The White privilege to terrorize


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You are correct. They began in earnest with Reagan.
And the antecedents stretch out into the past. It’s why I put a stake in @ Appomattox: southern culture, all high, mighty & noble in its own eyes, did a complete 180 (‘it was never about slavery, it was always about states’ rights’) and traded their John C Calhouns in for real-life Boss Hogg & actual Buford T Justice, local fat-cats enforcing the old ways with the new laws…a nudge, a wink, and business as usual…every southern jail a re-education camp for every black person consigned to one - punishment for having escaped captivity and having ‘given themselves airs’.

It channeled everything we’ve done since as a nation into right where we are right now.

Every time we drill thru & expose another layer of bullshit obscuring the deeds of these fine & heroic southern patriotic people, it becomes a game to see what sort of bullshit pseudo-response they can come up with to confuse, derail, or bog down any forward motion on anything related to race relations.


Ursus marijanus
And the antecedents stretch out into the past. It’s why I put a stake in @ Appomattox: southern culture, all high, mighty & noble in its own eyes, did a complete 180 (‘it was never about slavery, it was always about states’ rights’) and traded their John C Calhouns in for real-life Boss Hogg & actual Buford T Justice, local fat-cats enforcing the old ways with the new laws…a nudge, a wink, and business as usual…every southern jail a re-education camp for every black person consigned to them - punishment for having escaped captivity and having ‘given themselves airs’.

It channeled everything we’ve done since as a nation into right where we are right now.

Every time we drill thru & expose another layer of bullshit obscuring the deeds of these fine & heroic southern patriotic people, it becomes a game to see what sort of bullshit pseudo-response they can come up with to confuse, derail, or bog down any forward motion on anything related to race relations.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
As soon as you start seeing those who vote differently from you as "dangerous" or the enemy, that's when you start the hilarious journey into fascism.
The journey trumpist and republicans in general have been on for decades now?
When does the hilarity start? Did I miss it?
Saying propaganda and intentional misinformation are covered by free speech is just as dangerous as trying to restrict non inflammatory political and social commentary.... ammunition is legal to sell to the general populace, armor piercing overloaded ammunition is not....

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I'm not incorrect at all. How can my opinion be wrong? My opinion is what I posted above and I stand by it. In a democracy we cannot afford to view our political opponents as the enemy because that's when it starts to get physical. That's when we start to demonise others for their political opinion which leads to some horrid shit. (eta: like that storming of the Capitol)

My "dog in this hunt" is that I see the polarisation of our society as a very bad and dangerous thing and not what democracy is supposed to be about. We cannot have a successful democracy without compromise.
So what would you call a party that actively tries to undermine the entire basis of our government? Michievious scamps?...they seem pretty enimical to our entire way of life...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
As I understand it, and forgive me I don't live in your country so I can't rightly know for sure, but not every Republican voter supported that attempted coup.
More than enough did, and the rest haven't done one mother fucking thing to set things right, they won't even seriously censure members who make racist remarks and death threats publicly... I cannot consider them any differently than those they allow to run wild

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
So you're saying about 40% (give or take) of your country are an enemy?

Putin is rubbing his hands with glee to that one, I reckon.
He should be, he's responsible for a fair percentage of them believing what they do. His troll farms have been influencing the simple minded for years now...but you know, free speech and all that ..

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
For a moment you have to consider these millions of people you’re referring to, myself included, give two shits about January 6th. It means absolutely nothing in the scheme of things and daily life in my opinion. People are even allowed to think the election was rigged! The horror I know! That doesn’t make them right - or Inherently bad people either. You’re not allowed to limit them from believing or talking about something that may not be true (see organized religion)

Nothing those people chose to do at the capital has anything to do with anyone else in my opinion. If someone breaks a law it’s their own choice. A few thousand citizens breaking in to a building in DC with selfie sticks and baseball bats was going to somehow overthrow democracy? What exactly was their master plan? If that were the case don’t you think the Pentagon would have had an actual response ready? My perspective comes from former service.

The capital building isn’t the republic - we are

If the 74 million citizens who voted for Trump and who vote for republicans really are what you say they are - there would have been an actual over throw of government. Except there wasn’t. We all just went along living life, while a few thousand people made a choice to do what they did. Pretty shitty attempt if you ask me considering the whole bring a bat to a gunfight scenario
And yet they managed to kill several police officers, and would have killed Pence or Pelosi if they had gotten their hands on them, or any other democrats they were intelligent enough to identify...


Well-Known Member
How long ago did Trump lose the election again?

You're still talking about his irrelevant ass.

Maybe you have more in common with ol'Trumpy Trump than you think.
Ummmm, it's not us- it's you.



Well-Known Member
Stinky loves the uneducated ( morons ).

Nothing like a good ol' Trumper double-down. + he's a Florida man..ummm, you don't want to do what's in the bolded below.

WASHINGTON — A Florida man has been arrested for allegedly pepper spraying officers at the Capitol on Jan. 6, and who law enforcement officials say then allegedly made a menacing call to the FBI special agent investigating his role in the riot.

Barry Bennett Ramey, who officials say was affiliated with the Proud Boys, was arrested in Florida on Thursday, according to court records. He is facing charges of assault on federal law enforcement officers with a deadly or dangerous weapon; obstructing law enforcement; entering or remaining on restricted grounds with intent to impede; knowingly engaging in an act of physical violence while using or carrying and deadly or dangerous weapon; and an act of physical violence on Capitol grounds.

Earlier this month, according to the FBI affidavit, Ramey called the FBI special agent investigating his case and read aloud the agent's home address. He then texted the agent the agent's former vehicle identification number.

Court records indicate that the same FBI special agent who was threatened executed Ramey's arrest warrant Thursday morning in Plantation, Florida. Ramey will make his initial appearance in a federal court in Fort Lauderdale on Friday. Court records do not yet list an attorney for Ramey.:lol:
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