And the antecedents stretch out into the past. It’s why I put a stake in @ Appomattox: southern culture, all high, mighty & noble in its own eyes, did a complete 180 (‘it was never about slavery, it was always about states’ rights’) and traded their John C Calhouns in for real-life Boss Hogg & actual Buford T Justice, local fat-cats enforcing the old ways with the new laws…a nudge, a wink, and business as usual…every southern jail a re-education camp for every black person consigned to them - punishment for having escaped captivity and having ‘given themselves airs’.
It channeled everything we’ve done since as a nation into right where we are right now.
Every time we drill thru & expose another layer of bullshit obscuring the deeds of these fine & heroic southern patriotic people, it becomes a game to see what sort of bullshit pseudo-response they can come up with to confuse, derail, or bog down any forward motion on anything related to race relations.