Total Head
Well-Known Member
i just wouldn't feel right if i let this go. wednesday we got 2 feet of snow. pain in the ass blah blah blah. probably herniated a disc shoveling. anyway, that night i turn on the weather channel for the totals and i see that atlanta had been BROUGHT TO ITS KNEES over four fucking inches. now i know it's not exactly in atlanta's best economical interest to set aside millions of dollars for snow they might never get, but are you fucking serious? the whole city has 12 snow plows. LMAO. why even bother? it's fucking georgia. the shit just melts the next day anyway. they are closing some schools until TUESDAY. if those pussies could see the condition of some of the streets during a real storm in the north they would be ashamed of themselves. i have a sedan and i have to take my sorry ass to work whether the streets have been plowed or not. and in real snow, not that pussy shit. i have included a picture of how it currently looks in front of my house. the sidewalks and streets are dry because we shovel and plow and salt them OUR DAMN SELVES. i know there is nothing in that pic for scale but just so you know that mound of snow is 4 feet high and 5 feet wide from sidewalk to street. my street has been narrowed by 3-4 feet on each side. that's what snow looks like, and this isn't even near what we could have got.
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