or so as they are with the PK momma :twisted:

Gotta get back to work, :)


Well-Known Member
6 down and 6 to go..... and more so..... I don't know...... but what I do know, is Im calling it a day, going to the river and cooling off.... I'll be riding the current on the bottom with the rocks, :D


Well-Known Member
Im aready itching to get another indoor grow started for a decent winter harvest (or two)..... If I want to have a good harvest I need to get the area set up by the end of August....... hmmm we'll see how this goes...... going to be a tornado sometime between now and then....


Well-Known Member
They are growing :D......... about 3/4" per day for the last week. Im hoping this boosts to 1 1/2"-2" of growth per day up until the middle of August as they get used to their new raised beds I just transplanted them into and start drawing in the available nutrients. Their is plenty of natural airflow through the greenhouse, and it stays at a constant 45% humidity which is great for veg. It is usually about 5 degrees cooler in the greenhouse than in the direct sun (a few degrees warmer than the shade). I cleaned off the fiberglass panels to allow for more light to come through. As it is they get 7 hrs of direct light a day. I imagine it will drop off to about 5 hrs of direct light as the season draws to a close. Like I said before, I should have gotten this all set up like this back in the beginning of June... if I did, I am guessing my plants would all be about 6 ft tall..... oh well, can do next year :D........ I hope for 1/4 lb. per plant, and will be perfectly happy with 2 1/2 oz.'s per, but we'll see. For now they only need to be watered twice a week, :)...... pics will come again later this week, ;)