the2timers log ...


Well-Known Member
Okay finally have lift off on the grow!
Beans have cracked and are in the soil.
Strains: x2 fem royal kush from G13 lab,
1 fem rocklock from dna and 1 sharksbreath also dna.
Using levingtons multi purpose soil w perlite.
250w hps(growlux bulb) for pre veg and veg and a 400w hps (sunmaster bulb) for flowering. I mention about the growlux bulb because i hear they concentrate on as much of the blue spectrum area as they do the red.
As for fertz i'l be using this stuff for veg as i have had decent results with it in the past

Then for flowering i'l be getting some hammerhead or something along that line nearer towards the time. Oh and i have some left over bat guano 3:10:2 that il be mixing into the soil in the bigger pots ready for the transplant.
I dont have anything in the way of ventilation in the cupboard just the 1 fan ocsilating in there which i will be upgrading as im borrowing it from a m8 cos mine fucked on my previous grow.
I wont be doing any topping or lst'ing or anything i have sufficient space in the cupboard its around 6 ft high/ 5 ft in length and 2 ft in wide.
Im sure alot of people have recieved these dna seeds with their attitude orders recenlty so if you wanna see how they do pop by man il post pics every few days of growth starting from as soon as they pop!
Wow you listed every spec may be i should give that information with the grow data in my next diary blog nice reading newones think i done em all now some end strange start out good loads of info and pics then nothink until crop ??? i have done time laps vid of groth ill post link to it off my web site when i pay server fees (which i dont have right now no work in england resession)
but enjoy the science so keep a good log then we well me can build a database on everythink from set up to amount of water soil neauts used

keep it up mate look forward to next entry
Wow you listed every spec may be i should give that information with the grow data in my next diary blog nice reading newones think i done em all now some end strange start out good loads of info and pics then nothink until crop ??? i have done time laps vid of groth ill post link to it off my web site when i pay server fees (which i dont have right now no work in england resession)
but enjoy the science so keep a good log then we well me can build a database on everythink from set up to amount of water soil neauts used

keep it up mate look forward to next entry
Thanks for the compliment coolvibes good to have you hear.
sounds good man, here's for photoooos :D i would HIGHLY reccomend getting odor control setup asap if you havn't already. my 2 cheese are a few weeks into flowering, and when i turned of the extraction fan due to an insurance inspection, the bedroom was stunk out within a minute. had to run around half crazed with a can of airwick :P

sounds good man, here's for photoooos :D i would HIGHLY reccomend getting odor control setup asap if you havn't already. my 2 cheese are a few weeks into flowering, and when i turned of the extraction fan due to an insurance inspection, the bedroom was stunk out within a minute. had to run around half crazed with a can of airwick :P

Cheers tiptop, and thanks for the tip wen i grew cheese anyone that knocked on my door could smell it from outside the front door, cant imagine how nice ur exodus is smelling :-P If i can gather up any dollar i will do my best but it'l have to be insense sticks all the way man! fucking hate not having a job :cuss:
carbon filters are easy to make and nearly free . use drainpipe fix a womens stockings with elastic band to one end then fill with your reclaimed carbon(google it). then fix it all to the exstraction fan check my grow diary for how to make free exstraction fan then the exspelled air is odor free
it got rather cold in the attic, well a lie, i took the computer home, never gotten around to putting it back up there, it's sat in a bag in the hall, so i've been smoking in my bedroom for the pastmonth, and i got incense cones, they work, really well. best way to diguise smokeis with smoke :) i got my can of that orange spray the guy was raving about, and it smells insane, love it, but doesn't mask it for shit or anything for that matter more than 25 seconds or so. but the carbon filter is defo the way to go once you've ah, aquired some money? ;)
when you seal room with white (cant remembername) plastic reflective material use carpit tape and make sure were two bits meet you over lap again with more plastic you can build a home made presure tester this will tell you the room vacume presure as you know if it can create it then no odor will escape then you know only the exstraction point needs carbon filter, again google the home made presure tester you tube vid
carbon sprayers exspell odors when room is enterd you have 2 sets one above door one on side when door is opend co2 or some kind of gas fixes the odor leak
it got rather cold in the attic, well a lie, i took the computer home, never gotten around to putting it back up there, it's sat in a bag in the hall, so i've been smoking in my bedroom for the pastmonth, and i got incense cones, they work, really well. best way to diguise smokeis with smoke :) i got my can of that orange spray the guy was raving about, and it smells insane, love it, but doesn't mask it for shit or anything for that matter more than 25 seconds or so. but the carbon filter is defo the way to go once you've ah, aquired some money? ;)
Yeh i thought incense were doing okay on my last grow covers it up for a while, kinda. An thats it really could do with cash atm spend every penny i could on everything for the grow so far but should be able to gather bits as i go along.
when you seal room with white (cant remembername) plastic reflective material use carpit tape and make sure were two bits meet you over lap again with more plastic you can build a home made presure tester this will tell you the room vacume presure as you know if it can create it then no odor will escape then you know only the exstraction point needs carbon filter, again google the home made presure tester you tube vid
Unfortunalty i cant be making holes in the cupboards for any type of ventilation and iv got the diamond reflective sheeting covered everywhere in there.
Thanks i will check out these home made pressure filters.
If its winter you grow day cycle by night and night cycle by day this way its easyer to control the temperature at night as all the lights are on i just had to add a home made heater out of a lamp and tinfoil see grow diary on how too but it raised the temp by 10 degrees which was the drop after the sun went in, so in winter turn it round use the day to your advantage
i have 22 El-mino seedlings on the go 1000 watts of light and a grow room for free read diary i spent 3.20GBP so far every think was free check confined space too
If its winter you grow day cycle by night and night cycle by day this way its easyer to control the temperature at night as all the lights are on i just had to add a home made heater out of a lamp and tinfoil see grow diary on how too but it raised the temp by 10 degrees which was the drop after the sun went in, so in winter turn it round use the day to your advantage
Lights on 24/7 atm until i see some action, then it will be 20/4 im getting perfect temps even with doors closed but i leave 1 of them open just a little with the big fan in there pushing the humidified air out.
open the doors get some stiff cardboard cover oneside then fix with flaps to the front of the grow cubard so when doors close you left enough room now you can attach fan to home made sealed unit end the exspelled carbon filterd air will pass out the cubard door with no damage and stealth still
open the doors get some stiff cardboard cover oneside then fix with flaps to the front of the grow cubard so when doors close you left enough room now you can attach fan to home made sealed unit end the exspelled carbon filterd air will pass out the cubard door with no damage and stealth still
Just keeping things as they are dude nice and simple not quite sure where you are with the cardboard.In due time i can hopefully get a carbon filter.
yes you are not damageing the cubard i will send you pics of how to seal a space like yours give me spec to work with ie depth, width , hight, and the depth of the door. and i will show you how to make a box carbon filtered that fits inside your space imagin a box that fitted into your space with enough room to shut the doors
i dont know the science behind it but aroom that holds a certrain bar presure will not let out odors or such low amounts you can not detect. this gives you the option to filter the air through a home made carbon filter hole project cos about 7gbp or 10 usd no damage to any cubard involved
If the grow area is not air tight a psu test is pointless as this tells you the amount of air that leaves the room under presure if it holds a good bar you know the vented air is the only smell exit by use of a carbon filter no probs just trying to sort out a totaly sealed stealth unit with no damage to any fixings what so ever

if you change your mind get back it only take a few mins to draw up the diagram and were to source the materials for almost nothink.

i will be watching fair play love this shit