The war is on its no longer murder


Well-Known Member
if a cop raped you would you kill the cop? well basically they rape and ruin lives everyday.
once again, i am very sorry to hear that you were cop raped. maybe you can hire a lawyer and sue them. people sue and win all the time. ;)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And the mask comes off and he really reveals himself. I bave a hard time beleieving you're 18.

Again, why is your vendetta not aimed at the poeople makinmg the laws and giving the police their orders? I love that associate not killing a policeman as not wanting freedom.

I agree with the statement that you basically had a bad run in with the police and are now all pissy over it. And i would also agree with fdd in that maybe just maybe it might had something to do with your attitude


New Member
once again, i am very sorry to hear that you were cop raped. maybe you can hire a lawyer and sue them. people sue and win all the time. ;)
if i was raped by a cop you would see every fucking cop station blown up in canada


Well-Known Member
I wasn't aware congress enacted a war on the police. Please show me where our country is at war with the police. In the mean time, please go kill a cop and spend life in prison so we don't have to read your posts anymore. Shit's boring.
I don;t believe they enacted a war againt afghanistan or iraq either, that didn't stop anyone...


Well-Known Member
we need police for this reason.. why can the police just follow the ten commandments and nothing else.
so we need the police, and also need to kill them?

if they just followed the ten commandments, lawlessness would erupt like clockwork every sunday.

hell, i would go out next sunday and stab a hobo in the eye with a spork.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't know, how about in the chambers of congress, the white house, washington, it's your country, not mine. But it really shows your level of thinking. Let's now assume that cops all go undercover and only show their badge as they make arrests, so you don't really know where the cops are, who would be the target for the murder then? As you seem to make it clear that it is nothing to do with who is responsible for the moans and grips, but more just venting some quite astounding anger at someone, anyone. So yes, you are not going after politicians because you don't know where they are, so let's say you are not goinmg after the police for the same reasons, so would it be their families? or maybe parking officers?


Well-Known Member
Well, it took longer than I thought it would, but I am now officially bored with this thread. Good luck in your endeavors, 2012. Eh, not really, but bye for now.


New Member
I don't know, how about in the chambers of congress, the white house, washington, it's your country, not mine. But it really shows your level of thinking. Let's now assume that cops all go undercover and only show their badge as they make arrests, so you don't really know where the cops are, who would be the target for the murder then? As you seem to make it clear that it is nothing to do with who is responsible for the moans and grips, but more just venting some quite astounding anger at someone, anyone. So yes, you are not going after politicians because you don't know where they are, so let's say you are not goinmg after the police for the same reasons, so would it be their families? or maybe parking officers?
thats why citizens should have the right to carry guns.. cops have the right.


Undercover Mod
then why are they putting people in jail for weed? drinking a beer on the side walk? bumping into a cop by accident. making a free speech? throwing my face into a wall for not complying by emptying my pockets?
You support murder on the basis of this?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
thats why citizens should have the right to carry guns.. cops have the right.
I don't follow how you came to that conclusion from what i wrote. I basically stated that you are silly and not thinking very clearly, how does that constitute people carrying guns?

Yes? what does that have to do with what your saying?
He seems to have a thing about irrelevent responses :D