The weed angels are watching over me!:)


Well-Known Member
Shit I've almost got caught smoking weed in public so many times but fuck I always pull some crazy shit where no one finds me when I duck out. Seriously I was just out and some dude walked by me and I was sitting by a bush and if he woulda looked over he would've seen me but he didn't! I thought for sure he'd smell it:hump: he was like 20 ft. away. but fuck I threw my joint out...

oh ya anyone else have similar encounters? I'd love to hear others stories (no homo)


Well-Known Member
where are you from? u.s?

im from the uk.

seems a lot less strict over here. just the other week i was with some friends, purposely lit up outside a police station..... nothing.


Well-Known Member
seems like you guys have it hard over there.

i mean i do get a little paranoid smoking in public places. but it's never ended in trouble. even if people notice i doubt they really care, as long as i'm not disturbing them or anything everything seems cool.


Well-Known Member
seems like you guys have it hard over there.

i mean i do get a little paranoid smoking in public places. but it's never ended in trouble. even if people notice i doubt they really care, as long as i'm not disturbing them or anything everything seems cool.
meh here most people don't care but fuck....I just realized I live by a k-8 school and fucking smoke up walking by it (bottom of my street) all the anyway yea cops roll around a lot so I can't really smoke in public just around my neighborhood.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about it. I wouldn't smoke by a school though! Are you just smoking joints? Most people wouldn't even pay attention, Just looks like your smoking a cigarette.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it. I wouldn't smoke by a school though! Are you just smoking joints? Most people wouldn't even pay attention, Just looks like your smoking a cigarette.
but wouldn't they smell it? I mean sometimes I'm hiking and I randomly smell it...if people wouldn't smell it thats awesome. I wonder how far away the smell goes?


Active Member
Just don't smoke around crowds. If your just chilling in a park or something no one will smell it...If someone walks by just play it cool. I doubt anyone will care. If you see someone staring at you or acting funny then I would get outta there. Most people wouldn't even know whats up. Just play it cool and everything will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Well I wouldnt worry about it bruh, shit gets ya P'd up.
Most he could do is call the cops n by that time you are gone:D.

edit; Honestly I really don't give a fuck if someone see me, as long as they aren't in Blue then it wouldn't make me a difference.
I've smoked at the Bus Stop before when I was younger. I got no problems just complements like "thats some flame bruh" shit like that.