The worst your parents ever beat your ass


Well-Known Member
So your a chick, Firecoral? Damn your story makes me sad now, knowing that:cry:

And another thing bad kids aren't born. They're made. I really believe that. It's your parents fault if you were or are a so called demon child. They fucked up somewhere, obviously.


Active Member
So your a chick, Firecoral? Damn your story makes me sad now, knowing that:cry:

And another thing bad kids aren't born. They're made. I really believe that. It's your parents fault if you were or are a so called demon child. They fucked up somewhere, obviously.
Yes, I'm a girl. We were always good kids when we were little. My dad has a bad temper which is why he did what he did (he's much better now that we don't live together--we haven't fought in 11 years). I know why we were bad when we were kids mostly because it was some subconscious lashing out. When my sis and I were 12, my dad cheated on my mom with someone just 7 years older than me. They went to marriage counseling but fought a lot. They separated when we were 13, divorced when we were 14, and that's when the raging alcoholic moved in with my mom.

My sis and I changed a lot when we moved out and got away from all that stress and tension. We're now normal, functioning members of society. And if I never mention my past, most people would not even know how bad I was because I'm about the most mellow, laid back, kindest person you'll ever meet.

What can I say, being a teen is hard. Losing your family, house and life as you know it just made it even worse!


Well-Known Member
My parents never touched me or any of my siblings. But, I had to watch my dad beat the crap out of my mom or his current girlfriend when he got drunk. That can be just as bad, in some ways.
He had one girlfriend that was an angry drunk herself and thot she could fight him. Man, I seen some bloody fights with them. Teeth getting knocked out. Shit like that.


Well-Known Member
I'd say the worst beating I ever received was at the tender age of 5. Randall, the kid across the street taught me a new word and I walked in the front door and said to my Mom and little sister, "Hey, you FUCKERS!" It was Friday. Dad was out of town on business and Mom was planning to take us to the carnival that evening. She was quite upset by my new knowledge. We didn't go to the carnival.

The following Sunday, my dad was back home and thus far nothing had been said about the F-word incident. A rodeo was on the television and I stated, "You know, buck sounds like fu...."

Before I knew what was happening I was being dragged down the hall, and thrown on my bed where my Dad commenced to beat the living shit out of me with his belt.
My parents beat me on a doily basis. For random stupid stuff. With a belt, a hot wheel track, stick from outside. My mom broke a Pyrex lid over my head for not cleaning the spot on the floor right. She was drunk and there was no spot. I had glass in my head for days after that. My father beat the shit out of me because he had a "thing" for my friend who wouldn't say "I love you" back to him when he said it to her. And he said it a lot. I can't list all the things I got beat for. I just know my kids are lucky I learned how not to act from those two worthless "parents". Beating your children or hitting them doesn't teach shit!! Kinda a sad question.... I need a smoke

Haven't spoke to them in years.....


Well-Known Member
A little context would probably help. My Mother has never drank alcohol; never smoked a cigarette. She's never even drank coffee. To my knowledge she has never been to an R-rated movie. Saying she was shocked by my expanded vocabulary is an understatement.

Dad was a little more worldly which perhaps explains why he reacted as he did when his boy started sounding like a longshoreman.

That particular ass-whoopin stands out in my mind because it was the only time I knew my Dad was angry when he administered it. In fact, no other spanking is memorable at all.

Straight up G

New Member
For me it was when I was 10 and came in at like 6 in the morning with my older cousin who was like 14 at the time.Well my mom was blowing my cousins phone up all night but we wouldn't answer kept hitting fuck you button and just stayed out but were getting tired so we decide to go back to my house witch was the worst mistake ever.He sneaks in the back window and unlocks the front door I come in we walk towards the back room where my room was it's pitch black because we dont wanna wake my mom up but we turn the corner and try and get threw the kitchen where my moms room is right next to without making any noise when out of no where The lights turn on my mom and aunt jump out,Aunt weilding a belt My mom with the dreaded orange extension cord I get punched in the face by my aunt,cracked in the back 5 or 6 times with the cord.I eventually break out my moms grip and take the fuck off for the door right at the door opening I look back and see my aunt holding her son in a full nelson lol and my mom beating the fuck out of him with a extension cord after seeing that I took the fuck off outside and chilled in the park.

I was in so much pain I had these huge welts on my back throbbing.I eventually went back home at like 6 the next day scared as shit but everything was good and I ate dinner and she said you ever stay out that late again its gonna be 10 times worse.I went back and seen my cousin he has black eyes nose swelled up he lifts up his shirt his whole chest and back is fucked lol I just said you should of ran with me.He was pissed said I should of came back and helped him.

I know theres some members who had some bad ass whoopings from there parents especially some older ones when the parents could of knocked your teeth out.Lets hear them.
Not ok.......


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm a girl. We were always good kids when we were little. My dad has a bad temper which is why he did what he did (he's much better now that we don't live together--we haven't fought in 11 years). I know why we were bad when we were kids mostly because it was some subconscious lashing out. When my sis and I were 12, my dad cheated on my mom with someone just 7 years older than me. They went to marriage counseling but fought a lot. They separated when we were 13, divorced when we were 14, and that's when the raging alcoholic moved in with my mom.

My sis and I changed a lot when we moved out and got away from all that stress and tension. We're now normal, functioning members of society. And if I never mention my past, most people would not even know how bad I was because I'm about the most mellow, laid back, kindest person you'll ever meet.

What can I say, being a teen is hard. Losing your family, house and life as you know it just made it even worse!
Damn your dad sounds crazy lol My dads the same way pretty much but I dont think he ever beat my mom because we never really lived with him.Just picture him as some big dumbass who snaps about everything.I fought him once and I just got a cast on my arm it was one of the casts that go all the way up past your elbow so your arms shaped like an L.I was fighting with my mom and he pulls up out of nowhere and here's the yelling and lets himself in starts getting in my face saying he'll knock me the fuck out and shit well im 16 been training for a fight untill my arm broke about 2 days ago so I just said fuck it in my head and stepped back and caught him so nice right under the eye with a right hook from the cast then a left uppercut and another hook with the cast.He was gushing blood from the left side of his face you couldn't see his eye at all it was so mangled from the cast and his lips were scraped up real bad also.My mom starts laughing so hard after this saying you shouldn't of got involved she knows I wont hit her,he's snapping saying he thinks he's blind and he's gonna kill me.My mom gives him a t shirt to put on the side of his face to stop the bleeding he eventually gets himself together and is ready to leave when he says this aint over I charge at him again and hit him with a jab,right cast hook,left uppercut he took off out that door so fast after that.He had to get stitches under his eye in his nose and all over his lips he was pissed at me for like 2 years after that lol And he still hasn't gotten payback for it yet.We were joking about it recently when we went over his parents house they thought it was hilarious he still got the scars from it and he still says he'll get payback.All in all it wasn't worth it though because I had to wear the cast 6 extra weeks and get surgery for knocking the bone out of place.

Not ok.......
why is that?


Well-Known Member
I remember when me and my 2 older sisters had to live with my grandpa for a couple years (mom was on heroin, in and out of jail, and dad wasn't living with us, he was 8 hours away) and i never got hit but my oldest sister used to get abused my grandpa sometimes when he was drunk, which was everyday. I remember one time he dragged her down the stairs by her hair to do the dishes... terrible environment to live in, and it's sad to read everyone else's stories. I'll never abuse my kids like that


when i was young has hell all my unkles from my dads side of my family, and my pops beat me with belts soooo bad that the next day my skin peeled. now that i grew up to be a six foot 2 inch 260 pound beast that shit aint going down like that no more.


Well-Known Member
My sister and I were the demon tag team! :lol: When we were 12, we started smoking cigs, drinking, smoking pot and tripping on acid. I had a 19 year old boyfriend when I was 12. When we were 13, we started stealing my parents' cars and driving up to 90 miles away, with boys, while drinking. We'd do this at least once a week and didn't get caught for 2 years. I was expelled from 2 schools, my sister was expelled from 1 school.

From 13-16, every Sat night at midnight, we'd go to the movies. After my parents drove off, we'd go down the street where they sold everything to minors. We'd get wasted drunk, smoke a bunch of herb and we were guinea pigs for an acid dealer.

From 13-15 I tripped on acid at least 3 times a week. from 15-19 I did ecstasy at least 3 times a week.

My sister was a cokehead and pill popper. I've done just about every pill imaginable, mescaline, shrooms, peyote, etc (everything except crack and heroin)

I did tons of graffiti, snuck out of the house so many times I can't even keep track, I'd have boys I liked calling my parents pretending to be a female friend's dad saying I was going to spend the night (they always bought it)

The list goes on... We were terrible kids. All of the above happened before we were even 16 years old. (When I say "we" I mean my sister and I; twins)
lol i think i knew you growing up >:)


Active Member
I was born in 1960 in Chicago where my Dad would beat the lord into us with a belt when ever we showed any disrespect. But the worst was my grandma in canton Georgia, she would make us go out and pick the switch she was going to beat us with, if it wasn't good enough she had one waiting. Talk about a mind fuck!! Of course she was a wicked southern baptist trying to make us see the light... FUCK I hate Religion... I have never laid a hand on my kids, never had the need.. I think they are better for it.. PEACE


lol nothing like a chicago style child whooping session huh? lol

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I don't know after I started to get big enough to fight back, I never got beat that badly or often. But it has happened before.

I remember one time that my mom tried to start choking me, then I just grabbed her by the wrist and twisted her arm around and then gave a good closed fist to the back of the arm. I'd be willing to bet that hurt for a while... gave my dad a black eye with blood coming off. Those two times were each the time that I define as the last time my mother or father ever tried to get physical with me... it was pretty violent, but nowhere with weapons [that actually got used]... just fists.

Oh yeah, I forgot one time my mom was trying to hit me in the crotch. That would have been bad, I probably would have hurt her pretty bad and got arrested. Then my mom chased me with a knife a different time, but she was drunk, not really making it acceptable though... why would you stab a 13 year old? But my mom never gets drunk really.

A few times I got knocked out by my dad.

Grandma was the worst though. Right at the back of your arm, on the bicep I guess, or behind. On the back, the upper section, she'd pinch a tiny bit of skin really hard then start twisting it. Every time in fucking church if you say a single word. If you even moved while she was doing it or after she was done for the rest of church, you had better bet that you get whooped when church was over.


Active Member
My parents beat me on a doily basis. For random stupid stuff. With a belt, a hot wheel track, stick from outside. My mom broke a Pyrex lid over my head for not cleaning the spot on the floor right. She was drunk and there was no spot. I had glass in my head for days after that. My father beat the shit out of me because he had a "thing" for my friend who wouldn't say "I love you" back to him when he said it to her. And he said it a lot. I can't list all the things I got beat for. I just know my kids are lucky I learned how not to act from those two worthless "parents". Beating your children or hitting them doesn't teach shit!! Kinda a sad question.... I need a smoke

Haven't spoke to them in years.....
That's just plain terrible! I'm glad you evolved from it. Most people become just like their parents because that's what their parenting role models are. I'm like you, I have a son and I'd never dare hit him no matter how bad he's being. It's just not an effective method of teaching and all it does it makes you hate the parent. I'd much rather do what a parent's job is and teach/reason instead of punish.

You wouldn't beat a co-worker or another adult for not doing something or acting badly so why the hell do people think it's ok to do to kids?!?