The Weed God?


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll start with a bit of info on my spirituality. I'm neopagan and polytheistic, and I have a reverence and respect for all gods from any culture. I won't go too far off in a weird direction(unless you're interested in hearing more), but I have a strong affinity for the concept of belief fostering truth - i.e. if a group of people believe in a certain deity, that in and of itself gives that deity a form and specific traits.

Anyway, me and a buddy (who is not spiritual/religious at all) were walking down the street one day, then found a pouch with a glass piece and 2 little bags of bud in it. We went back to his house, started breaking up the weed in an aluminum pot pie tin on a picnic table in his back yard. I was thinking about finding this stuff out of the blue like that, and I said aloud "I wonder if there is a weed god". Right at that moment, the wind kicked up, and the pie tin with the stuff in it already broken up slid to the VERY edge of the table and stopped dead :o.

I got my answer bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

I discovered later in my research that there are quite a few gods who, historically, were associated with cannabis.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Me and my mother hitch hike all over the province of NS and we went to every dope dealer. Nothing. When we gave up we sat down on the steps of a train station. I looked down beside me and there was an 1/8th of hash. My mom accused me of holding out on her but she had one hell of a smile on her face. I can tell a million of these. It usually happens when I'm desperate and start saying prayers to god. He answers most of the time.


Active Member
Its not that there is a weed god. Its more like God knows what you want. And when you mentioned a weed god, the real God warned you when He blew that tin to the edge of the table. As to say watch it bud. I gave you that smoke and I can take it away if you give my credit to something else.


Well-Known Member
Its not that there is a weed god. Its more like God knows what you want. And when you mentioned a weed god, the real God warned you when He blew that tin to the edge of the table. As to say watch it bud. I gave you that smoke and I can take it away if you give my credit to something else.
A distinct possibility, but I'm fairly well read on Yahweh, and last I knew, blasphemy wasn't one of the things he's super keen on giving second chances about.

The bible doesn't deny the existence of other gods, just that you'd better not be worshipping them as such.


Active Member
A distinct possibility, but I'm fairly well read on Yahweh, and last I knew, blasphemy wasn't one of the things he's super keen on giving second chances about.

The bible doesn't deny the existence of other gods, just that you'd better not be worshipping them as such.

Yeah but the Bible also calls those other gods demons. Just saying thats all.


Well-Known Member
That it does, no argument here.

The Qur'an says something similar about Jesus and the christian god, though. Looking at the source is always important.

If you're a follower of yahweh or Jesus, it's probably a REALLY bad idea to go around worshipping other gods unless you're into the whole eternal damnation thing. If, however, you are a follower of a different god, It's up to them what happens to you in the afterlife, not up to yahweh, so you should be ok.


Active Member
That it does, no argument here.

The Qur'an says something similar about Jesus and the christian god, though. Looking at the source is always important.

If you're a follower of yahweh or Jesus, it's probably a REALLY bad idea to go around worshipping other gods unless you're into the whole eternal damnation thing. If, however, you are a follower of a different god, It's up to them what happens to you in the afterlife, not up to yahweh, so you should be ok.

Are you claiming that the Quran calls Jesus a demon? I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion? It actually calls him the highest profit above all profits. It speaks of great respect for Jesus and his mother Mary. As a matter of fact Mary is one of the only woman mentioned by name. The big difference is that the Quran denies that Jesus is the Son of God. Anyways all I was originally saying is that yeah its a bad idea to worship another God. And when you questioned him, he warned you by blowing your weed to the end of the table.