~The Vumar Grow~ RDWC

Purewaterclub.com has cheaper RO systems. I got mine for $115, think it does 150 gallons a day. Used it once lol. Wastes way too much water. Think its like a 3:1 ratio. Going full swing i'd be using about 40 gallons a week. Thats 120 gallons of water a week to get 40 gal RO, or 6240 a year. Thats a ton of water.
and painfully painfully slow. I got a hydrologic and they come with this thing that saves waste water but the disadvantage is you don't come out with 0 ppm water.
SPeaking of which Im going to email them and ask why I never got a response. They were responding at one point to my emails and asked for pictures to make sure it wasn't busted. Provided pictures, but not sure I ever got a response.

I'm a slacker and been meaning to contact them about it, but haven't.
that's why mine WAS hanging on the wall not being used. I swapped it out for a hydrologic smallboy and tossed the RO filter in the garage.
It turns out they did email me back in March 2013. Lol. The person seemed really happy to replace whatever defective part was causing the leak. So maybe I can still recommend this company and sleep at night.
Well I would be using the R/O water strictly for True Living Organics so the chlorine/chlo-whatever doesn't kill my bacteria, fungi, nematodes, etc. Some filters get the chlorine out but I believe only R/O water gets everything out chlormine? or whatever - too lazy too google it. But I can't have either of those in my water.....

So I don't care if its slow because it'll have a float shut off and be used in a 20+gal Brute to just store water as I needed to water my soil plants. I can use the waste water in my hydro setup, yes? I don't see a downfall if I am doing both hydro and TLO/organic soil.
Well I would be using the R/O water strictly for True Living Organics so the chlorine/chlo-whatever doesn't kill my bacteria, fungi, nematodes, etc. Some filters get the chlorine out but I believe only R/O water gets everything out chlormine? or whatever - too lazy too google it. But I can't have either of those in my water.....

So I don't care if its slow because it'll have a float shut off and be used in a 20+gal Brute to just store water as I needed to water my soil plants. I can use the waste water in my hydro setup, yes? I don't see a downfall if I am doing both hydro and TLO/organic soil.
Smallboy will get the chlorine waste MUCH less water.
Well I would be using the R/O water strictly for True Living Organics so the chlorine/chlo-whatever doesn't kill my bacteria, fungi, nematodes, etc. Some filters get the chlorine out but I believe only R/O water gets everything out chlormine? or whatever - too lazy too google it. But I can't have either of those in my water.....

So I don't care if its slow because it'll have a float shut off and be used in a 20+gal Brute to just store water as I needed to water my soil plants. I can use the waste water in my hydro setup, yes? I don't see a downfall if I am doing both hydro and TLO/organic soil.

True, route your waste to another brute.

I mean if its 0ppm i'd imagine it has the chlorine and chloramine out. Surely those must have a ppm count.
Man im on easy street this week. Plants are on flush mode. Seedlings dont make big pH or ppm swings so they on autopilot for a while. Boss is leaving for vacation. School is all done with.

Fuck yeah.
Chlorine same thing carbon. Chloramines. IF your city uses it needs a bigger carbon filter for more contact time....
The waste of ro is crazy. If chlorine or chloramine is what you're wanting out it looks like carbon is the answer and to run ro would be a big waste. The waste water you coukd use for something though. Even living soil since the carbon more than likely filtered the chlorine before the ro membrane was touched.
The waste of ro is crazy. If chlorine or chloramine is what you're wanting out it looks like carbon is the answer and to run ro would be a big waste. The waste water you coukd use for something though. Even living soil since the carbon more than likely filtered the chlorine before the ro membrane was touched.

Like I said, I'll run my RO water to a brute for TLO and the other into a hydro system or a massive reservoir used for multiple hydro systems. I see no fault in my plan here.
The term "waste" water makes me not want to use it in hydro haha. Its still acceptable though, better than some city water down south!