The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow


Well-Known Member
This is my first WW grow and also my first time using brita filtered water. All started well in vegging but during flowering the leaves started to yellow.
I diagnosed this as a magnesium deficiency, as I know the organic food I give her is good I then assumed it must be the PH from the filtered water; I only have paper test strips and am a bit colour blind!
Last week I flushed her 8ltr pot with 16ltrs of tap water, I think the PH is between 6-7 but could be wrong. Yesterday, I added a quarter teaspoon of Epsom salts + regular nutes to her 2ltr watering to give her a boost.
Have lost a lot of lower leaves and also some pistles are turning orange, do you think I've done the right thing? When should she start showing that the extra Mg has worked?
How does she look for 30 days flowering?




Well-Known Member
I dont know what nutes you are using but if using botanicare then you hve to buy the cal/mag supplement i thought they were all good too till someone on here told me they were lacking there.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what nutes you are using but if using botanicare then you hve to buy the cal/mag supplement i thought they were all good too till someone on here told me they were lacking there.
Using Bio-Bizz; Veg, Bloom & topmax. All Organic. Have use them on a few grows with no problems.


Well-Known Member
My strain of white widow from is very heavy on the sativa.. I am thirty days into flowering and its not as far along as I'd like... At this rate I am going to have to flower for nearly 70 days... It does say 65 on the buydutchseeds website, but next time, I have two seeds left of white rhino so hopefully I get a girl out of one of those...If not I have a few other strains that I will order and would like to try...;-)


Well-Known Member
My strain of white widow from is very heavy on the sativa.. I am thirty days into flowering and its not as far along as I'd like... At this rate I am going to have to flower for nearly 70 days... It does say 65 on the buydutchseeds website, but next time, I have two seeds left of white rhino so hopefully I get a girl out of one of those...If not I have a few other strains that I will order and would like to try...;-)
If thats your most developed bud expect more than 70 days..Mine are 31 days along and more developed than that with an expected flowering time 9-11 weeks. Always take the flowering time listed with a grain of salt. Especially after looking at their Haze offering. It has a picture of a plant that isn't Haze with a flowering time of 10-14 haze is 20-24 weeks.

Hopefully you've got enough patience to wait it out :)


Well-Known Member
If thats your most developed bud expect more than 70 days..Mine are 31 days along and more developed than that with an expected flowering time 9-11 weeks. Always take the flowering time listed with a grain of salt. Especially after looking at their Haze offering. It has a picture of a plant that isn't Haze with a flowering time of 10-14 haze is 20-24 weeks.

Hopefully you've got enough patience to wait it out :)
Yup, I will wait it out.. However long it takes... I am not very happy with this strain, I will definately be looking at other strains next time...
Patience is a virtue...;-)


Sometimes the leaves just die, they have had their cycle... Mine (white widow) are 30 days into flowering, and the same thing is happening... Don't fret it dude... I'm not....;-):lol:
I had several responses, some people say that it is a lack of nitrogen. The product I am using is Dyna-Gro and Bloom, the grow is as follows 7-9-5 the bloom is as follows 3-12-6. not much nitrogen in ether one of them, does this product have enough nitrogen in it to get good results? if not any advise on what to use. I added about a half of tbs of mirical gro with my regular nuits. ????:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I had several responses, some people say that it is a lack of nitrogen. The product I am using is Dyna-Gro and Bloom, the grow is as follows 7-9-5 the bloom is as follows 3-12-6. not much nitrogen in ether one of them, does this product have enough nitrogen in it to get good results? if not any advise on what to use. I added about a half of tbs of mirical gro with my regular nuits. ????:bigjoint:
My nutes are canna flores a and b, they are packed full of nitrogen and, I've heard weird things about miracle grow... I'd use a little more nitrogen if I were you... My problem might be the same, will ask my hydro guy... Its different from strain to strain.... I know that doesn't really help you much.... I'd be careful and watch them like hawks...;-)


Well-Known Member
I had several responses, some people say that it is a lack of nitrogen. The product I am using is Dyna-Gro and Bloom, the grow is as follows 7-9-5 the bloom is as follows 3-12-6. not much nitrogen in ether one of them, does this product have enough nitrogen in it to get good results? if not any advise on what to use. I added about a half of tbs of mirical gro with my regular nuits. ????:bigjoint:
7 N is enough for vegging. I wouldn't worry about losing a few leaves during flowering. I lost a bunch of small lower fan leaves during week 3 and 4 even though I used veg nutes during the first two weeks of flowering. When it started to spread to multiple larger fan leaves is when I gave them a half dose of veg and flower nutes. Seems to have arrested the yellowing for now.

Now if you're only half-way through flowering and leaves are yellowing and falling off left and right, id give them a pick me up of N.


7 N is enough for vegging. I wouldn't worry about losing a few leaves during flowering. I lost a bunch of small lower fan leaves during week 3 and 4 even though I used veg nutes during the first two weeks of flowering. When it started to spread to multiple larger fan leaves is when I gave them a half dose of veg and flower nutes. Seems to have arrested the yellowing for now.

Now if you're only half-way through flowering and leaves are yellowing and falling off left and right, id give them a pick me up of N.
Leaves are not falling yet but i have had this to happen to me before and the plant didn't seem to mature. but i think i had some other issues like the temp, it was like 85 to 90 deg heard that wasn't good. now i am around 75 during light cycle and 65 when she is asleep. should i be adding some episom salt???? Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
If thats your most developed bud expect more than 70 days..Mine are 31 days along and more developed than that with an expected flowering time 9-11 weeks. Always take the flowering time listed with a grain of salt. Especially after looking at their Haze offering. It has a picture of a plant that isn't Haze with a flowering time of 10-14 haze is 20-24 weeks.

Hopefully you've got enough patience to wait it out :)
Sorry to bother you again dave...:-( Would you mind taking a quick look at my grow journal...? Its not very long... I try to keep to the point... Because really I am at a loss... I have everything running at optimum, the climate and nutes are all fine, ph is good...I might be adjusting it a little too harshly..

Thank you for your time....
Laceygirl...MMMWuahhhh, Big Kiss...:lol:

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
They are 33 days into flowering. They are doing well except they have some cheetah looking spots and the tips are curling upward. Anyone have any ideas on that? Here's my girls though.
May be magnesium.
Ive noticed WW likes more mag than most breeds.
Try some CAL MAG should put her back on track.


Active Member
Im having some probs a bit like everyone above. Think I overfed, WW seems to like real light feeding. And think my crappy tap water (I let it sit out at least) got them salty. I would say you might have nute burn too Anon, or need to flush salts. But that should effect the bottom leaves first. You have it kinda spread evenly on all your leaves. Maybe they do need a nute like Mag.


Well-Known Member
I have had very good luck with Natural Guard Soil conditioner. It contains minerals that is only release when the plants need it. I mix 3 cups to 5 gallons of dirt.


Well-Known Member
I am traumatized. I opened up my tent this morning, and got my very own personal crying game :( One of my best looking ladies decided to pull the switchero on me. How could I have been so wrong? I feel so dirty. I need to shower and scrub the filth away now.