The whole plant is yellowing

Is that a fan, or just a duct? If it's an intake fan, then definitely point it away from the air pots.
As to the temperature, a small space heater with an inkbird controller will not significantly raise your electricity bill. And the correct temperatures can definitely improve your yield.
it is an air introducer and in any case when I got home I realized that that fan was not even on, however, later on I will try to remedy the temperature problem.. thanks for the advice
Hello, a strange thing is happening to me in my grow room ... basically one of my 4 plants (same strain, same soil and same water) has become completely a very bright light green color, almost yellow, and I started to notice purple veins between the leaves. I just can't understand what it is due to since the others are pretty strong and healthy. I specify that the plant in question has always been the slowest and most precise also that it is my usual not to fertilize in the vegetative phase since I use the royal mix of plagron which has always covered me 6 weeks of vegetative calmly with really excellent results.
My setup:
Grow Box: 120cm × 120cm × 200cm
Air inlet and extractor
Airpot vase
Led light: Mars Hydro Tsw 2000
Soil: Plagron Royal Mix
PH: 6.5
Plant age: 30 Days (from seed)
Techniques: Topping
Watering frequency: Every 2 days 1.5lt per plant
Rh: 55/50% Temp: 23 °
Light distance: 38cm dimmed to 50%
I'm at work at the moment and can't take pictures but I'll post them later. I already know that it is definitely a nitrogen or magnesium deficiency but I don't understand how this is possible since the plants are all treated equally.
I have only recently used spinosad on the leaves
Running a bit cold there bro... crank the heater up
the funny thing is i just got home and i noticed that the fan is not even plugged in. LOL
The fan doesn't need to be plugged in for a cold air inlet to chill the rootzone. Especially with airpots. Your extraction fan should be drawing enough air to create a decent breeze right across that pot. I have seen very similar scenarios before. It could be something else. But I would start with just moving the direction of intake airflow away from the pot. And warming it up. Then maybe a foliar spray with epsom salts. Then wait a few days before doing anything else.
Anyone that has grown different strains at once can observe that some strains can tolerate higher level feeds than others. You dont need a scientific, peer reviewed research paper to observe that.

Someone made suggestion to op that his plants may have different nutritional needs/requirements, I don't agree and was just asking for evidence of it.

Something scientific would be great. I'm over trying to find anything meaning full on the topic in this thread though
Someone made suggestion to op that his plants may have different nutritional needs/requirements, I don't agree and was just asking for evidence of it.

Something scientific would be great. I'm over trying to find anything meaning full on the topic in this thread though


sources are cited at the bottom of the article

The plants were exposed to five levels of K (15, 60, 100, 175, and 240 ppm K). Growth response to K inputs varied between genotypes, revealing genetic differences within the Cannabis sativa species to mineral nutrition. Fifteen ppm of K was insufficient for optimal growth and function in both genotypes and elicited visual deficiency symptoms. Two hundred and forty ppm K proved excessive and damaging to development of the genotype Royal Medic, while in Desert Queen it stimulated rather than restricted shoot and root development. The differences between the genotypes in the response to K nutrition were accompanied by some variability in uptake, transport, and accumulation of nutrients. For example, higher levels of K transport from root to the shoot were apparent in Desert Queen. “ [7]
[End Quote]
Landis et al (2019) found that significant differences in nutrient concentrations occurred among CBD (hemp) cultivars, suggesting that broader target nutrient ranges may be appropriate for cannabis. This study concluding:
“This study identified significant differences in leaf tissue nutrient concentrations among greenhouse grown CBD hemp Cannabis cultivars, which suggests nutrient uptake, partitioning, and/or utilization may differ among cultivars.”[8]

sources are cited at the bottom of the article

The plants were exposed to five levels of K (15, 60, 100, 175, and 240 ppm K). Growth response to K inputs varied between genotypes, revealing genetic differences within the Cannabis sativa species to mineral nutrition. Fifteen ppm of K was insufficient for optimal growth and function in both genotypes and elicited visual deficiency symptoms. Two hundred and forty ppm K proved excessive and damaging to development of the genotype Royal Medic, while in Desert Queen it stimulated rather than restricted shoot and root development. The differences between the genotypes in the response to K nutrition were accompanied by some variability in uptake, transport, and accumulation of nutrients. For example, higher levels of K transport from root to the shoot were apparent in Desert Queen. “ [7]
[End Quote]
Landis et al (2019) found that significant differences in nutrient concentrations occurred among CBD (hemp) cultivars, suggesting that broader target nutrient ranges may be appropriate for cannabis. This study concluding:

thank you!
thank you!
Google "genetics"

Google "phenotype"

Google "plant genetic variation"

and you will find your answers.

Asking for formal proof of plant variation because you don't trust the very people you ask demonstrates being lazy.

It is like asking for proof the sun it warm, I am sure I can find a scientific study about it but to 99.99% of folks we learned this stuff in grade school.

Clone is your way to identical plants, if cared for exactly the same. But dont take my word or anybody else's...go research it and come back with the basics.

I could post links but again just google those terms and spend enough time on the basics. I would not want to grow without understanding basic genetics.