The You Know Your A Grower Thread


Every freaking time.

You know you're a grower when:

You're having a conversation with friends about all things cannabis, and you have to bite your tongue so they don't think you know TOO MUCH about the topic...

You compare the growth of 100 foot tall trees to the growth of your plants, and then think "if only..."

You drive by full-scale farms and greenhouses in the country and drool over the possibilities...

You look at random peoples houses and try to determine where the grow room would be...

You often wonder what percentage of houses around you at any given moment have grow rooms inside...

I love this thread. I read the whole damn thing.:clap:
I do all of these every day bro:-P:clap:


Well-Known Member
You know your a grower when you fall asleep thinking of the grow area you would build, if you just had the $$...



Well-Known Member
You Know Your A Grower If:

1. You have ever scraped a melted sleeve off of an HID lamp
2. You have checked on seedlings every 30 mins... just see if 'anything happened'
3. You have been annoyed at aquarium stores by clerks wanting to know what size your tank is, for such a big airpump and so many stones
4. You have gotten lost at home depot trying to find perlite w/ no miracle grow in it.
5. You have taken more precautions dumping soil and clippings then most mobsters do dumping bodies.
6. You wait by the door, waiting for the timer to click......
7. You have run outside @ 2am with frost tents in a blind panic.
8. Your spouse gets jealous of your plants.
9. Have sprained an ankle carrying water, and still got the job done.
10. Have been discouraged by a ginormous pile off buds... only because they have to be trimmed and there's no help!

lol, feel free to add to the list, those are some of my personal favs.:weed:
you spend more time with your plants then real people (even other growers):weed:


Well-Known Member
you spend more time with your plants then real people (even other growers):weed:
Oh man No.10 for sure.. I mean after a crazy harvest & you've cut em down, you then have the labourious task of manicuring them.. which was fun for the first couple of grows but I find it a real chore now.. Takes me about 2-3 hours Stinks the entire hood out!


...When you are driving at highway speed and every green plant on the roadside over 2 ft tall "looked just like weed".


Active Member
when you won't even let your dogs see your plants.

when you come out of your bright ass grow room at night and you cant see your feet in front of you cuz your eyes arent adjusted.

when your willing to skip a meal just to check up on your ladies.

when you come back from ur outdoor guerilla grow and people ask why you have duct tape on the bottom of ur shoes

when you constantly check the 10 day forcast.

when ur house is cold in the winter, and hot in the summer, cuz u keep ur thermostat off as much as possible to conserve elecricity.

when u even unplugged ur alarm clock to conserve energy...

when the only people u talk about ur grow with are on riu.

when your driving thru the countryside, scouting for grow spots more than keeping ur eyes on the road.

when your gf breaks up with you because you spend more time with ur plants then you do with her.

when you really dont give a fuck ^


when you won't even let your dogs see your plants.

when the only people u talk about ur grow with are on riu.

when you really dont give a fuck ^

I get a kick out of these two.... I have no problem talking about my plants here on riu, but at the same time, I have a friend that i've met through here, and we've been hanging out for almost a year now, but he has just seen a FEW of my plants a little while ago...... I dont think he even knew i was growin:lol:


Well-Known Member
you know i started this thread stoned off my ass and never expected it to take

its pretty funny seeing everyone's experiences... keep em coming!

heres another-

You have a 'master plan' you have played all your cards right, harvested and cured, then suddenly realized you are not a dealer and have no one to sell the shit too :lol:


Well-Known Member
When u 'Browsed' RIU for a year, cause u thought u might get caught somehow.

When u have a box of latex gloves in ur room, cause ur scarred the THC is gonna give u a dirty drop.

^^ U have latex gloves, cause u have important shit to do today, and cant be smelling like DIGGITY!!

When u drive past ur house, cause u seen the mail-man. Not sure if cops are there, to arrest u for your new beans.

If u signed up for The Attitudes newsletter, to get deals on beanz..

If u make 2 seperate orders, to get extra free beanz!^^^

If u signed up for a e-mail alert from Reserva Privada to get those ever elusive Purple Wreck seeds.

If u can tell a chef, milli, gallon, quart, gram, ounce, pound conversions faster than he can.

If u ever 'search' Craigslist, for 'grow lights' 'waterpipes' 'MMJ' and find great deals, but never go ahead with it<<<paranoia factor


Well-Known Member
If u ever picked up a broken window screen off the side of the road.

If u ever sat in ur cold ass basement, in the dark, in just boxers, with ur iPhone, saying 'the nugs look killer + rep' cause you didnt wanna turn on the lights and cause hermies!


Well-Known Member
If u rush outside in ur robe @ 6am. To put ur milk and Hawiian punch containers under the evestrough to get 'free' water.

If u ever cut a brand new $45 hose, for a 2 foot piece to connect to ur dehumidifier.