The "Wheres the Craziest Place You've Rolled a Joint?" Thread


Well-Known Member
i was posting on another thread and thought of this, My craziest place would have to be at school with a cop walking towards me, i rolled the joint in record speed and threw it under a rock before the cop got to see what i was doing, i came back and hour later picked it up and toked :):joint:


Active Member
Me and My Buddy Brian where in His Jeep parked in the parking lot at some bluffs. The back of the car was toward the highway the front toward the palce where you walk toward the public bluffs. So we break out our bag and some papers and after we grind up the weed we look over and relize we parked next to this giant plane white van and the driver was leaning towards the window looking at the weed. So were like fuck! we throw a jacket over it pull out fucking move three spaces down and finish rolling it:mrgreen:.... The finished shit ever! We were totally scetched out but just went down to our secret spot over this fence and along the bluff the this one like 10 foot in diameter mound/kill of clay which is conencted to the land at normal level or like 5 feet higher so you abrely have to climb but on the other side its a 35 foot ballin so can see waaaaay out over the bay.:eyesmoke:


stays relevant.
i rolled one in the back of a cop car one night when i was living on the east coast. got into a huge brawl, the cops came and ultimately gave me and my buddy a ride back to my pad, i rolled a joint while he was driving. i figure, ill never get the chance again.

that's the craziest place i've rolled a joint.


Well-Known Member
i rolled one in the back of a cop car one night when i was living on the east coast. got into a huge brawl, the cops came and ultimately gave me and my buddy a ride back to my pad, i rolled a joint while he was driving. i figure, ill never get the chance again.

that's the craziest place i've rolled a joint.

I'd +rep you if I knew how


Well-Known Member
i rolled a joint in my high school police office. i was caught ditching so the pig sat me in his office. he left. i rolled. then i ditched his ass again. stupid pig.


Well-Known Member
I haven't rolled anywhere special, but a week or so ago I was walking down the street and some guy that walked by me was singing and rolling up a joint. thought it was pretty funny actually haha.


Well-Known Member
rolled one on the steps of the capital building in austin, tx....and rolled one and smoked it at the alamo, san for davey crockett..:joint:


Well-Known Member
The craziest place I rolled and smoked was on the steps to parliament in Ottawa there was MPs walking all over one even stoped to talk about herb with me on his way in strangely he was pro pot but would not take a toke


Well-Known Member
rep is the the little weight-scale on the top right of someones post.

and yeah, any time you do anything legal around a cop is some hardcore stuff. +rep alx420
i would +rep you but i have been a little +rep happy in the last 24 hr.


Well-Known Member
i was in 7th grade and me and 3 of my best friends, chris , mel, josh, had an half oz at school one day , somehow someone found out we had us and told on us, i had the weed. me , chris josh and mel all got called to the principles . we knew we would get searched and had nowhere to hide the weed.
we all started freaking out then took off running out of the school building, we ran 3 miles into the woods (btw it was almost winter so it was pretty cold) anyways we rolled 2 joints sitting on a huge rock we found about 2 miles in the woods, it was amazing with an amazing view. we smoked the joints, and was high as hell walking around in the woods lost, 3 miles from school and the police was looking for us all.
anyways we finally went back to school high as hell and we all were sent to alternative untill the end of the year, as for the weed , I hid it under a rock beside the road when we were coming back to the school after we found our way back. a friend took me to get it later that day, but i will never forget that rock, it was the best feeling in the world


Well-Known Member
it wasnt a joint but a blunt in the big scy carts at six flags in new jersey the ones that go over the whole top of the park to take you across we rolled it thier and started smoking but didnt finish and gog to the end and had a blunt and a black dready guy working just laughed and i asked him to send us back across to finish and he was like yeah lemme get a hit and ill send you back that was pretty cool i guess this isnt to crazy either but ive rolled a few in jail in my day lol


Well-Known Member
speaking of balls... i was chillin at my cuzins house, and we all outside, im standin at the corner of the street. i see this guy walkin buy, smoking a blunt.. i was thinkin, damn dude is crazy (cops are always around there)

...and then i smell what he smokin.. and its not herb. he walkin around smokin wet! (wet = angel dust) wet has a distinct smell.. then i thought DUDE IS REALLY CRAZY! talk about havin some balls.


I roll at home or in the car at chill spots... But smoking them is a whole different story...