the wick system?


Well-Known Member
Wick System Basic Hydroponics

basically, if I understand this correctly, I could setup an automatic watering system by simply sticking a wick into the middle of my pots of soil, and having a constant supply of water? The plant will basically soak up what it needs, I guess?

Anyone ever tried this?


Well-Known Member
Yea i've heard of people doing the wick. They don't run the wick stright up like that tho. They coil it inside the pot until it almost reaches the top of the soil. This way the roots grow out towards the wick and something about getting better oxygen too.


Well-Known Member
this is great, when it comes time to transfer my seedlings from their little peat-moss cups into real pots, I will set this up.

Would there be any harm in adding some RainGrow Organic Fertilizer (4-2-3) to the water? I grew basil with RainGrow in the spring, and fed them every time I watered, which seemed to make them happy.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
yes... Ed really loves this method.. he recommends a KIDDY POOL for this type of growing...

i think it is lame.... but I am probably being LAME by saying that :)