The Villan Strikes Again (11 Plant Herijuana Run)


Well-Known Member
Hello peeps of my peeps Ok so its been a little since a update surprised I only got scolded like once Sorry SICC lol. Any who heres the nasthy yes "nasthy" flics I have recently gotten from the ladies. But a info update first before porn

So my sm802 took a shit on me and I have been flying straight blind in the dark on PPM/PH 4 weeks flower and having NUTE issues. I think I need to feed more but wtf does one do without a meter in hydo. I honestly feel this is the most important tool in hydro hands down. Then genes and lighting. So I am stuck with a bottle of GH liquid ph tester. Only gives you .0 as in 6.0,7.0 etc. Sucks ass wtf. I mix and start at 5.5 letting it float up to 6.1 which takes bout 3 days when tuned in. .0 is bullshit it doesn't hit anyone's recommended ph ranges that I know of ???? So what is the sciene on making the color changing juice anyone ??? Why cant a hydro ph testing kit make it's ph's reading reading any kind of hydro can use ?

So my meter has been shipped back to Milwakee to be tested etc. They wont have it back until probably the end of the week. That keeps my balls in the vice for that period. The juice is really a waste of time unless Im just a dip shit ??? But either way I must endure this LEARNING experience and get some extra chep ebay pens lying around in case I deal with this shit ass fuck stick, sorry I have "full body turrets lately lol. Naw I do need some extra pens to avoid this in the future.

What I did is winged it from my pen and pad journal. I just topped and lightly PH downed attempting to possibly keep up on it. I did alright from what the juice told me but fuck a full point on the ph scale at root level is a lot more noticeable than what we register by looking a small numbers on a meter. Now I am doing 35 gal flushes for 2 days in hopes that My pen will be VERY close to being homeward bound when I finally get ballsy enoung to hope Im familiar enough to mix nutes blind. Its cool Im mid flower and PPM can go to 1550 and higher with this strain so half strength mix should be ok to fly blind into. Then I need to use the juice again to ph and hope its cool. Were cool Im confident Ill WATCH my ladies do this rehab all by there lone some. Heri is such a reiliant strain
Its IBL and it shows. Well hope I didnt blab to much hope you enjoy.

PICS 1-7
1. Top cola crazy branchy bonsai mum from 1000
2.Top of nute problem plant. Worst prob.
3.Nica lil side nuggy
4.Top of 1000 w
5.Top of 600 w
6. This is the best thing of herijuana the side nugs where seriously little light and really it is very very inadequate light down in the JUNGLE lol but Heri gives nice lower bunds dense decent size in never land grow land
I dig it. This pics cool to it reminds me of some spider web or trippy wierdness. LOL o Im done on that one.
7.Top Cola one of'em not completely sure.
8.Some 1000 w ladies mmmmmm vintage porn lol.
9.Bottom branch just like the angle
10.PH juice and my moto lol naw Im put'em in the ash tray



Well-Known Member
That Herijuanan is a hell of a strain man

Sorry to hear about the pH troubles, those dropper kits are annoying, hope you get the meter bac soon

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Dam looking good in there came along way since your last grow just checked out both threads really nice work man

Wanted to see if you could hook up a DIY thread on how you built your window AC. I reall like how you can put the hole unit in the room more stealth that way.


Well-Known Member
Well we are back on track. I got a brand new Milwakee sm802 today. After mine crashed and I sent it out to Milwakee to get tested etc. They had my new unit back to me in about a week and a half. I am soooo happy. Believe it or not I kept things pretty within the parameters of whats needed for hydro.

We move into week 6 of flower tomorrow :) I will be starting my flush very soon. I found out my lil scope from Radio Shack has a short so I took it in today and they are bringing another from out of town for me tomorrow. Ill get a feel of where were at after getting it back. I like couch lock, I have anxiety, and sleeping issues that a good strong Indica is a good tool to have around :0

So I had to cut the sick plant finally. Man this thing is like 3 weeks early and yes I had to dry and try:lol: Buuuuuuut guess what..... I got a quarter of REALLY REALLY stoney weed!!!!!!! Seriously like a half a bowl if that and Im fucked blazed ! I was gonna throw it out but my lil homie manned up for us and smoked a whole bong bowl to himself. He turned the bowl of blueberry I loaded down lol. The stuffs stoney but smells of popcorn when burned lol. Taste isn't bad. Its smoke.

Well Im outty for now its din time. Not much longer. Oh and Ill get some pics up ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Dam looking good in there came along way since your last grow just checked out both threads really nice work man

Wanted to see if you could hook up a DIY thread on how you built your window AC. I reall like how you can put the hole unit in the room more stealth that way.
You still with me bro ? Yea I got you on the DIY for the AC onto the LMNOP now Ill figure something out for the community on how I made my Window Mounted Air Conditioner Into A Self Contained Unit. Ill have to make a project of it so bare with me :)

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
You still with me bro ? Yea I got you on the DIY for the AC onto the LMNOP now Ill figure something out for the community on how I made my Window Mounted Air Conditioner Into A Self Contained Unit. Ill have to make a project of it so bare with me :)
Right on man sounds good looking forward to it when your done its a good idea and like 200 less then the portable ones.

School is the way to go man, keep in there the end results are going to be great!!

Great job on just saving the little one and ending up with the quater better then trashing it, no matter how bad it taste.


Well-Known Member
Waaaaaz up :) Well we are at the final few weeks of our journey together and with the move, stunted roots, and all my other bs I feel things have gone o.k. I do wish I could of kept the few plants that did pass, rest there souls :( I did get some personal nugs to get me by I guess. The glass half full right.

I added some photos of the roots from the last plant I had to cut down. The roots are fucked but do not smell of shit so there stunted not rotted. I didn't tend to them properly during my move and lifes drama period.

The others are just of the buds under the 1000 W. The 600 is about a week behind. I do feel I will pull much fatter buds from my 1000. Man Heri gets so full of bling. Its starts early on to. Repeatedly I must admit my love for this women. She is a amazing strain.

I do want to put some heavier yielding strains I think. I have my NYCD and some Perma Frost beans. I really want to get a Super Skunk from my local dispensary I just keep forgetting to go in. Also some more beans from Sannie and a good AK-47.

This next run I need to invest a lil into my veg operation. I would like to be able to grow all my clones under one area and my mothers in another. I think I need another T5 maybe 2 and another top feed system like my other. Then I can rig it with my tupperware buckets I invented. All in all probably another few hundred :( I also need more flowering buckets and lighting for the flower. I am able to grow for one more patient and am seeking 3 more, but I lack the lighting (2 or 3 1000w) and the buckets. And hope the government doesn't stomp my balls and put 10 grand out of use.:wall: There on it in Colorado. TOMORROW I believe there doing some scary voting. Like really scary.

Any who I'm outty. Thanks for stopping by.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Im sure everything will work out man, sorry to hear about all the complication's to get to this point, but things will only get better, keep the porn coming.

Those other strains sound good, best of luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
villianueva!!!!! That looks proper ....more patients...???? Im only able to grow 8 plants myself.... due to strict law... i only have a 400 so dont trip.....1000 is goood enuff ...............................A Yo!!!! whatsup with the Curling iron and blowdrier.. you some kind of beautician:olol.....:-P


Well-Known Member
Heeeey yoooouuu guuuuuyysss......

WTF is going down charlie brown ! Been a min since I pulled up to the key board and gave y'all a update I recon :)

Ok so we are going into week the start of week 9. I have been flushing for a little under 2 weeks now with ph'd water. They have really taken to being a deep purple and due to the flusg they are yellow as well. I think it looks pretty sick. They did not go this far into coloration last round. Could be temps or the flush not sure but I like it.

I guess that's pretty much it I kind of have to let the pics do there work :)

