The Warrior Lounge all are Welcome

Hey. No service time here but I happend upon this thread and wanted to say thank you to all our past and current service men. I appreciate each and every one of you for putting your life on the line to protect me and our country.
i've gone back to work for a gov. contractor here at the navy base working on trainers for navy and marine pilots

you working on t-34's now...lucky. I wish I was able to leave the USMC with a usuable skill, All I know how to do is shoot people and pack parachutes. Not much of a calling for both in the civvi life. I've been in school working on my degree, thank god for the gi bill.
ak we have a paraloft full of civ working on ejection seats and parachutes , t-34 and t-44's great pay and close to home
first i want to say thank you to all of the brave men/woman who serve this great country,
politics aside, this is the best country in the world...

i am 19 years old and i turn 20 on sept 18,
i have been getting in shape for the last 5 months so i can improve my 3 mile run,
and trying to get that 20 pull up mark, i have about 20 more pounds to lose so i can ship to USMC boot camp,

after i graduated high school i worked in my parents construcion company and am making 45k a year,
no one thinks i should enlist in the Marines but im only going to be young once in my life and ill only have 1 chance to serve this great country,

2 Marines from my town just were KIA this august in afghanistan, i didnt know either of them but that really sent shivers down my spine,

i know i should have joined right after high school but i guess i wasnt looking at the big picture,

just wanted to say that it takes a special kind of person to be in the military and serve this country,
cant wait to get to bootcamp and get off that bus and see the yellow footprints..

God bless this great country!!
freddy , get your degree and lead the marines or just go to work for them like you went to work for your parents and let some one lead you that may or may not get you home alive , great life choice
Rock On Freddy!!!!! Nothing Like feeling the pull of the Corps!!!!! Although Robert is right. Theres nothin like being one of the boys, going thru mud the blood and the beer together is something you will never forget. I cherish my time in the Corps. It was the greatest time in my life. A young man such as yourself should go for it! Its the only Branch of service where you travel to forign lands and kill the native people..LOL...Just kidding...LOL..
ak we have a paraloft full of civ working on ejection seats and parachutes , t-34 and t-44's great pay and close to home

Interesting. What company you working for? It would be fun to go back and work in the loft again but, I just hate sewing more than anything in the world and I know they would make me sew a million parachute bags or something. Then I would just go over the edge and shoot a flare at the LOX storage lol...I live in San Diego, am still thinking about getting a job with SpaWar or Sirkorsky working on Crash Attenuating stuff. Im in school right now working on my BA in computer science. I am FAA certified as well so I can pack civilian chutes too. I also been thinking about re-enlisting or at least just going to Afgan for another tour, I figure I could handle one or two more, already have two under the belt.
sounds like your going places AK be safe , united technologies, is our parent co. we are a SSI, red headed step child , great benefits, the same pension the rail road gets ,overall not a bad deal
Full Metal Jacket
Thought ya'll would enjoy this..made me laugh and get scard all over again..LOL

I am Gunnery Sgt Hartman
Your Senior Drill Instructor
From Now on you only speak only when spoken to
and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be sir.

Do you magets understand that

Sir Yes Sir

Bullshit I can't hear you, sound off like ya gotta pair

If you ladies leave my island if u survive recruit training

you will be a weapon, you will be a minster of death praying for war

but until that day, you are pukes, you are lowest forms of life on earth
you are not even human fucking beings
you are nothing but unorganized grabastic pieces of anphbian shit

Because I am hard you will not like me, but the more you hate me the more you will learn

I am hard but I am Fair

there is no racial bigotry here

Here you are all equally worthless

And My orders are to weed out all non hackers that do not pack the gear to serve in
my Beloved Marine Corps

Gunny meets Pvt Pyle

Did your parent have any childern that lived,
Sir yes sir
I bet they regret that
Your so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece
Whats your name fat body
Sir lenord Lawerence Sir
lawerece, lawerence of what of arabia
Sir No Sir
That name sounds like roality
are u roality
sir no Sir
do u suck dicks
sir no sir
Bullshit I bet you suck a golf ball thru a garden hose
I don't like the name lawerence
only faggots and sailors are called lawerence
from now on your name is gomer Pyle
Do you think I'm cute do u think I'm funny
sir no sir
then wipe that disgusting grin off your face
sir yes sir
well any fuckin time sweetheart
Sir I'm trying Sir
pvt pyle I'm gonna give you 3 secs
excatly 3 secs to wipe that stupid grin off your face
or I will gouge out your eye and Skull fuck you.

Pvt pyle you had better square your ass away and start shitting me Tiffany cufflinks
or I will definably fuck you up.
Sir yes Sir

If God wanted you up there he would have miracled your ass up there by now

You climb obstacle like old people fuck
I will motivate you Pvt Pyle if it short dicks every cannibal in the congo

Holy Jesus, what is that
What the fuck is that
What is that Pvt Pyle
Sir a jelly Donut sir
A jelly donut
how did it get here
Sir I took it from the chow hall sir
Is chow allowed in the barracks Pvt Pyle
Sir No Sir
Are u allowed to eat jelly donots Pvt Pyle
Sir No Sir
And why not Pvt pyle
Sir because I'm to heavy sir
Because you are disgusting fat body Pvt Pyple
Then why did you hide a jelly donut in your footlocker Pvt Pyle
Sir Because I was hungry Sir

because you were hungry

Pvt Pyle has dishonored himself and dishonored platoon
I have tried to help him
but I have failed
I have failed because you have not helped me
You people have not given Pvt Pyle the proper motivation
So,,, from on whenever pvt pyle fucks up
I will not punish him,,,, I will punish all of you
And the way I see it ladies, you owe me for one jelly donut
I also been thinking about re-enlisting or at least just going to Afgan for another tour, I figure I could handle one or two more, already have two under the belt.
I don't think I knew this prior to, . .
Thanks for your service my friend. I (we) are in your debit.
i would go to support the troops working in the private sector as a gov. contractor but the marine corps can kiss my ass
I was in kilo 3/6 2 marine div 3 plt 1998 to 2002 I was in afghanstan 2001 to 2002 I was one of the frist wave

UHHH RAHHH Devil Dog!!!!!

I was in 2/2 attached to 6th Marines, as u know there is no 2/6....for the Gulf War. We were the first wave..Tip of the Spear we called it...
OK who know anything about a Govt contractor called Triple Canopy??
Yes I been to there web site anyone got any inside info????