The Waterfarm White Rhino

Journal Entry
Day 10

Tent 24.2
Rez 24.1
Humidity 20%
Ph 6.2 adjusted to 5.5.

Huge seedling change. After what i thought 2 days of no growth she finally grew and responded to nutes well. Pretty sweet. I still think temps are a bit high but i will sort it out soon. Busy with fam so ill upload pics tomorrow.
Ahh yes that would be GH koolbloom.. just a ripening additive 0-10-10.. honestly I never saw it make much difference along with diamond nectar etc.. nova bloom and some cal-mag is all I use now..

Nah i use maxi bloom mate no koolbloom.
You ol pe waterfarm grow you used maxi start to finish.

All i use is maxi bloom. Grotek monster bloom.
And i use bud bust gives the buds nice taste.
Thank you man. Should poke around more often glad to see a legend is still around. I know life right? Happy Canadian thanksgiving hope your well
Yes one day your care free doing, growing what you want.. then kids come into the picture and you have way more to loose. Sometimes you have to go stealth to let things cool off.. especially after that PE thread opened up a lot of attention..
Yep my bad.
no worries, there are so many damn nutrients, magic potions, snake oils out there now I get confused myself sometimes. Everything promises bigger yields, more oil, more flavor.. I’ve tried it all never seen anything make a notable difference over running basic Flora Nova bloom. Genetics is what makes the difference.. all you have to do is maximize the plants genetic ability.. and turns out that’s pretty simple.
no worries, there are so many damn nutrients, magic potions, snake oils out there now I get confused myself sometimes. Everything promises bigger yields, more oil, more flavor.. I’ve tried it all never seen anything make a notable difference over running basic Flora Nova bloom. Genetics is what makes the difference.. all you have to do is maximize the plants genetic ability.. and turns out that’s pretty simple.

I got confused cause i copied a bloke that copied you hes title says scotty balls style grow an he used maxi bloom. But yeah
I tried heaps of nutes after that first grow an have now thought stuff paying heaps i just use cheap stuff. But now ive seen you use nova ill be sure to give it a try.

My profile pic is from when i done a PE in a WF got 8ozs haha i was impressed
Journal Entry day 12
Temps 24.5
Rez 21.8
Ph stable at 5.6
Seedling is growing fast looks good. Im going to add some sturdy stalk in tomorrow which is just silica when i just add water to the rez. Got some water bubbling now for 24 hrs. Think my light needs to be raised a bit shes a short little girl lol but i dont have much more room. She gonna be a tight scrog thats for sure lol.
Journal entry Day 13

Getting super excited by the day. Plant is really happy the waterfarm looks good. Tomorrow im getting a ppm meter and Flora Nova Bloom. 15712729189331535679543478053720.jpg1571272958867444341164183880155.jpg
I am planning to still use these 2 nutes out of the emerald harvest line. They dont have much NPK in them and are just complementary I think. If they do something all the better. I will play with the whole emerald harvest some other time i want this grow to go off with no problems. Maybe ill even make it so there is a side by side using the scotty method vs using a whole line up. Anyway im going to add into my rez tonight some sturdy stalk.

Rez 24
Humidity 20%
Ph 5.7

Cat closed the window today. Its locked open now.15712748685478242040663608746501.jpg
Changes daily now fucking sweet. Looking at some of your guys scrogs i realize im going to have to train early so i will be making my screen soon. Any suggestions? Wont be half as cool as dr ambers lol just a basic one is good. Oh peaked under the foil no algae. Im paranoid of algae lol.
She is a beautiful little girl! Those little leaves are so fat. Looking super healthy and happy. :p
Does your cat go in and out through your window? Lol... and I hope she doesn’t get her tail caught if the window shuts on it. :twisted:
Journal Entry day 13

Temps 21.3
Rez 20.2
Ph 5.8
PPM 280

Finally a ppm meter.....but i have no idea what the fuck its telling me lol. My tap water is at 198 on the .5 scale just out of the tap and my rez which has been bubbled, is at 280.........ya.....i have some reading to do. Also this meter does ec as well. Is that better?? Where am i? Who the fuck are you!?! Lol kidding, but seriously this is all new for this guy. Plant looks stellar major growth. And because i have a cheaper led i just now realized i was growing with one switch on... the veg switch:wall::wall::wall:. So maybe because its not so blue she will stretch a bit (i know it looks red in my earlier pics but it wasnt that red in rl) so turning that switch on added another 200 watts. So thats cool. Hopefully a fluctuation happenes with the ppm. Im excited to hone in on the grow

Crazy to see how fast she grows in the wf. Big changes daily. God I love growing. Oh flora nova bloom wasnt available at my local so i ordered it. Will be here sunday and ill do a rez change.
Well, was a quick learn for me im going to post this for reference.PPM-EC-CF8x11.jpg
Let me know if you guys agree. Comment if you use ppm or ec and why. Love this community. Think im going to start using RO water soon. My hydro store guy advised against it but, he doesnt have a meter lol!!!
She is a beautiful little girl! Those little leaves are so fat. Looking super healthy and happy. :p
Does your cat go in and out through your window? Lol... and I hope she doesn’t get her tail caught if the window shuts on it. :twisted:
Lol the cat....super curious about the grow. But also loves to eat plants. He cant get in the tent and i try to keep him out as well to keep the room ultra clean. I think he tried to get in its a vertical type window. In the past he loved the smell and would sit outside the room lol.
Looking good so far wind, here is a really informative video that explains what is; pH, ec, TDS and ppm in how it relates to hydroponics. Definitely worth watching, I learned a bunch of things I didn't know from it.
