The "Weed Dream"


Ok so since I'm new here I just wanted to say Hello, and I wanted to share with you one of the most fucking EPIC fucking stories you've ever heard. *PLEASE NOTE* I am under the influence of Marijuana. *ALSO PLEASE NOTE* YOU MUST BE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF MARIJUANA BEFORE YOU READ!.

Thank you very much as I am about to post my dream last night. Very much so the most epic fucking thing ever.

So I was toking with some friends and then had to head to home so I could get some sleep since their was school today.
So I went home, ate about 2 quarts of Ice-Cream and and a Chocolate cookie.

I went to bed and this is what happened.

"I woke up feeling weird. Thought it was just any other normal day, but then I thought to myself, "Hell it's not just any other day... I'm toking today." So I turned over on my bed and turned on *Fentura - Live it* and turned on my equalizer to fullscreen on iTunes. The Music started and the colors flowed from the screen and started to descend unto my bed. As I turned around I saw them floating their as if they wanted to follow me. I did not understand so I turned around and touched the red mist that surrounded the screen. It started to beat with the music and the next thing I know I was the music.
Things started to get faster and faster, the beat started to climax and then.... It hit. BOOM, and it all went chill.... the music hit my body with a chill. It flowed through my body.. rippling down my arms and legs eventually leaving my fingertips and toes. I stood up ready to touch the green light but then I turned the song onto *DJ-TiestO - Cyberia (Deep Trance Remix)* and then I touched the green light and it faded into my arm where it touched. I was blown back by the force and hit my wall. Then as the beat sped up and started to loop as I called it; I died. I sneezed and blew my soul out of my body. As I realized what happened I desperately tried to grab my soul and bring it back to my body. Just as it slipped out of my reach the red sound/light pulled it back into my body and I was revived.
After this experience I got up and went downstairs into the shower... as it heated up I thought about what had just happened. Then I turned around and looked at the shower and started to notice a goldish glow. It was coming from the Heat of the shower.. I stepped in and it happened. The sensation of an Angel touching you just rang through my body as I stepped farther in it was almost uncontrollable I couldnt stop it. I simply knelt down to this amazing feeling. Then I noticed it started to get hot. Too hot. It was getting hotter and hotter and I couldn't get up from my kneeling position because the heat beat down upon my body like 1,000 whips upon my back. And eventually I got to the point where it was too hot... and I tweaked so Hard I had a seizure. And everything went black..."

I woke up and looked at the clock.. it said 4:17... It was all just a dream. And let me tell you I woke up with my entire body numb. As if I was in a burning hot shower. That was some tweaky shit.

So Fellow Tokers and Jokers. What do you think of my dream?

(It was my 3rd time smoking weed. Did about an 1/8th through Gravity bong hits and about 1-1.5g's through a bowl and a hitter.) I gave my friends the other 2g's from the Quad.

Also if it means anything. My friend just recently started toking this shit and he said it gave him a weird feeling. (He moved from another part of the city.)