The "Wife is Gone! Let's Grow Some Bud!" Journal


Well-Known Member
This has got to be the funniest journal I've had the pleasure of reading. I can almost taste your sense of comes across quite nicely in your post. You're a free man, brother...Master of his own destiny.

I also am envious of the space you have to work with. That walk-in closet is AMAZING...and perfect for a grow.

I wish you the best success.
this thread is funny as hell.... welcome to roll it up :)
Glad you guys found it funny! I certainly was chuckling as I posted it!


Well-Known Member
Enjoy the freedom. Experimenting is always fun. I'm actually looking for my own grow facility cause the wife don't like. My just have to buy another house for myself and my "other ladies".
[420]Haze;5752918 said:
Good job man, welcome, your off to a flying start !!!! Your obviously a fella with patience, it will serve you well during your grows.
wow, that feeling of liberation is palpable :D
i will most definitely be following you with your experiments :)
my girlfriend and i are working on some experiments of our own, but sadly i have not studied RIU as long as yourself :'(
im actually in the process of creating my own grow journal, but sadly not a journal from seed, but happily in a 10x8x7 room O_O
ill be linking it to my siggy ^_^

Wow, you three have no idea how close to home your references to "patience" and "experiments" really was while building out my vegging area...

So, I began last weekend thinking to myself, "Gee MrCartoon, you have read these boards for three years and have been very meticulous about what you would do if you could grow... You will be an expert with no issues and become a W33d B4ar0n in no time at all!!1!"

Oh how little did I know!

So as you all saw in my first set of pics, I was going to build an Ebb and Flow style set up... well, it doesn't work so well when your tub can't drain back down through your MONSTER fountain pump that has a motor like a tricked out muscle car! (Note to self, you don't need 3 billion GPH through your pump)

Anyhow, I ended up doing an improvised (and very pathetic looking!) drip system for my seedlings that sliced in half whatever machismo I had started with! BUT it works and all my seeds have cracked and sprung up... so couldn't be THAT bad! Besides, the drip system is temporary until I get my mothers vegged with my next system. But let's not get ahead of ourselves!

FIRST LESSON OF GROW: Leave the ego at the door of the grow closet and be ready to adapt if needed!

However, during my ego shattering experience with my failed "Ebb and Flow TUB OF DOOM", I decided that my Hydro dream might need a backup! So I grabbed some left over poting soil and perlite and threw one of my cracked seedlings in just for some insurance just in case I killed the other four in my dip system.

I then spend the remainder of my free time on the weekend building out my much cooler, and much more successful "AEROPONIC TUB OF AWESOMENESS!". :mrgreen:

In reality its just six netpots drilled into a tub with a PVC rack inside with fantastic twirling sprinklers, but it LOOKS much cooler and sleek than my puny drip system. Works too, which is an added bonus!

I plan to move my 4 hydro girls into this once they are big enough and continue to veg in this for the time being.

I still have big dreams for a bigger setup once I dial in my skills a bit and have some mothers to take clones from, but for now I am happy to simply say all 5 Blueberry girls are alive and growing!


what kind of pump did you get? you really dont need something very powerfull, you just need the water flowing.
Are you airating the water? the plant roots will BOOM if you give em all the oxygen they can handle, but you want to step it up gradually.
If you are at all intending to use soil, i recomend FOFF (fox farm ocean forrest)... 7 days after repotting my plants into 4 gal pots from 16oz cups, the roots were already coming out of the bottom!
I still havent gotten the goof plugs for my drip system that i want to setup, i had all 60, 2gph emitters setup and ready to go and then i find out that its not water tight :evil: so i said fuck it and am watering all my plants by hand for now lol


Well-Known Member
Here is some pics of my girls!!! (and my shameful drip system! lol) And the much touted Tub of Awesome-ness. I never knew that a plastic tub and some injection moulded net cups could salvage my ego!



Nice setup!
it lives up to its name, good work ^_^
its feels really good to see all of your lil babies sprout doesnt it?
i wish i took photos when i popped 9 of 10 vortex seeds... the tenth was crushed before it got to me :'(

quebec budzz

Well-Known Member
subbed I bet your weed will have better taste with Hints of FREEDOM good luck ....LOOSE THE WIFE ,START THE LIGHT:hump:


Well-Known Member
Ok, so after posting the drip system last night I told myself that it was time to get rid of the sloppy system. So the Aeroponic tub of Awesomness went into action this evening.

I chopped off the excess rockwool (no roots were harmed I promise) and popped the 4 Blueberry girls into the netpots and turned on the system and it works perfectly. :mrgreen:

So here is a few pics to satisfy all you pic whores who lust for views of grows. I'll probably wait a few more days for my next pics till I have some proper root porn to show off!



Well-Known Member
I just noticed all the water on my tub... don't worry, it doesn't leak. I just was having lots of fun pulling out the wet pots and checking for coverage.

I'm such a proactive daddy with my girls. They probably think me uncool for trying to hang out with them everynight! :cool: