the wierd wacky (yet viable) idea thread!


Well-Known Member
i have started this thread, well besides the fact i am currently bored, and just because I figured there should be a place where one could post there latest and greatest ideas for our little hobby, or anything else, in the hopes of receiving a little constructive criticisms, or perhaps advice from a random pro, or just running your idea past a few people and getting some opinions on it, good or bad. Your idea can be anything from meanderings on theoretical physics, to how to meet more men/women, how to build a better growbox, ways to squeeze more MPG out of your ride, quick drying buds, ways to launder money, etc, etc, etc.

so whats your idea?

here's my idea:
hashish interests me. i havent had any for nigh on 15 years, and never learned to make it on my own, and the few times i tried to make it years ago, were epic fails :lol: but since coming to RIU, i have learned the science behind the hashmaking process, from native hand stripping and rolling techniques,to bubble bags, to coldwater hash to fdd's washing machine, ive gotten the tech down pretty tight, i think. i mean its pretty simple, all you want to do is to find a way to mechanically separate the trichs from the leaf/bud material. and we know that this is easily accomplished by making the base of the trichs brittle by lowering the temperature, and then providing some form of agitation (usually shaking by hand)to break of the head of the trich from the base, and then filtering the trichs in solution through either a bubble bag or coffee filter to remove the leaf material, and finally then allowing the excess water to evaporate off, leaving a resin ball of trichs behind.
now, my idea is, i wonder if it would be possible to use sonic agitation to break off the trichs? sonic jewelry cleaners are the shit if you ever have used one or owned one, and sonic agitation is used in alot of industrial applications as well. i am thinking that if i could modify like something like a back massager so that if i put a jar on it, it would vibrate the jar... if the right frequency could be found, i am thinking that you could remove virtually 99.99% of the trichs in just one cycle as short as 90 secs, instead of the hassle of running the same mix through bubble bags 2-3 times to extract it all... anyone following me on this or am i just smoking some kick ass skunk this morning :lol: